Mornings With Maria Bartiromo : FBC : June 27, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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. maria: welcome back. good thursday morning. thanks of very much for joining us very maria bartiromo thursday, june 27 al km on the east coast time for hot topic of the hour cnn debate in atlanta bidenomics virus -- verses magonomics. >> under scoring the importance of the economy the trump campaign just released two new ads that will air in key battleground states during the cnn presidential debate

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tonight one of them focuses on the economy, posing the question better off now than you were when trump was president campaigns on the ground in atlanta ahead of arrivals meeting with small business owners, on both sides of the aisle yesterday congressman byron donalds, bernie carson joined a roundtable discussion with black business owners to the surprise of everyone in the room you see it there, the former president called byron donalds spoke about plans to cut taxes regulations predicted getting unfair treatment tonight. >> -- you are going to get a fair -- would it be to see, i think very good to see that, credibility interesting to see. >> we will also watch to see

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ho joins us trump because he has suggested in interviews vice presidential pick in the room taking questions from supporters on campaign trail and in interviews, biden has been at camp david preparing for almost a week, focusing on rules for tonight different from last time in 2020, most notably there is no o audience, and candidates mics cut when not speaking no notes a bolt a pen pad of paper new galleryup polling shows the candidates age and issues, are working to advantage of former president trump, ahead of tonight, sparks certainly going to fly undecideed voters tuning in in atlanta our bartiromo boulevard team hit streets of new york city

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asking what they think about tonight's positive cnn presidential debate. >> the upcoming debate between biden and trump my goodness a movie, like, just pure entertainment. >> so many things theme want to hear about not what those two want to talk about. um -- homelessness, economy,, i don't think either one of those issues really favor trump i think he will blow smoke i think biden has facts i think he will do well in either one of those. i think -- the debates largely a gong show unless well controlled. something new and exciting change the world change the kin of a immigration, the economy, interest rates, housing. >> gas prices, social security -- food stamps. >> i think we should focus less on negatives more on

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positives. >> i think should have an audience. >> able to focus what they need to say as opposed to having an audience that comments going back-and-forth, things like that. so i think pretty good i am a fan i think it matters i think both have pride i don't think either need to sit should stand though good exercise. maria: interesting how much economy was really the important issue there, throughout all those people your reaction. >> right absolutely maria, to respondents point possible in theatre and showmanship could be a mirror image of 2020, when trump you believe fumbled the debate all he has to do, in my opinion, portray normalness to win record, terms speak for to its a prosperous time. people have nostalgia for economic security, biden on the other hand has the answer to last four years ago of pres presiding as we are inflation

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in decades botched you afghanistan withdrawal left u.s. soldiers russia invading ukraine sure us putin wouldn't do the herculean cham trying not to seem will too old to govern a supermajority americans think he todd what do you think an op-ed in journal bill hagerty senator from tennessee, who said trump is now the normal candidate, i think that was a title. trump is normal is normal candidate. >> truth to that, because the left has totally gotten joe biden they own him now and we are all over the places about policy. but my advice to donald trump is this, you know i am a football fan even though i don't have a team to root for i work nor new york giants i look analogy donald trump is playing in a away game when you play on home turf you have

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to let them have all the emotion first 10 minutes get out of system you need to basically, being withstand that initial blow, then in this case joe biden is going to wear himself out. and that is when he is going to say dumb things stutter potentially do all things we've come to expect from joe biden over the last three and a half years, it is at that point you pounce, make sure you get your policy points in, let joe biden fail at the end if you do that a successful dab for trump. >> we are getting started this hour coming up house oversight committee chairman james comer here live with the latest report that trump's cia chief new about hunter biden in intelligence cover-up letter. >> you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. .

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maria: welcome back now three house committees released a joint report he reveals how cia contractors colluded with bid again to discredit hunter biden laptop story as russian disinformation before 2020 election report claims cia highest position including trump's cia director gina haskell made aware of the letter prior to publication the "new york post" editorial with this hunter biden laptop liar sold out country working for cia the biggest black eye in the history president biden able to use that as talking point during the lead-up to 2020 election in this debate, watch.

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>> 15 former national intelligence folks who shared that he is accusing me of is a russian plan they have said this has all the, former heads of the create both parties say what he is saying as i bunch of garbage. >> this is classic trump we have four days left all of a sudden a laptop -- overwhelming -- offed russians are gamed. >> last effort to discuss campaign smear me and family and vast majority have come out said there is no basis at all. maria: wow. we know otherwise, we now know that the president was fibbing in all those clips joining me james comer cia knew laptops was not hacked by russia joe biden knew laptop was real so did hunter biden, as this letter was being passed around, is that what is the main takeaway of this report?

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>> it is. i mean this is -- one of the biggest political scandals that i can remember, this is a perfect capital of the deep state including with allies in mainstream media to create a false narrative to attack a political opponent that opponent, of course, was donald trump. we know that fbi andy knew laptop was real not you russian disinformation what i had to deal with past year and a half investigating the biden family corruption is the fact that "deep state" comes in and they manufacture stories, mainstream media takes them hits copy and publishes them joe biden uses those talking points we have many questions about who is actually calling the shots in the biden administration, and more and more evidence coming forward that it is tdeep state

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bureaucrats a falls naifr to have political interference in our nation's highest there ex. >>o cinnamon a ron johnson tweeted helps kliene where gina haskell refused to provide information that senator grassley and i requested in guys of the russia collusion hoax she would not have been schedule a phone call instead allowed 51 corrupt officials to interfere in 2020 election, far greater extent than anything russia could have hoped ep for. that is from ron johnson. >> exactly propriety one hundred percent accuracy not just cia, it is fbi, they were involved as well tried to cover their traction, they hate donald trump don't the want anyone that is going in and drain the swamp disrupt the "deep state", they knew donald trump trying to do that new joe biden would go with their games. >> how do you as chairman of the oversight committee ensure this doesn't want in 2024 how

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do you as elected official ensure quote/unquote "deep state" cannot interfere anytime. >> any time new having evident they've been involved trying to interfere crying false narratives we go public about all we can do with democrat ♪ this "deep state" is dug in they are not going to provide any information, they are not going to be helpful, they are obstructing every investigation that we have, but they know we're watching them, we are trying to depublic i think giving the american people the truth. they did not have the truth in the last election they were told that laptop was russian disinformation a dirty trick by donald trump campaign to try to hurt joe biden, when in fact the entire deep phosphate bureaucracy knew it was real

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worked with corrupt mainstream media to lie to american people. >> the laptop is out there you gained a lot of information as part of your investigation, into president biden where does that investigation stand right now? >> well it stands you know we issued criminal referrals ironically the criminal the first batch of criminal he referrals pertained to lying in deposition by hunter biden in community by jim biden one thing lawyers kept saying in theing deposition interview just a few months ago was that the laptop wasn't real that they disputed anything in the laptop that it wants russian disinformation until department just used laptop in gun case they could still get away with it when we see on laptop emails text messages bank records, pictures, evidence that joe biden was central figure in family

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peddling schemes something every american is concerned about, they don't want the president of the united states to be for sale, to our adversaries aren't around the world. >> i understand that i am waiting for criminal referrals about in a you know you sent criminal referrals out over biden family lying to congress. hunter james lying to congress i didn't see criminal referrals for influence peddling. >> yeah. well, we are still working on that, as you know,, more evidence comes forward every day, we are trying to accomplish this report three committees working together you have ways and means working with whistleblowers a herculean task coming together i hope come next few weeks what we have seen this toning is not doing anything about it, it but statute of limitations is good for several years to where next president the next attorney

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general can actually hold people accountable we to me this administration is not going to maria. maria: look, house republicans led by florida moss luna working to get audiotape from biden's interview with robert hur cold merrick garland if he does not comply with subpoena republicans will vote to have house sergeant at harms in custody are you going to bring attorney general into custody. >> that is anna luna's idea i think we've got a good case in court the reason i think good standing the associated press cnn "washington post" other outlets also suing for release of the tapes we've got good standing in court i don't think this contempt thing is necessary i will vote for it i don't think necessary i don't think anyone understands how it is going to work, last time it was used members of congress rode he horses to this building we are no i i

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think we've got good standing in court held them in contempt, the right way hopefully, we will win in court because we have the mainstream media on our side for once. maria: wow. . i want to move to this because oversight kae demanding the group behind anti-israeli protests on college campuses reveal funding you'ring a american muslims from palestine to turn over information communication documents related to funding of pro-hamas prop disbandsa illegal many encampments at universities across the country how who do you think funding. >> we know this group behind many protesters trying to trace money we've taken every necessary to request as to where funds are coming from they have failed to cooperate with us the next step will be a subpoena. as you know if you issue a subpoena you have to demonstrated good-faith effort, several times, to get what you are subpoenaing we have done that, we are serious

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about this this is a priority this can't continue we've got too many jewish students around america that are intimidated to go to class that is unacceptable. >> the efforts to infiltrate key sectors in the united states consider what have you here and i just did a special on "fox nation", called underwriting the enemy they don't follow accounting rules every other country follows. why is that? are you looking at that? are you going to keep countries trading on exchanges enabling unwitting investors to fund expansion of number wone enemy. >> one of our biggest from financial perspective is the fact that this chinese bond

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market looks a lot like the 2008 u.s. bond market, it is -- the bonds are backed by questionable securities, we don't know anything as you say about the current state of the financial market of china. i was alleges under pressings china was awash in cash and then the financial shape but they spent a lot on infrastructure, belt initiative we fear there is a collapse in the bond market in china going to have a ripple effect all over united states, what investigations focus on the federal government in all different agencies they don't have any plan to combat the chinese you influencer don't know what to look for when china infiltrates tries to disrupt hurt america whether securities market agriculture or whatever.

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maria: i know this is something that all our viewers care about deeply we appreciate you focusing on it we will follow your work sir thanks so much. >> thank you. >> mr. chairman, james comer joining us in d.c. we'll be right back. . to me, harlem is home. but home is also your body. i asked myself, why doesn't pilates exist in harlem? so i started my own studio. getting a brick and mortar in new york is not easy. chase ink has supported us from studio one to studio three. when you start small, you need some big help. and chase ink was that for me. earn up to 5% cash back on business essentials with the chase ink business cash card from chase for business. make more of what's yours.

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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. maria: welcome back

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morning mover walgreens take a look another sell-off down almost 16% after are the pharmacy chain cut its profit forecast for 2024. it is also announcing store closures this morning walgreens missed the on third-quarter earnings expectations this morning citing worse than expected consumer environment quarterly sales up 2.6% year-over-year environment moving the stock 36 billion dollars there stock down 46%, in the last year, and this morning. looking at another haircut of some 15 1/2%, take a look at the crypto pricing has been recently, 61,311 others higher house passed a bill to regulate digit currencies a senate bill includes a secretaries with goal preventing use of crypto to support terrorism two pending

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cases before supreme court could change regulations by limiting administrative action by agencies including the sec joining me commodity futures commissioner to have you this morning thanks so much for being here. thank you for having me on the show tell us about regulation, of crypto, and how you are expecting the backdrop to change. >> so i think what we've been seeing here this is a great question this is what everybody has been asking about is there a u.s. used to be leading on providing regulatory clarity over crypto i started looking at crypto, bit butt in 2013, and i went to public sector to work on it, under this concurrent leadership over the past several years a vacuum we haven't been providing regulatory clarity rest of the world moving forward without us now i think seeing promising movements along providing regulatory authority but coming from other branches

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of government u.s. doing what it is supposed to do with separation of different branches of government congress stepping forward with a bill also, the courts having to come in, and propose clarity because we just aren't doing it at the agencies. >> there is a lot of questions around crypto, and one of them i asked a moment ago how do you ensure that crypto is regulated enough to ensure it's not being used by terrorists? and it is not sort of underground black market for terrorism how do you do that with regulations. >> that is first order of business, all of the regulars come together to make sure framework in place to ensure illicit finance not ongoing using crypto has been in place almost 10 years now, so not really a new question about how to prevent crypto being used for illicit financing we have to make sure strongu money laundering controls make

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sure visibility in that we are able to come up with with great tools to make sure they aren't do will illicit finance. >> the surveillance is something that a lot of people have a problem with, so, i understand, surveillance of terrorists but how do you ensure that surveillance is not on ordinary americans if you've got crypto, being used as a tool to ensure that, you know, where all the money is moving, how do you ensure that it is not spying on ordinary individuals? >> well that is exactly why a debate over using blockchain intelligent for digital money want to make sure american ideals privacy individualism liberties is prevented not others spying you on other governments have been pro, having a central bank digit currency in united states cautious and concerned about

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implications of that. >> tell us specifically what kind of new rules you want to see here. >> i have a plan, if jurisdiction over spots about what to do i've got a proton track record making sure leading through change that transforming putting in new framework, to make sure it makes sense when they first looked at some merging crypto trade like markets in emerging issue racists a trademark over retail to make sure protection, so first of all, we need to really -- between what is something like bitcoin, versus blockchain technology from paper to lofshg if dym what is the difference. >> great point great to have you walk us through all of

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this a lot of questions for investors, thank you, we've got breaking news on gdp let's get to lauren simonetti. lauren: 1.4% growth 1.4%, the final number for the first three months of this year bit better than -- estimate, but from fourth quarter down by 2 percentage points from 3.4% to 1.4%, the reason is an increase in consumer spending housing business investment, state and local governments partly upset by decrease in inventory, investments. the other report that we got today durable goods expected do drop in may, surprise increase .1% no. >> seeing much market on numbers 1.4%, is good but still lower than initial read right a month earlier 1.6%. lauren: yes, the first was

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1.6, revised to 1.3 now arrived up to 1.4 said much slower than fourth quarter i am concerned about data since march, april may june we see consumer confidence numbers builder confidence numbers retreating a concern in current quarter. >> lauren thank you dow industrials down 62 nasdaq down 25. and s&p lower by 4 joining me to weigh in the on all that a former world bank president perdue university distinguished fellow "the wall street journal" contributor david mall pass your reaction, at least it is growth. hi it is growth but not really enough to have help people get ahead, the change from last year, is just not -- not promising it is down from where we were 1.4% growth doesn't get ahead in this also doesn't mean enough production, in the economy, to

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really keep the energy sector going, we've got big problem of the electricity grid under a lot of pressure, and you are going to need a lot of gdp growth, in order to produce energy bring prices down get us over this inflation disaster is that we are in right now. >> a i think you make a good point in terms of the grid. we talk about data centers all day, right? and, very often, because of all of the strain on the grid. because of ai, electric vehicles we are going to need so much more capacity. do we have it? >> show a we don't. >> or breakouts in streets? >> you know, i am not an alarmist, i think markets will work and work to try to fix this problem. but the government is in the way puts on regulations of all things it is clear that we need more nuclear power, but they are just not doing what is needed to get the regulation in a way that you can actually build it, it

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takes a long time, to build new capacity. in the meantime, technology is changing things fast many ways for the better. but it takes electricity to do it. the biden administration is just antienergy in its stance that stops the investment that you need. markets are forward-looking so a think if president biden came out tomorrow said, that the united states has huge energy resources and we're going to make those work for the people. you would immediately see prices begin to come down, the inflation would be relieved all we do is blame fed wait hold breath for whatever their decision is going to be based on there a inflation. >> that does not you know mall into line with biden's green agenda and climate change agenda you know that, you know, i mean look -- and, by the way, going into this election there is a lot of expectation that janet yellen, and joe biden, are doing

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everything they can, to keep oil prices low, gasoline prices low and interest rates low, that is why she is setting up treasury auctions 2 way setting them up, what is your take on that, in terms of where we are with this strategic petroleum down dangerously low levels fed favorite inflation measure out tomorrow may pce n nn nenext i economists think up. >> there will be effort to paper over the problems hold thing together, through november. so there is -- on one hand excuses, ppi good indicator 37 improvements last three or four years maintenance more up to indict showing 3.3% year-over-year inflation. that is just too much for

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affordability it is killing people, in the lower incomes look at walgreen numbers stores can't keep up with the base buyers going on that is a big problem, we're so we're heading into this perfect storm on fiscal front the plan of the government not do anything about the problems just hold it together, through november. >> right, exactly. and we will see if comes out tonight during the debate, i know you've got a "the wall street journal" op-ed, you quote biden's he coastal rules and spending made inflation worse. the challenger could -- would forfeiture growth tonight that long weighted showdown between former president trump and biden is on debate in atlanta bidenomics versus magnomics center stage two presidents with records biden overall

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inflation up 20% since he walking into oval office home prices up 35%, mortgage rates up 148% gasoline prices up 46%, food prices up 21% i never see cnn reporting on this i don't know if this is coming up tonight what do you think? >> it is hard for biden to run on change, so he will have to defend his record the record is not very good. so the key issue for candidates, is to run on what you are going to do. and trump's been clear that he would have more energy production more production in general for the economy, i think that is a good plan for how to bring inflation down, if you can do that, if you say that and then actually are able to begin implementing markets will help you, and the interest rates would come down a virtuous circling out of right now setting up to be what i said perfect storm biden o has come out with

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gigantic spending budget in march, cbo scores it they are looking at 85 trillion dollars of spending over the next 10 years, so this is that is what markets are kind of starring at saying i can't invest into this environment. i saw the durable goods orders this morning, they were better than quote expectations, but still weak, so businesses aren't investing into this environment because they are looking at this giant tax increase, under biden, and also, it is basically an antibusiness environment that they are putting in. >> -- talking about that going to try the trigger trump we are told that he is going to come up with lines to trigger donald trump to get him you know unhinged some way, instead of talking about what you are talking about the policies that matter to american citizens. that being inflation. what is the most important tactic or rule, legislation

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that you think could unlock growth for the u.s. economy is it cutting regulations? donald trump said cutting regulations a beautiful thing is that what you think? >> yes. and if he can be specific, that will help a lot, for example, biden did this prohibition on lng like confided natural gas exports a major mistake, and problem for the world you know europe had to go back to russia and say we will take your gas, because u.s. has stopped increasing its supply into market, that is something that -- president trump former president trump can comment on in specific, i think that is true of the lines as well, simple the concept that your supportive of business and business is part of the answer, biden is saying they are part of the problem. he says that it is their greed driving up inflation rate. that doesn't.

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a out with data. i think former president trump all he needs to do is, stick with the idea that we are going we are a great country, we are going to o produce more and more that brings inflation down interest rates come down, young people can start buying homes again, that is the starting point for this. maria: right weapon has been big impediment is its cost or interest rates up 140%. >> twofold interest rates way up so you know, the starter, the starter mortgage simply isn't available, the producers of homes new home building, hasn't picked up because i think of all the regulations for material that goes into the housing, a lot more houses. >> a lot of supply issue has been the issue david great to talk with you thank you, sir. . >> thanks, maria so a dave

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malpass. >> even gershkovich facing espionage trial in russia i will speak with evan's best friend on efforts to bring evan home that is next you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. .

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harlem has everything. but i couldn't find pilates anywhere. so i started my own studio. and with the right help, i can make this place i love even better. earn up to 5% cash back on business essentials with the chase ink business cash card from chase for business. her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under

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a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. maria: welcome back.

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the secret trial of "the wall street journal" reporter offan gershkovich in russia sat behind grass yesterday 2 1/2 hour hearing no journalists or u.s. personnel allowed in the courtroom his next hearing for august 13, if convicted faces up to 20 years in prison, today marks the 457th day of gershkovich's imprisonment detained on espionage charges by kremlin u.s. and "the wall street journal" say he is innocent, of course, sham charges out of russia, join me now evan's best friend sam silverman, sam thanks very much for being here we are all just our hearts are really in pain over evan's imprisonment how is he holding up when was last contact with him. i think he for having me, evan doing as well as you saw him in congressman yesterday smiling despite them shaving

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his head keeping him in glass cage i heard from him through a alert few months ago still has sense of humor strong, still evan tell us about evan path to journalismism why so important for everybody to understand. >> yeah. i -- i mean to meev ap embodiment of the american dream son of immigrants grew up in working class family led high school soccer team to state championship a successful journalism clear to do more work to what is happening in russia his arrest is not just attack on evan out attack on free press everything we stand for as free sun he needs to be freed medal. >> you are absolutely right the editor no chief of the "the wall street journal" penned open letter writing

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this bogus accusation of espionage will inevitably lead to bogus conviction for innocent man would face up to 20 years in prison for doing his job as excellent job doing at that. former president trump promising on truth social, the young "the wall street journal" reporter being headquartersly detained in russia will be released prior to my taking ofgso office if i win election. fare not, evan, i will get you he home soon. >> you are leading this charge to get evan home we have photos of two of you together, what is your take on what president trump said? has there been real effort out of this administration to get evan home? who is doing something about this? >> yeah. i -- i mean i think the great thing is this has full bipartisan support everybody can agree what happened to haven is wrong he should be returned home, across the the biden administration cross of

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trump everybody has fought to get evan home i think biden administration doing as much as they can trump is able to do a lot as well we just want him home. how are you other loved ones coping with this. >> able to write letters to him free gershkovich dom everybody with an write we are praying for him every day hoping for quick s expedient reefs. >> obviously reading letters probably censoring what he says to you do you think giving true account how he has been treated. >> he is intelligent guy i think knows the situation in able to communicate white realm maybe not explicitly stating state is in but we can read between lines. >> what things are they doing to him i remember a different case could leave lights open

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all day long you never knew when night or day are there things you can share with us that they've done to him that you know of. >> i know that he has been in isolation for 23 hours a day, in prison taking a hollow on any person he was moved to new detention facility in, not sure conditions there i can sure you not great. >> has he discussed anyone else met in prison. no, he has not shared anything. >> sam so hard for regular people to understand the tactics of the russian government and vladimir putin do you want to share what you think going on. >> yeah i mean i think at the end of the day, putin's government has identified evan as valuable trade shift for hostage negotiation they want to use him in a prisoner swap to free very dangerous russian criminals, and so, you know they not only detained evan

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out berearns being held in russia wrongfully detained including paul whelan several journalists very common attack used by putin's regime completely unjust, unfair. >> how long was he in russia before detained how long has he been reporting on russia? he had been there six years. >> so for six years reporting fine no problem, do you have any idea what the trigger was six years in to actually detain him? >> a i mean hard to say, the fact that he was doing really good work reporting on the ground, about what was happening in the war between russia an ukraine could certainly have been a factor, but hard to say exactly what moti motivatedrun government he is first american that has been american journalist detained by russian government since the cold war, so he was incredible journalist doing his job journalism is not a

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crime the fact arrested him for simply reporting fact as they are on the ground, it is wrong. maria: but people need to understand, it is wrong but this is the mo of dictatorships vladimir putin and xi jinping in china as well. >> we need to fight back against. >> it we are all praying for evan's safety sam i so appreciate you talking with us this morning. thank you, sir. >> thank you so much for having me. >> all right. god help evan gershkovich, thank you stay with us. we'll be right back. . tomorrow,ing on "mornings with maria" we have cnn presidential debate covered president biden president biden long-awaited face off, political minds in the business. all right here on "mornings with maria." ♪ .

8:53 am

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♪ maria: welcome back. it is time for the big buzz of the morning. tonight, the long-awaited showdown before former president trump and president biden will occur, the cnn presidential debate kicking off in atlanta. 37 years since president biden participated in his first primary presidential debate back when a gallon of gas was 90 cents. today it's $3.50, and, of course, viewers are going to be comparing what gas looked like under president biden and president trump. overall a, when you look at

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inflation, the numbers are not good for president biden. inflation is up about 20 percent on joe biden's watch, mortgage rates up 148%. gasoline is up 46 percent. food prices are up 21 percent. todd, these are certainly the issues that the trump campaign will be talking about tonight, if he gets a chance. >> if he gets the chance. [laughter] you mentioned the keyword, issues. it's on donald trump tonight to stick to issues. the key point that i've been trying to drive home since we heard about these debates is this: donald trump does not need to win over the voter that a wants to see donald trump be donald trump. you hear what i'm saying there? donald trump needs to win over the voter who looks at him as somebody who can change the course of the way this country is going for them economically, safety wise and border wise. if he can do that and let joe biden flail around with with his inability to make sense for 90 minutes, then he will win this debate. if he takes the bait, donald trump, that is, and and loses

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his temper, goes off, he's going to give the left exactly what they want, making this point, hey, look, donald trump's unhinged. if he can stay hinged for 900 minutes, he wins hands down -- 90 minutes. maria: caroline, this has been the focus of the biden prep for the last week, looking for ways to prig trigger trump. >> right. and to todd's point, the biden team, i think, is expecting trump to be more disfriend, and that very well may be true for the first 20 minutes. inevitably, if biden succeeds in provoking trump, i think the gloves come off. these mic rules could help contain some of trump's more ill-advised outbursts, but they could actually neuter trump's extemporaneous trips and reports which he's so well known for and tend to create a lot of viral moments. remember the you would be in jail, hillary? i don't think that a sort of moment is possible with these constraints that trump has agreed to with cnn.

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maria: you're right. i just was looking at that the other day when he said you would be in jail. they're going to cut off his mic. he's not going to be able to do that at all. todd, i saw something earlier when you were on "fox & friends" first this morning where you did a clip of trump's body language, right? if. [laughter] he was making faces when, you know, biden was saying i had the greatest economy, i did this, i did that, you know? [laughter] trump on the sidelines making faces about it. he'll probably do that, he can do that. >> yeah. but will that be captured by by the cameras? maria: no, you're probably right. >> maybe i'm naive here, do you think there's a chance cnn realizes, hey, we need to improve ratings, with need to try to get some viewership from elsewhere in our country, not the four people who watch us every day? [laughter] do you think maybe they take the a path of, hey, we're actually going to be fair and balanced, to use another catch line? maria: that's why i keep mentioning the border, mark, because i never see cnn cover

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the border. are they going to bring up the wide open border and the murders at the hands of migrants. >> probably not. and to todd's earlier point, if trump sticks to the facts and the issue, i don't see any way he can lose. however, if he results to throwing haymakers, all bets are off because all the facts point towards everything whether it's the economy or the border being so much better under trump's leadership than it is today under biden. maria: well, biden's going to say the economy's great, you know that. >> they don't even own [laughter] this administration if has screwed up everything they've ever put their hands on. maria: all right. well, look, we're 30 minutes away from the opening bell for a thursday. markets are lower across the board. i want to thank mark tepper, todd piro, caroline downey. great show. great to be with you all. we'll see you tomorrow with reaction to the big showdown. "varney & company" is up next. stu, take it away. stuart: good morning, everyone. i'm sure everybody

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