The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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4 THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN 2 DEENDANT WINS WARE Greenfield IN $10000 SUIT RANKLIN COUNTY Amherst 'July 13 Dedication MILK PRODUCERS VOTE SATURDAY verdict for to Pass On lie down this humble SOUTH HADLEY ALLS Mr that JI rs AMHERST WARWICK ADVERTIsem*nT was Ugly Eczema non dis SCIENTIICALLY IMPROVED EX LAX TREMENDOUS HIT IN SPRINGIELD! granddaughter JONES LIBRARY NOTES AND Real tony folks have taken up A tW drinking Our Whiskey now! 4 Weights Its Our amily Whiskey Neighbor Wilken amily usticc John Schoonmaker sat done Stef the last time busses would line the fol on' West Dai In charge of Mrs Jones and Miss Corey1 sons rye Mr to that is in prob a rming piace at Routier offi daughter of Here 9s what 5500 Springfield families said July 13 Charged with baseball lottery rank of Schenectady of Mr and Dale snort go observed annheisuy The Redmond of South 'Deerfield You can't hardly set your foot in side a store but what you hear folks asking for Our Whiskey But a funny thing I never saw the real tony folks asking fdr it up until just lately Tom says they help but of heard how this is the personal recipe of our amily and how been a family of distillers since way back A New York state law Tequires that bread sold in the state' either be made in pound loaves or the weight indicated on the label the State college campus will be held Sunday afternoon beginning nt 3 The building will be known as ihe Bow ditch 4 lodge and is being named in honor of NathanielT Bowditch of ramingham vice chairman' of the board of trustees of the college and a member of the lion rd for 40 rears The program will begin with the playing of the chimes an address of welcome by Willard Munson di rector of the extension service at the State college an address by Allister McDougall director of the Middlesex extension service anil singin'g by the 4 1 1 club members This building is the second of the '4 club buildings on the campus the first being the arley 4 11 clubhouse named after Prof George arley who has been interested in 4 1 1 work for many years in the early days But Tom says maybe they had their mind set on paying a lot for their whiskey and Our Whiskey cost them enough Well anyways caught on now and I say the more the merrier! watch owned by AT rs ned head mens been succeed Miss Martin who has been branch librarian May 1932 Jii Smith will begnr her duties at the library on the 14th The Woman's Relief corps will have a picnic supper at Grand Army hall tomorrow night at 6 and a special meeting will follow at 730 A full attendance is desired for both the picnic and Bernard Satz of the Mansion house today bought' the property at 24 Clinton street owned by Mrs Helen Morse and occupied by her at pres ent The property includes an acre and a quarter of land dwelling and other buildings Mrs Morse will oc cupy the place for several weeks but Mr' Satz plans to start improvements immediately Sunder? Roman Town in officials have cs corner on the end of the line the busses will in Holyoke go to Race street I street then tc over the drunkenness and the influence of places and hours will be Shelburne alls town hall Northfield town hall and at the county in Greenfield 7 to 9 The Benevolent society of the South Congregational church will hold a sewing meeting Thursday aft Glick professor of the state college will iluring the afternoon ready has busses through the town 1o Amherst so that no new additional franchise will be necessary The busses will leave the City hall in Holyoke at 530 6 630 a then half hourly on the hour and half hour until 130 The last bus will died in: 1765 'and was laid in what is termed as a long grave and tnat her husband remarried and his 'grave is beside that of his second wife in a remote cemetery in Charlemont When the monument to Mrs Nichols was found by Air Hallahan it was flat on the ground A small broken slab evi dently a fpotstone lay nearby Both were erected to their present posi tions and the surroundings made at tractive and being clearly visible from the Mohawk trail is visited by scores of people daily The inscription on the monument is still clearly legi ble BUSSES WILL TAKE PLACE TROLLYS SELECTMEN GRANT STORAGE PERMIT a few Amheist July 13 The historical sketch of given by Rev Luther of the Second Congregational church at the first Sunday" afternoon and SiCvening outdoor service on Pel ham hill held on the 4th proved so popular that ho has been invited to review his previous talk and complete his unfinished story at the meeting to be held Sunday His talk will be given at 4 Pi of psychology at be the speaker exercises and will speak on "A new philosophy of life Rev Basil Hall of the lorence Consi eeit lonal church will be in charge of the vesper service at 530 and music will be by the junior vested choir of the ederated church ollowing the vesper service an oi gan recital will be given at 630 Eveiett Sittard ot Charles Gardner of Westfield high priest of Demeter of the national Grange will be the speaker during the evening program His subject will be meeting and its During the afternoon and evening program rederick Cooper of St Phillips Episcopal church in East hanipton will act as song leadei Copr 1937 The Wilken amily Inc Pa Executive offices: The Wilken amily Blended Whiskey 90 proof the straight whiskies in this product are 20 months or more old 25 straight whis kies 75 grain neutral spirits 20 straight whiskey 20 months old 5 straight whiskey 4 years old st A DEDICATION SERVICE PLANNED SUNDAY 4 Sanford of been at Ocean several days stay Eleanor librarian cone to for her summer vaca heart at rest beneath The story continues established which handlers required to pay producers Class 1 and Class 2 milk: ment would be made through a mar ket wide pool to assure producers in each shipping zone uniform returns for their milk "The base rating plan would be re placed by a blended price under which all producers would share in the market in accordance with their total deliveries during each delivery period" proposed order would merely establish rules under which all hand lers in the Boston market would be required to operate and would not affect the manner in which produc ers market their milk It also rec ognizes advantages of producers INVITED TO REVIEW HISTORICAL SKETCH 1 Ha United States department of agricul ture and Mr Putnam t1 Shelburne alls July The Revolutionary erected by William Hallahan on a knoll over looking the Indian Plaza on the Mo hawk trail is attracting much atten tion The shrine was erected over the monument which according to the story was in honor of the first white woman to die in the vicinity of the Mohawk trail and the story has never been contradicted and no marker has ever been discovered in this section which bears an earlier date than 1765 The inscription on the monument is as follows: memory of Mrs Eliza beth Nichols the wife of Capt Thomas Nichols who departed this life Jan 2nd 1765 in ye 27th year of her ace be that divine hand that gently laid an six a Bible in Miss Marion 'Graves Miss Helen junior a nd Victor Eddy singing and John Casey and Adjt Stephen Miles were elected delegates to the state Legion convention at New Bed ford next month at a meeting of the Earle lowe post last night Al ternates arc Comdr Albert Antaya Roberson of have returned home He was at Vienna past few months for LOTTERY CHARGE BRINGS $50 INE granting of such a license at a lie hearing two weeks ago and as the principal reason the fear it would mean a reduction of perty valuations In what has now been designated as a residential Pariscnu plans to erect a garage building and salesroom at a cost of about $20000 The four music organizations of town reported to the board they had de cided to hold municipal concerts at the Hotel Royal where special facil ities have been provided The first concert will be Tuesday night This plan was approved by the selectmen If weather conditions are unfavorable the concert will be hold the following Thursday nighl and it rainy the same night in the town hall The matter ot parking of busses at a central terminal was put over until next week North Brook field July Two cows in the herd of Dewis King have completer official records in the herd improvement division qualifying rhom for admission to the advance register ot the American Gnernsey Cattle club according to Karl Mus ser secretary of pPetersboro A two year cow in the King herd Elmstead Dolly Marie 412027 pro duced in 105 days 5335 pounds of milk and 3017 pounds of butter fat in class Another Guernsey four year old Elmstead Gray' Marie 36 1011 produced 'n 365 days 9870 pounds of milk and 4881 pounds of butter fat in class JI I ere or ition for to have caused to a tractor owned by Samuel Armour of that town Two of youths were placed on probation two years while the third was The Itching torment of eczemacis enough to make anyone wretched and anxious for relief If yotl suffer from eczema itchy angry red blotches or other blemishes due to ex ternal causes get Peterson's Ointment 35c all druggists It one application does not delight you money refunded Peterson's Ointment also wonderful tor itching ot feet cracks between of the A hold a prayer meeting Thursday evening Amherst July 13 During school vacation repairs arc being made in some of the school buildings At the high school new' light and globes are installed also the west basem*nt room has been divided into two class rooms both have been re painted and new lighting fixtures in stalled Amity street school where the first and second grades at the center are housed is having the roof repaired and the ceilings in the four rooms rekalsomined In the Kellogg avenue "West school the school committee is starting a program ot major repairs which will eventually modernize the school building making it sanitary and usable Plaster on the stair walls and lower hall corridors is being re newed with wire lath and is being repainted The windows in the Amity street building are being recaulked and new drinking fountains installed New drinking fountains and other fixtures are also being installed in the high school building The Cushman school building is being repainted on the 1 alwayi ervc The Wilken amily Whiikey Harry Wilken Here is what we asked the people of this city Will you try Ex Lax? Will you tell us what you think of it? Will you tell us frankly freely honestly? Thousands of local families replied with a flood of sincere appreciative enthusiastic letters! No greater mass ap proval no more glowing endorsem*nt has ever in our knowledge been given to any laxative! The reason will be easy to understand when you try the Scientifically Improved Ex Lax or Ex Lax today is better thanvet A more satisfactory and efficient i laxative in every way Ex Lax works by the Nudge' Mystem It simply gives your intestines a gentle nudge at the point where constipa Villiam Brown representative of the federal treasury department is here 4n clean up some minor de tails in connection with tlic Aoith street site which has been selected for the government building to be erected here for postoflicc purposes i YVelch Salnionsoii IVeddlng A welding of interest to Ware people took place Saturday at liitt ford Ct when Miss Jeanette IT Welch of that city became the bi ide ot Howard Salnionson of ton Ct The ceremony tool st niies church father ciating The 'bride is a Mrs Arthur Giard of I ana the Mrs rank IT Brunelle ho their 60th wedding anniversary The bride made her home in Ware until about 10 jcais ago when she vent to Hartford and has been with the Traveler's Insurance company since Mr Salmonson is in the statistics department of the ollow ing a trip to Maine beaches Mr and Mrs Salmonson will live at armington Plans are being completed for 1he annual observance of the Apparition of Our Eady of TaSaiette to be held here on' September! 0 at St church While the serv ices will be on the date named there will be a solemn novena in connection with The morning and evening devo tions at the church from the 11th to the 19 th Last Run to Mount Holyoke College Will Be Made On the 19 th South Hadley alls July 13 Presi dent Bonis Deilissier of the Hol yoke Street Rttihvay company made an announcement of great interest to South Hadley people today when he said that the trolly cars going to South Hadley Center nnd Mount Hol yoire college will rpn for on Monday ihe 19th and start to operate on the lowing The last car will leave the city hall in Holyoke on Munday night at and arrive at the Center shortly be fore 12 and then will make the return trip after midnight The final run on the lino will bring to a close a service that has been in existence for more than 40 years The street railway tablished 7 Pomeroy's Amherst road as the for the busses and leave the City hall down Dwight street over Race to Canal Bridge street in Holvoke County bridge through the center of the town up Bridge street to Eamb street along Eimb to Newton then straight up Newton to College to Woodbridge street and then to Pom eroy's corner street railway company ai a franchise to operate con cluded shortly after the noon recess only TO verdict included Colleran of South Deer testified concerning injuries after the John AVonikewicz Ware July 13 The selectmen de cided at their meeting tonight after two weeks' consideration to favor the petition of Walter Pariseau for a license to store gasoline at 51 West Main street a property recently In quired by him Residents ot the sec tion presented active opposition to the pub gave hat Warwick July 13 Rev Arthur on Weatherly will preach at the War wick Unitarian cliurch on Sunday Mr Weatherly is the minister of AU church in Jincoln Neb Beforn going to Lincoln Nebraska in 1929 he served Unitarian chinches in Wes terly Worcester' Dayton Jtoslindile and: Iowa City In Weatherly' has a summer hom*o Hillsboro II Rev Robert Jones ot Wollaston will preach Sunday the 25th men with rs The Oliver Davis rancis Welsh Townsend and Walter Nichols entered nolo pleas and were fined $5 each They also agreed to make restitution for damage apple trees on the property Keshlo of Springfield pleaded guilty to a charge of peddling vege tables without a license but was found 10 Sealer of sines Henry 1 Mrs George Gillette Bios Mrs George Gillette 71 of 154 Main died this afternoon at the I'Tanklin county hospital whor* she had been confined for the past three weeks She had lived in Greenfield for more' than 50 years and was known here She was a native of Gill the daughter of Phineas and Leon ora (Howard) Hosmer and came to Greenfield as a young woman She was a member of the Relief corps Sons of Union Veterans auxil iary and the Methodist Episcopal church Surviving are her husband George Gillette two daughters Mrs 'Marguerite Hebert and Airs Henry Keller both ot Greenfield a brother rank Hosmer of Greenfield and tive grandchildren The funeral will be held Thursday at 2 in at rlie Keller home t239 Conway with Rev Dr Herbert Randolph of the Methodist Episcopal church offi ciating IJurial will be in Green River cemetery 1 Recent accessions include American Book of by George Douglass a Letter Cjclopcdia of Business and Social by John Copdyke Cradle of by Robert Tristitm Coffin land book of irq by the Na tional ire Protect ion associationand Description of United States Postage issued by the post office department' from July 1 1817 to December 31 1936 701113 Untcrmeyer author of sev eral books ot poetry and editor ot jnany anthologies gives iost: a published by the Jones library last March four stais indicating "a distinguished andvaluable in his check list of new books in the American Mercury for July rank Houlihan Pleads Guilty in District Court Shelburne Man Gets Three Months Greenfield promoting a Houlihan pleaded guilty in district court this morning and was fined $50 by Judge Philip Ball According to Detective Sergeant James Burns ot the local police the defendant had a number of pool tickets in his possession when arrested A three months sentence' to the house ot correction was imposed upon Edward Chatfield of Shelburne and Canaan Ct after lie had been found guilty of larceny of a woman's watch He was arrested the 51 li by state police at Shelburne 'alls follow ing a complaint from' Police Chief Ed wa rd who charged that he had stolen gold Blnckmer of Deerfield The defendant represented by Atty Emil Slowinski insisted that lie had not intended to keep the 'watch but had taken it as a joke Charged with operating under liquor Ernest Canton of North ampton pleaded not guilty and the case was continuert until was 'arrested Monday in State Trooper Edward Safety Officer Albert Northampton barracks Affine of $25 was Imposed upon Arnold Lund of Gardner who pleaded nolo to speeding He was ar rested on the 5th in Deerfield by State Troopers Michael McCarthy ct LIU A 1 1 UUUi tcL U' A continuance to the 17th granted in the case ot David of Greenfield charged with support In juvenile court today' a 16 year old South Deerfield boy was com mitted to Shirley school after being convicted of the larceny of $20 from the Phillips store in South Deerfield The alleged break ac cording to Police Chief Edward Red mond took place on the 8th and the boy was arrested as he was about Ao board a train for Boston Conway juveniles dered to make $5'restit damages they are said ollowing a Dairymen Marketing in the Boston Area Acceptance of ederal Agreement Greenfield July meeting to be held at the county courthouse riday at 8 rank lin county milk producers marketing in the Boston area will vote Satur day on the question of acceptance ot the proposed federal milk market ing agreement it was announced to day by Joseph Putnam county extension agent Ballots used in the voting will be similar to those in political elections' and voting will be i secret though ail voters must reg ister Polling as follows: 8 to 11 a 1 to 4 courthouse Mr Putnam will have charge of the ballot boxes at each point Letters sent to county milk pro ducers today by Air Putnam ex plained that general the proposed amendments would provide for a pro gram under which: (1) Milk sold producers would be classified into two classes according to use by hand lers (2)z Minimum prices would be would be for both (3) Pay lea v'e 'at 1130 The Sunday schedule I calls for the first bus to leave at 7 and then the same as on week days The busses will leave Pomeroy's cor ner for the city at 535 55Q 620 650 and then halt homly nt 20 and Ml minutes past the hour until 1150 when tho last bus leaves Sundays the first bus leave nt 7 2 from Pom corner and' then the same as week days The school iirprd will make an in spection of nil the schools in" the town on Wednesday afternoon make a cheek ot the repairs have been nsk'od ork that need ot immediate attention will ably be started next week 40 Hours Devotion The 40 hours devotion will beopened riday morning at St Pat rick's church at 8 There will be a high mass followed by a procession and the blessed sacrament will bo ex posed throughout the day The devo tions will continue on Saturday with a high mass in the morning at 8 and the services will come to a close on Sunday 'morning with a high mass at 830 Uonl'essions will be heard on Thursday riday and Saturday nt 4 in the afternoon and 730 in the eve ning NORTH BROOKIELD 4 Alex Hrynshyn of land Had Sued Skibiski of That Tort Action Greenfield July 13 A the defendant was returned late this afternoon by a superior court jury in the $10000 tort action brought by Alex Hrynshyn of Snnderlt Roman Skibiski also of I The plaintiff sought tn alleged personal injuries said by his being run Sunderland gravel pit driven by the defendant iTesthnony in the case Stephen Milos grand correspond ent of the state 40 and 8 group has been appointed as chairman of the committee on credentials for the state convention at New Bedford next month" Ernest Deslauriers son of Mr and Mrs Wilfied Deslauriers of North street an operation at Mary sLane hospital todav for re moval of a growth on his back Dr Birnie of "Springfield operated assisted by Dr Leilair Intentions of marriage have been filed with Town Clerk' Walker by Miss A Campbell 'and Walter Weeks both of 51 Aspen sueei Dr and Mrs Church street from Europe Austria for Ihe the study of advanced surgery meth ods and Mis Roberson sailed in May Miss Zalia Martowski of the Mary Lane hospital staff has returned to herduties after 'a vacation at Chi cago and Mrs James Smith and daughter Patricia of Eddy street 'are at Hampton Beach for a eeK Airs Carl Williams and Carl Jr and Gilman are at ourg Ale for Mrs Robert Alain street ha Me fo friends ined or Trespnss our West Brookfield young were in court today charged trespassing on property of Helena Przedpelski of district 6 men Oliver Davis rancis and Amherst July 13 Alathesius secretary to the at the Jones librarv has btamtord Ct tion 1 he board of trustees of the Jones library recently appointed Al iss Lena I Aiartin tobe children's librarian succeeding AIiss Alary isher resigned a few' months ago to he mnr Afiss Edna Smith of Marble Radcliffe college '36 and Sim college library school '37 has appointed branch to and the jury deliberated minutes before returning Witnesses for the plaintifi Dr John field who cident and said he saw tlic truck run over the plaintiff's feet William Davenport appeared tfor Air Hryn shyn or the defense Edward A1 urphy of Conway superintendent of the WPA project on which both men were employed said the plaintiff had been questioned after the accident and had minimized the extent of his injuries John Bartos and Henry Graves ot Sunderland both declared that the truck had not run over Mr Hrynshyn but had squeezed him against tlie bank Atty Joseph Bartlett sented the defendant The jury returning the verdict in this ease included Andrew Shulda of Greenfield Ralph Ballou of Aion roe Orville Brown of Greenfield Tracy Burdick of Greenfield Carl Dige ot Ashfield Arthur AV air banks of Greenfield rank ish of Greenfield Stephen A Gray ot Greenfield Edward llaigis of Green field rank Johnson of Orange James Leonard of Alillers alls and Harold RMooney of Greenfield A settlement out of court was re ported earlier in the day hi the case brought by I eon Billings ot Alontague against the commonwealth of Massachusetts Air Billings sought to recover for land damages caused by liigh way construction and for damages to other property when the Saw mill river overflowed several acres of land near the new bridge recently built on Che Ahllers alls road SCHOOL BUILDINGS BEING RENOVATED Mohawk Trail Revolutionary Shrine9 Attracts Much Attention Mr that runs the big Turtle Creek mill shaking our hand a real fancy elub they got at Turtle Creek but the men belonging to it never mind our cutting acron on our way to the fishing hole riday He Whately by Sivik and Hayes of YOU'11 EEL BETTER ATER TAKING JT DUSTLAYER Columbia Calcium Chloride flakes Jay dust on roads drive ways parking' areas play grounds bridle paths tennis courts Odorless trackless in expensive See us Hampden Color Chemical Co Mnbllshed Since 1853 Springfield Mass A Tel tion exists Evacuation is easy comforta and thorough! If is troubling you in any you'll feel better after taking Ex Lax And be grateful for the absence of strain nausea and weakness that make the action of a harsh cathartic so unpleasant Every druggist in this city now has the Scientifically Improved Ex Lax in 10c and 25c sizes The box is the same as always but the contents are better than Get a box today HELP 15 MILES KIDNEY TUBES To lush out Acids and Other Poisonous Waste Doctors say your kidneys contain 15 Milae ot Snv tubes or niters which help to purify the blood and keep you healthy Most people peas about 3 pinta a day or about 3 pounds of wattle krequent or scanty passages with smarting and burning shows there may be something wrong wit your kidneys or bladder An excess of leids or poisons in your blood when due to functional kidney disorders may ba the beginning of nagging backache rheu matic pains lumbago leg pains loss of pep and energy getting up nights swelling puffinees under the eyes headaches and dissiness wait I Ask your druggist for Doan's Pills used successfully by millions for over 40 years They give happy relief and will help the 15 Miles oi kidney tubes flush out poisonous ernoon at 3 in the home of Airs Lyman Alembers needing transpor tation 'should notify Airs Henry Stoughton Camp eBth at Lake Wyola spon sored by the ederated church will open its season on the 19thwhen a group of boys from 10 to 13 years of age will register for one week The "older group of boys will attend camp from 1he 26th to Ihe 30th and the following week Au gust 2 the girls of the church will attend camp Information regarding the camp may be obtained from RevHarold White hr Aliss Grace Kim ball The Daily Vacation school spon sored by the Wesley Methodist church and the Second Congregational church opened yesterday' with enrolment of 43 children and teachers 'The program includes service of worship singing study recreation and classes Virginia Douglass and Miss Kcedy are in charge of the gloup Rev Arthur Hopkinson Jr charge of the intermediate boys Mrs Hopkinson and Airs in charge of classes in Alembers church will the church SPRINGIELD MASS: WEDNESDAY JULY 14 1937 located near the market and pro vides for location differentials" At riday's meeting which will be for the purpose of explaining the proposed amendments the speakers will include Ellsworth Bell ex tension marketing specialist of saehusetts State college: Jd sAl mon of the dairy section of Af Zion at at 8 SWIMMING MEETS BEING SCHEDULED Ayare July Several swimming meets are planned for the summer at the municipal swimming pool offWest Alain street as part of the WPA recreational program The first meet will be Sunday and entries are to be from Ware ami AVarrcn A second will be on August 1 with Ware and Northampton swimmers competing and there will be an elim ination meet for local swimmers take part in the second program at the pool here on the 25th Edward Smith supervisor of recieational activities here who handled last swimming" meets is in chaise of the programs for this season There will be swimming races for boys and girls of all age groups diving contests and some novelty swimming contests Plans are under way for an exhibition by some of the best swimmers and divers of this vicinity at the Ware Northampton meet No admission' will be liaised for any othe meets and the PA group is anticipating a large attendance particularly when Northampton comes here Any swimmer or diver in AVaie is eligible to enter the contests En tries for any of the events of' Sunday must be tiled vvith' the supervisor Air Smith not later than ildaj cfoC AAe tt PN wetiMy 8 "I If KHl fe tch 4 4 I i I 4 1 1 I a I 4 I I 1U I I Hr I xl 4 I fl :9 I ISK 1 7 I 2 A ti rw XV $4 AaBSCSflK JAM 374 evJtK 1 Bs flflM ggif a 1 A a RJi ever! i A imn lev LAX 1 nu 1 Ct '7 4.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.