125+ Hilarious Jokes for Kids - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls (2024)

Looking for funny jokes for kids? Here are 125 hilarious jokes that are clean and family friendly! Whether you’re looking for material for a joke of the day, entertainment for a road trip, or just wanting to make kids laugh, these jokes are the best!

Telling silly jokes is such a childhood rite of passage. My kids love jokes!

After this, you’ll want to head over to our collection of Knock, Knock Jokes for Kids. I specifically picked out jokes that parents can actually appreciate. These jokes won’t drive you crazy… unless, of course, your kids are telling them for the 400th time. Then there’s not much I can do about that!

UPDATE: Printable version! There’s now a printable list of jokes to print! Read the jokes in this post, or scroll down to the bottom of the page to print them.

This post was last updated in April 2023.

125+ Hilarious Jokes for Kids - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls (1)
  1. Q: How do all the oceans say hello to each other?They wave!

2. Q: How do you talk to a giant? Use big words!

3. Q: Why are balloons so expensive? Inflation!

4. Q: What did one wall say to the other wall?I’ll meet you at the corner!

5. What do you call a bear with no teeth?A gummy bear!

6. Q: What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?Nacho cheese!

7. Q: Where do cows go for entertainment?To the moo-vies!

8. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Cows go.Cows go who?No, cows go MOO!

9. Q: What do you call a cow with no legs?Ground beef!

10. Q: What do you call a cow with two legs?Lean meat!

11. Q: What do you call a pig that knows karate?A pork chop!

12. Q: Why are ghosts bad liars?Because you can see right through them!

13. Q: What animal needs to wear a wig?A bald eagle!

14. Q: What do you call a fly without wings?A walk!

15. Knock knock.Who’s there?A little old lady?A little old lady who?I didn’t know you could yodel!

16. Q: Why do bees have sticky hair?Because they use honey combs!

17. Q: What do you call an alligator in a vest?An investigator!

18. Q: Why can’t you give Elsa a balloon?Because she will let it go!

19. Q: What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampireFrostbite!

20. Q: What has four wheels and flies?A garbage truck!

21. Q: Why did the man run around his bed?Because he was trying to catch up on his sleep!

22. Q: Why did the math book look so sad?Because it had so many problems!

23. Q: What do librarians take when they go fishing? Book worms!

24. Q: Can a kangaroo jump higher than the Empire State Building?Of course! The Empire State Building can’t jump!

25. Q: If April showers bring Mayflowers, what do Mayflowers bring?Pilgrims!

26. Q: What do you call a sleeping bull?A bulldozer!

27. Q: What did the zero say to the eight?Nice belt!

125+ Hilarious Jokes for Kids - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls (2)

28. Q: Why do sharks swim in saltwater? Because pepper water makes them sneeze!

29. Q: Where do you find a dog with no legs?Right where you left him!

30. Q: Where do fish keep their money?In the river bank!

31. Q: Why did the gum cross the road?It was stuck to the chicken’s foot!

32. Q: What is brown and sticky?A stick!

33. Q: Why did the picture go to jail?It was framed!

34. Q: How do you know if there’s an elephant under your bed?Your head hits the ceiling!

35. Q: Why are elephants so wrinkled?Because they take too long to iron!

36. Q: How do you keep an elephant from charging?Take away her credit card!

37. Q: Why did the elephant paint himself different colors?So he could hide in the crayon box!

38. Q: How can you tell if an elephant has been in your refrigerator?By the footprints in the butter!

39. Q: What is the difference between elephants and grapes?Grapes are purple.

40. Q: What did Tarzan say when he saw the elephants coming?“Here come the elephants!”

41. Q: What did Jane say when she saw the elephants coming?“Here come the grapes!” (She was colorblind.)

42. Q: Why did the chicken cross the playground?To get to the other slide!

43. Q: What can you catch but not throw?A cold!

44. Q: What has hands but can’t clap?A clock!

45. Q: What do you call a dog that can tell time?A watch dog!

46. Q: What did one hat say to the other?Stay here, I’m going on ahead. (going on a head)

47. Q: What side of a turkey has the most feathers?The outside!

48. Q: What falls in winter but never gets hurt?The snow!

49. Q: Why did the teacher put on sunglasses?Because her students were so bright!

50. Q: How did Benjamin Franklin feel when he discovered electricity?Shocked!

51. Q: Why do strings never win a race? Because they always tie!

52. Q: What kind of shoes do ninjas wear?Sneakers!

53. Q: What do you call a flower that runs on electricity?A power plant!

54. Q: Why couldn’t the pony sing in the choir?Because she was a little horse!

55. Q: Why did the cookie go to the nurse?Because he felt crummy!

56. Q: What kind of room doesn’t have doors?A mushroom!

57. Q: What has four wheels and flies?A garbage truck!

58. Q: How do you keep a bull from charging?Take away its credit card!

59. Q: What did one plate say to the other?Dinner is on me!

125+ Hilarious Jokes for Kids - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls (3)

60. Q: How do you make a lemon drop?Just let go of it!

61. Q: Why did the boy throw his clock out the window?Because he wanted to see time fly!

62. Q: What does an evil hen lay?Deviled eggs!

63. Q: Which hand is better to write with?Neither. It’s better to write with a pencil!

64. Q: What did the traffic light say to the truck?Don’t look! I’m changing!

65. Q: What is the witch’s favorite school subject?Spelling!

66. Q: What did the frog order for lunch?A burger and a diet croak!

67. Q: Why did the teddy bear not want any dessert?Because she was stuffed!

68. Q: What do you call a fly without wings?A walk.

69. Q: Why should you never trust a pig with a secret?Because it’s bound to squeal.

70. Q: What do cows order from?Cattle-logs!

71. Q: What’s the difference between broccoli and boogers?Kids don’t eat broccoli!

72. Q: What kind of haircuts do bees get?Buzzzzcuts!

73. Q: How can you tell if someone is a good farmer?He is outstanding in his field!

74. Q: What do you call a man with a shovel?Doug.

75. Q: How do mountains stay warm in winter?Snowcaps

76. Q: Why can’t a person’s nose be 12 inches long?Because then it would be a foot!

77. Q: What has a ton of ears but can’t hear a thing?A corn field.

78. Q: What do you call the horse that lives next door?Your neighbor!

79. Q: What kind of shoes do spies wear? Sneakers!

80. Q: Why did the man put sugar on his pillow? He wanted to have sweet dreams!

81. Q: Why did the computer sneeze? Because it had a virus!

82. Q: What do you call two banana peels? A pair of slippers!

83. Q: What do you call a cow who gets her way all the time? Spoiled milk!

84. Q: How does a scientist freshen her breath? With experiments! (experi-mints!)

85. Q: What is a computer programmer’s favorite snack? Computer chips!

86. Q: Why do hummingbirds hum? Because they don’t know the words!

125+ Hilarious Jokes for Kids - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls (4)

87. Q: What do you call a mad elephant? An earthquake!

88. Q: Why do birds fly south in the winter? Because it’s too far to walk!

89. Q: What do you get on every birthday? A year older!

90. Q: Why should you not talk to circles? Because there is no point!

91. Q: Why is it dangerous to play cards in the jungle? Because there are so many CHEETAHS! (cheaters)

92. Q: How do you fix a cracked pumpkin? With a pumpkin patch!

93. Q: Why do seagulls fly over the sea? Because if they flew over the bay, they would be bagels.

94. Q: How many apples grow on a tree? All of them!

95. Q: What’s gray and goes round and round? An elephant in a washing machine!

96. Q: Why can’t an egg tell a joke? It will crack up!

97. Q: Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants? In case he got a hole in one!

98. Q: What do fish play on the piano? Scales!

99. Q: Where do hamburgers go dancing? A meat ball!

100. Q: How do billboards talk? Sign language!

101. Q: What do snakes like to study in school? Hissss-tory!

102. Q: What kind of music do balloons hate? Pop music.

103. Q: What do you call a sad strawberry? A blueberry!

104. Q: What do you call a cow that can’t moo? A milk dud.

105. Q: What did the pig say on a hot day? I’m bacon!

106. Q: What did the cowboy say when his dog ran away? Doggone it!

125+ Hilarious Jokes for Kids - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls (5)

107. Q: What do cowboys put on their salads? Ranch dressing!

108. Q: What do you call a dinosaur in a cowboy hat? Tyrannosaurus Tex!

109. Q: What do you call a happy cowboy? A jolly rancher!

110. Q: What time is it when a lion walks into a room? Time to leave!

111. Q: What’s green and not heavy? Light green!

112. Q: What do you give a hurt lemon? Lemon aid!

113. Q: What is the most valuable type of fish? A gold fish!

114. Q: What did the pirate say on his 80th birthday? Aye matey.

115. Q: What kind of music do whales like? They listen to the orca-stra!

116. Q: Why did the baker put the cake in the freezer? She wanted to ice it!

117. Q: What’s red and bad for your teeth? A brick!

118. Q: What a king’s favorite kind of weather? Rain! (reign)

119. Q: Why can’t the music teacher start his car? He left his keys on his piano!

120. Q: What do Alexander the Great and Winnie the Pooh have in common? Their middle name!

121. Q: What is brown, hairy, and wears sunglasses? A cool coconut!

122. Q: What do you call a retired vegetable? A has-bean!

123. Q: What’s blue and smells like red paint? Blue paint!

124. Q: What do you call a hen who counts her eggs? A mathema-chicken!

125. Q: What kind of lion doesn’t roar? A dandelion!

Ready to print this collection of jokes? Click the link below. The filewill open, and you can print from there.

CLICK HERE: 125 Hilarious Jokes for Kids Printable

Read more kids jokes! We’ve got jokes about animals, holidays, and more.

Head over to read 50 Hilarious Knock, Knock Jokes for Kids.

125+ Hilarious Jokes for Kids - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls (6)

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Have a joke to add? Leave a comment with your kids’ favorite joke!


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  1. Rachel May 2, 2015

    What did the hairdresser say to the bee?

    Would you like a buzzcut?

    (My 9 year old son thought this up!)

    1. Grace Sep 23, 2016

      Knock knock who's there toilet toilet who? (Flush the toilet ) haha

      1. BRODIE Feb 26, 2019

        HA HA!

      2. Anna Aug 24, 2021


    2. Jessica Mar 15, 2017

      What did one ocean say to the other ocean?
      Nothing, they just waved!

      By the way I am not a parent I am a child just so you know

      1. Julia May 19, 2021

        What’s a pirates favorite letter?
        You think is arr r but it’s sea c. Haha

        I’m a kid

    3. Danielle Apr 22, 2017

      (My 8 year old wanted me to post this joke after she enjoyed reading yours!)

      - What's the tornado's favourite game?

      - Twister!

      1. sam jackson Nov 13, 2018

        Ha ha ha that's funny #lol :)

      2. Lakesha Lachanda Ivey Dec 22, 2018

        funny people these days

    4. Lana Dec 15, 2018

      Omg that is so cute!

      1. GIRLBOSS TURDINA Jun 14, 2023

        knock knock!.......Who's there?........Broken pencil!.........Broken pencil who?.................Never mind it's pointless!!!!

    5. madison sherray ann smith Apr 29, 2020

      what do you call a spider who is on his phone?
      a spider who is surfing the web

      1. Callie May 6, 2021

        Why did the prune take the plum to the dance?
        Because she didn't have a date!

    6. Charlotte Burton May 18, 2021

      Knock Knock
      Who is there?
      Cow whoooo? Cow says moooo! lol

    7. sophie Dec 10, 2021

      Why didnt the bear have desert? Because he was stuffed

  2. Laura May 6, 2015

    Q What do you call a dinosaur that can't see?
    A a do-you-think-he-saw-us

    stolen from Jurassic Park!

    Q Why did the jellybean go to school?
    A Because he wanted to be a smartie!

    1. Megan Murphy Apr 14, 2017

      Q what's the difference between a piano and a fish?
      A you can tune a piano but you can't tunafish.

    2. Linae Nov 13, 2018

      What did Justine bieber say to the bever?
      If I were your boyfriend I'd never let you go!
      get it

      1. yael kilbride Oct 9, 2020

        why 6 afraid of 7?

        because 7 8 9

    3. Alex Feb 6, 2019

      tee hee! love these jokes!

      1. Katie Feb 13, 2021

        Q what do you do with an angry Alien
        A just give him some space

        1. abigail Jun 6, 2021

          Why did the cookie go to the nurse? because he was feeling crummy.

  3. Megan May 6, 2015

    My son's favorite joke:
    Knock, knock?
    Who's there?
    Interrupting cow.
    Interrupting co--

  4. Mandy May 6, 2015

    My son and daughter love Thomas The Tank Engine so I thought of this one night...
    Where do the engines go to sleep?
    Knapford Station!

    1. Jazmine May 6, 2015

      That's good. I'll have to try that on my son. He loves Thomas too

  5. Danielle Powell May 6, 2015

    Knock, knock.
    Who's there?
    Leaf who?
    Leaf me alone.

  6. Jan Stone May 6, 2015

    My daughter's favourite ...

    Where do wasps go when they're not feeling well?

    The waspital!

    1. Lila Oct 27, 2020

      Lol I laughed and so did my son!!

  7. David May 6, 2015

    Why do vampires brush their teeth?

    They don't want bat breath!

    1. Nuriya Apr 2, 2019

      Me to that was my favorite joke

  8. Paula May 6, 2015

    Where do kings keep their armies?

    In their sleevies!!!

  9. Stacy May 6, 2015

    My eight year old made up a great one while we were working on his dinosaur project.
    Why can't you hear a pterodactyl use the bathroom?
    Because the P is silent!

    1. happy Oct 3, 2018

      lies happ

  10. Tammy May 7, 2015

    What was the last thing to go through the bug's mind when it hit the windshield?

    His butt.

    1. Anita Scott Dec 19, 2019

      What did the daddy tamoto say to the baby tamoto? ... Hurry up and catchup??

  11. Robbie Lowry May 7, 2015

    What do cats eat for breakfast?

    Mice Krispies

  12. Jill May 7, 2015

    Why couldn't the toilet paper cross the road? It got stuck in a crack
    Why couldn't the toilet paper cross the road? It got wiped out
    Sorry, my crazy kids...

    1. Sonya McElwrath May 16, 2018

      That's funny and I'm a 58 yr old grandma!!!!

  13. megan May 7, 2015

    My 7 year old thought this one up when she was in Kindergarten:
    Where do baby cows eat? In the calf-ateria.

  14. Anthony Leonard May 8, 2015

    Why did the pig go into the kitchen?

    He felt like bakin!

  15. Kelly May 8, 2015

    My kids' favorite:
    Why do sharks swim in salt water?

    Because pepper water makes them sneeze!

    1. Gina Sawires Apr 29, 2019

      What do you call something full with enless letters
      A mailbox
      By my friend

  16. Maureen May 9, 2015

    Two originals from our house:

    What kind of boat goes around a castle?

    A Moat-or boat!

    Which part of the car has the most fun?

    The WHEEEEEls!

  17. Lori May 10, 2015

    First place winner in the Iowa State Fair kids joke contest a few years back.

    Knock knock.

    Who's there?

    Impatient chicken.



  18. Annalee Zeidner May 13, 2015

    Knock knock.

    Who's there?


    Radio who?

    Radio not, here I come!

    1. Haelyanah Mar 11, 2021

      this is a good joke

  19. Nisha Khanna May 13, 2015

    What do you call a monkey when you take it's banannas? Furious George.

  20. Noa Jun 3, 2015

    What does a Mermaid wear to maths class?
    An algebra!!!!

    1. Micahel Apr 16, 2021

      how do waves say hi?

      They wave

  21. Declan Jun 3, 2015

    Knock knock
    Who's there?
    Banana who?
    Knock knock
    Who's there?
    Banana who?
    Knock knock
    Who's there?
    Orange who?
    Orange you glad I didn't say banana again?
    my five-year-old's favorite joke :)

  22. Jean Jul 13, 2015

    Knock Knock
    Who's there?
    Duane who?
    Duane the tub, I''m Drowning!

  23. Chrissy Sep 10, 2015

    why did the banana go to the doctors???

    Because he wasn't peeling well

    1. Elizabeth Arias Apr 8, 2019

      I like banana ?jokes they are funny!!?

  24. Robert McElroy Dec 27, 2015

    Q: what side of a turkey has the money at feathers?
    A: the outside of course.

    Q: why do pilgrims pants always fall down?
    A: because their belt buckle is on their hat.

    Q: how do you keep a turkey in suspense?
    A: I'll let you know next week... Lol?

  25. Anne S. Feb 14, 2016

    Knock knock
    Who's there?
    I'm outstanding.
    I'm outstanding who?
    I'm outstanding in the rain! Plz let me in!

  26. Sara G Feb 17, 2016

    What are pirates favourite socks?

  27. Ine Feb 19, 2016

    What is pink and runs through the dessert?

    A herd of strawberry yoghurt...

    1. OG Jun 22, 2019

      What did one plate say to the other?

      Lunch is on me

  28. Megan Pedro Mar 6, 2016

    My son is into Knock knock jokes right now. His favorite made up is;
    Knock knock,
    Who's their?
    Banana Who?
    Banana I love you.

    I would like to feature you on my new fb group, Homeschool Warriors Village.

  29. Heather Killeen Apr 11, 2016

    Did u hear about the guy who fell into an upholstery machine?

    He's fully recovered!
    Yuk yuk... (Jodi Picoult, author extraordinaire, jokes from "Lone Wolf")

  30. Heather Killeen Apr 11, 2016

    You're kidding me,right? Even adults can get a yuk outta these. Here's to the humor in everything!
    Did you hear about the paranoid dyslexic?
    He's always afraid he's following someone.
    *Before anyone gets offended,my hubby is dyslexic,and he laughed. We have to take ourselves far less seriously sometimes, and laugh at ourselves!

  31. Nsndjdk May 5, 2016

    How do you fly go in a plane

  32. Emma May 17, 2016

    Q.What do you call a pig that knows karate
    A.a pork chop

    1. WILLIAM Dec 24, 2017



  33. Annie Martinez May 29, 2016

    What did the doggy say when he walked over the sand paper?
    A: "rough, rough " (ruff, ruff)

    1. Nicole Jensen Feb 9, 2021

      Lol..when my niece was 3..she is 18 now...she made a joke similar to that...What did the puppy say when he sat on sandpaper.?.....Ruff Ruff

  34. Catherine Jul 17, 2016

    Here's the full elephant-in-the fridge joke as I remember it.

    How many elephants can fit in a Volkswagen? (4, 2 in the front and 2 in the back)
    How do you know there's an elephant in your refrigerator? (A set of footprints in the butter)
    How do you know there are 2 elephants in your refrigerator? (2 sets of footprints in the butter)
    How do you know there are 3 elephants in your refrigerator? (3 sets of footprints in the butter)
    How do you know there are 4 elephants in your refrigerator? (Their Volkswagen is parked out front.)

  35. Lacie lestage Jul 28, 2016

    Where do you find a dog with no legs?


    Where you left him!

  36. cosentino fan Aug 26, 2016

    Q:what do you call a spider with no eye

    A:a spder

    Q:what do you call a fish with no eye

    A:a fsh

    1. ME! Jul 28, 2020

      Q: What do you call a bear with no ear?
      A: An ear less "b"

  37. Swapneel Vagal Oct 4, 2016

    What type of infection does a book have?
    Book worms!

    What do you call a sleeping bull?
    A bulldozer!

  38. Ms. Alaina Oct 19, 2016

    What did one egg say to the other egg after they told a joke?

    You crack me up.

  39. Orc Nov 3, 2016


    Q: Why did the elephant paint his toenails red?
    So he could hide in a cherry tree!

    Q: Have you ever seen an elephant in a cherry tree?
    No. See, it works!

  40. GINA HUDSON Dec 1, 2016

    My grandaughters favorite: What's in the middle of a gummy bear? A jelly button

    Why did the gum cross the road? It was stuck to the chickens foot

  41. Ambika Dec 12, 2016

    What do you get when you cross a tiger and a lamb?
    A striped sweater!

  42. Ambika Dec 12, 2016

    What is a rock's favorite kind of music?
    Rock and Roll

  43. Shay Dec 12, 2016

    Why did darth Vader cross the road?

    To get to the dark side.

    1. Jami Apr 25, 2018

      What do u get when u cross a rolling pin, and a stone?

      ROCK AND ROLL!!!!!

  44. Dorothy Dec 26, 2016

    What do you call a deer with no eyes?


  45. Charlecia Moore Jan 2, 2017

    Lol I agree. What did the wall say to his mom? I'll meet u at the corner!

  46. Jaylah Jan 30, 2017

    Q.Why do seagulls fly over the sea

    A. Because if they flew over the bay they would be called baygulls

    Get it lol

  47. Anand Feb 1, 2017

    Great work. Nice jokes

  48. Olivia Cartmell Feb 9, 2017

    Why did the chicken get a penalty?

    -the ref called "foul

  49. Nicole Mar 14, 2017

    What did the red traffic light say to the green traffic light?

    Don't look I'm changing

  50. Megan Apr 2, 2017

    What do you call a dinosaur with no legs



  51. Isabella Apr 22, 2017

    Q. What is the Easter bunnys fav breakfast
    A.a egg mcmuffin

  52. Shelly May 11, 2017

    My 5 year old granddaughter told me these.

    1. What did one hat say to the other?

    Stay here I'm going on ahead.

    2. Why can't the a bike stand up?

    Because it's to tired.

  53. Melinda Mcglore May 21, 2017

    Why couldn't the skeleton cross the road?
    Because he had no guts.

  54. Johanny Venegas May 25, 2017

    Q. Why did the tomato blush?
    A. Because it saw the salad dressing!

    Q. Why do you call a dog that can tell time?
    A. A watch dog!

  55. Zack jacob May 27, 2017

    Why did the whale cross the ocean?
    To get to the other tide

  56. Jalayshia May 27, 2017

    What's green and sings?
    Elvis Parsley!!

  57. Tracey Jun 4, 2017

    I would tell you a joke about pizza .., but it's too cheesy!

    1. Ummm me Ryn Sep 25, 2018

      Now that’s funny

    2. Lana Nov 13, 2018

      That's the funniest joke out of all the comments!

  58. Kayleemay Jul 10, 2017

    _ What's the most dangerous type of star?
    _ A shooting star
    It's my daughter's favourite xx

  59. Amy G Jul 14, 2017

    Q:what does a baby computer call its daddy ?
    A: Data

  60. E. Davis Schmidt Jul 23, 2017

    Q: why did the duck cross the road?

    A; She had to ask the chicken a quacktion.

  61. Pat Aug 5, 2017

    What sits at the bottom of the ocean and shakes?

    A nervous wreck!

    (Maybe more one for Mum and Dad)

  62. Faith ebony Aug 20, 2017

    Knock knock

    Who's there?


    Doctor, who?

    Yes, that's right. Please can I get your help? My tardis is broken.

  63. Taylor Sewart Aug 20, 2017

    What letter of the alphabet do pirates get stuck on?

  64. Puppylife Sep 3, 2017

    Why did the cow cross the road

    To go to the movies

  65. Jill Sep 20, 2017

    What do you call Casper's parents?

  66. Jennifer rumrill Oct 2, 2017

    I put a joke in my daughters lunch everyday and the whole lunch room enjoys them thanks for the great jokes

    1. Lana Nov 13, 2018

      That's a great idea!

    2. Melissa Apr 6, 2021

      Haha exactly what I’m doing right now! Looking for new jokes for the “Joke of the Day”

  67. MYKENZIE ROY Oct 28, 2017

    Q: what do you call a pile of kittens

    A: a meow-tain

  68. T Konez Nov 16, 2017

    Every day my 6th graders ask for a joke. I just couldn’t think of any. Thank goodness I found your web site. Now I’m the hit of the class.

  69. Azaan Nov 17, 2017

    Q: What is something you can catch but you can not throw?
    A cold !!!!

    Q: What has hands but can’t clap?
    A clock

    Q: What music does a mummy like best?
    Wrap music

  70. Mickanight Nov 23, 2017

    I got one how do a dog stop a video...He pressed the pawse button.hahaha

  71. William Mello Nov 23, 2017

    I have a joke:

    What do you call a cow with one leg?
    Answer: Steak

  72. Kaz Nov 30, 2017

    Q. What can a bird do but a fly can’t?

    A. A bird can fly but a fly can’t bird.

  73. Kimberly Dec 1, 2017

    Why did the kettle get so hot? (A) It wanted to blow off steam..

  74. Sally Nancy Dec 6, 2017

    What’s a dogs favorite instrument

    A trombone

  75. Janelle Dec 10, 2017

    What kind of truck likes to sleep


  76. Jessica Dec 12, 2017

    What is a sharks favourite game?

    Swallow the leader!

  77. Jessica Dec 12, 2017

    Why did the jellybean want to go to school?

    Because he wanted to be a smartie!

  78. alyssa hindson Dec 27, 2017

    Q who is the smartest owl on Earth

    A OWLbert Einstine

  79. Madison Dec 30, 2017

    Why dose NASA organize there company parties

    They planet

  80. Ashley Jan 2, 2018

    Q: What did one snowman say to another?⛄️

    A: Do you smell carrots??

  81. Tabitha Matacale Jan 6, 2018

    Why did the cookie go to the doctor?
    Because he was feeling crumby.

  82. Avina Jan 8, 2018

    Which animal has fur but barely uses it?

    Answer:a bear!

  83. Sarah Jan 9, 2018

    What do you call a snowman and a vampire?

    A frostbite

  84. Em Jan 10, 2018

    What's the books favorite make up. A:Glossary

  85. Brittany Jan 31, 2018

    Why did the dentist give the little girl laughing gas?

    To make her teeth feel funny!

  86. Babe Feb 7, 2018

    What is gray and has a trunk?

    A mouse going on a long vacation

  87. Alice#1 Feb 16, 2018

    Knock knock
    Who's there
    Isabelle who
    Isabelle necessary on a bike

  88. This guy Feb 20, 2018

    Where did the sheep go the cut his hair

    the baaaaa-rber

  89. obed Feb 23, 2018

    knock knock
    who's there
    Dwayne who
    Dwayne the bathtub i'm drowning

    1. Mary Jan 29, 2019

      Should be "Dwayne the bathtub....I'm dwowning." :)

  90. Valerie Feb 25, 2018

    What’s brown and sticky?

    A stick

  91. John Mar 2, 2018

    What to Cow astronauts do?


  92. Ariana Mar 3, 2018

    Two riddles made up by my 7-year-old girl:
    1) What does a koala look for in IKEA?
    Answer: Koality stuff

    2) How do aliens arrange space parties?
    Answer: They plan-et

  93. hannah Mar 3, 2018

    whats in the middle of the ocean?
    the letter e

  94. kyla Mar 4, 2018

    What do you call a dinosaur with bananas in his ears?
    What ever you want he can't hear you!!!

  95. Mckenna Hooley Mar 7, 2018

    Knock knock
    Who there
    Boo who
    You don’t need to cry it’s just a joke!

  96. JEFF Mar 12, 2018

    What's the difference between a poorly dressed man on a tricycle and a well dressed man on a bicycle? Attire.

  97. Selena Mar 18, 2018

    Why is it so easy to weigh a fish ?

    because they have their own scales !

  98. Cheryl Ford Apr 5, 2018

    What happened to the ice cream when the ice cream truck broke down?
    It was liquidated.

  99. Karen Apr 6, 2018

    Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill
    To get to the bottom

  100. Doxy Apr 8, 2018

    what did the mushroom say to the other mushroom?

    You are a fun-gi.

  101. Doxy Apr 8, 2018

    Can I tell you a whale joke?

    It is a real blower!

  102. cupcake Apr 16, 2018

    what type of bagel can fly

    a plain bagel

  103. #SoftBallLover Apr 17, 2018

    Here's a good joke for you: what did the fisherman say to the magician. Pick a cod any cod.

  104. CHLOE Apr 19, 2018


  105. Palmina May 2, 2018

    I think these were funny joke for kids, I looked all through them. They were so, so funny!?

  106. Ivory Weatherwalks May 7, 2018

    Who's there?
    Boo who?
    Don't cry, it's just me!

  107. Avantika May 23, 2018

    What is a sleeping bull called ?
    A bulldozer !

  108. Danielle Ayala May 25, 2018

    What animal is always at a base ball game

    A bat

    1. Bethan Dec 27, 2018

      Why was 6 afraid of 7?

      Because 7 8 9 LOL

  109. Tony Gioia May 28, 2018

    Why did the bacon laugh? The egg cracked a yolk.

  110. Roque Jun 1, 2018

    Q-What do you call a pile of kittens?
    A- A meowntain

  111. Anthony Jun 2, 2018

    Knock knock.

    Who's there?


    Amos who?

    Amos-quito bit me!

  112. Jessica Jun 4, 2018

    Q: What did one bannana phone say to the other banana phone?

    A: Sorry I can’t answer you right now.

  113. Derek Lawson Jul 17, 2018

    what do you call a bear with no teeth
    a gummy bear

    what is the difference between a guitar and a fish
    you cant tuna fish

  114. Adheeba Jul 21, 2018

    it was hilarious

    what did the pencil say to the other pencil?

    you are looking sharp

  115. Reese Aug 2, 2018

    What did zero say to eight?

    “Nice belt!”

  116. Evie Aug 7, 2018

    whats balck and white and red (read) all over??

    answer: a news paper!!!

  117. Abbie Sep 3, 2018

    What did one volcano say to the other volcano on Valentine’s Day?

    I lava you!

  118. Johnny Chen Sep 3, 2018

    Teacher: how many letters are in the alphabet?
    Teacher: no, 26
    Student: no, E.T. Took off in a U.F.O. And the C.I.A. Went after him!

  119. Johnny Chen Sep 3, 2018

    How does Steve get his exercise?

    He runs around the block!

  120. Nate Sep 8, 2018

    What type of car does an egg have?

    A yolkswagon

  121. Jadesola Sep 12, 2018

    Q which room has no door?
    A a mushroom.

    Q which dog has no tail?
    A a hot dog

  122. mikayla Sep 17, 2018

    Railway crossing, watch out for the cars. How do you spell that without any Rs?

  123. me Sep 29, 2018

    what does a seamonster eat?
    fish and ships

  124. Caycay Oct 3, 2018

    What did the dad say to the Raisan?I did a good job raisan you.

  125. PJ Oct 13, 2018

    I like all the jokes because it hilarious.
    Name more please. You the best at making Jokes just don't cuss. Because if it say bed word people won't want to talk to me. We're did you got the Jokes from?

  126. Abdul Rehman Oct 15, 2018

    I must say that this is a very impressive collection of jokes for kids and children can easily understand them too.

  127. Deijahna Oct 16, 2018

    Wow I love these! There were funny although some took me a while to understand them but whatever! You guys website made me laugh and my family! Now I’m gonna say some of these jokes to my other family members and friends cause I know they will laugh! I knew this would be a good website as I heard may good things about you guys! Wish you the best for the feature!☺️??????❤️????

  128. Zachary Oct 27, 2018

    What is the sun's favourite place? Bright Studios.

  129. Someone Nov 13, 2018

    Joke: How do you make a kleenex dance?

    Answer: Put a boogie in it!


  130. ornan Nov 15, 2018

    what do you call a someone who is tall for their age
    a un-dwarf

  131. Harry Nov 20, 2018

    What is the difference between a school teacher and a train. The school teacher says spit out the gum and the train says chew chew

  132. isaiah Nov 28, 2018

    What are the weakest days of the week
    week-ends hahahaha

  133. Liligrace Dec 19, 2018

    How do you make a handkerchief dance??
    Blue little boogie in it .

  134. Liligrace Dec 19, 2018

    How do you make a handkerchief dance??
    Blowb a little boogie in it .

  135. Evie vella Dec 24, 2018

    Why did the banana go to the hospital? Because she wasn’t pelting well

  136. Simon Burke Jan 1, 2019

    Q. A mushroom walks into a bar and the barman says “Sorry mate I can’t serve you” and the mushroom says back “Why not? I’m a fungi ( Fun guy )

  137. mason age 9 Jan 15, 2019

    why do seagulls fly over the sea

    because if they flew over the bay they would be called baguls

  138. Steve N. Jan 31, 2019

    Do you know , or What's the difference between an Elephant and a Loaf of Bread?
    No. I don't know.
    I guess I can't sent you to the store!

  139. Grace o donoghue Feb 1, 2019

    Why did Adele cross the road because she wanted to say hello from the other side

  140. GeoMaster108 Feb 17, 2019

    What would you call isreal if it poofed away?


  141. Kobey Feb 23, 2019

    Why was 6 afraid of 7... because 7 8 9.

  142. Lorna May 3, 2019

    what do you call 2 banana skins?
    a pair of slippers!

  143. Aryon Nov 13, 2019

    Why did the chicken cross the road? To get away for chick- fil -a!

  144. Kendra Gioia Dec 6, 2019

    Knock, Knock. Who's There? Rattle. Rattle Who? Rattle eat cheese if you leave it out for him.

  145. Suzie Dec 12, 2019

    Whats a pirate's favourite letter? ARRRRRRRRR!
    get it ''r'' and arrrrrrrrr?

  146. happy Dec 26, 2019

    Q. what did the man say when he walked into a bar
    A. ouch.

  147. Anthony Dec 31, 2019

    Whats an elves favorite singer, ELVIS PRESLEY

  148. JADE THE KITTTTTTYYYY Jan 2, 2020

    Joke-How does a meteoroligist go up a Mountain?
    Answer-They climate

    1. Emil Hilding (SWE) Apr 9, 2021

      What does the moon do when he gets too long hair?

      Eclipse it.

  149. Dmc_Chillz Jan 3, 2020

    My pops joke:

    Q: what do you call a deer in the rain?

    A: a rain-deer

  150. Morgan Jan 10, 2020

    Q: What did the ranch say to the refrigerator?

    A: Shut the door, I'm dressing!

  151. Sushi Jan 30, 2020

    My sisters love this joke
    Q Earth slipped on some milk he wondered were did it come from?
    A The milky way!

  152. Mommie g Mar 1, 2020

    How do you make a tissue dance?

    Put a lil "BOOGIE" in it????

  153. Bonnie Mar 10, 2020

    Q: How do you get down off an elephant?
    A: You don’t get down off an elephant, you get down off a goose!

  154. Srihaas May 1, 2020

    You are on a horse with a lion behind you and a giraffe in front of you. How do you escape this situation?The answer is to jump of the carousel!

  155. Jonathan May 13, 2020

    Q:What did the cat say to the bird
    A: I'm not kitten around

  156. Sarah Jun 10, 2020

    Q Why does the television need glasses?
    A Because his vision is bad!

  157. Wizzy Jun 15, 2020

    what do you get when u cross an elefant and dark vader?
    an elevater!!!

  158. Cassandra Hattley Jun 17, 2020

    How do you get a chicken to cook?..

    You put it in the oven!.. My 5 year old is kinda dark. But it was really funny when he first said this.

  159. NITNAT Jul 27, 2020

    What goes haha plop?

    A man who laughed his head off.

  160. oliver Aug 31, 2020


  161. Brittania Sep 15, 2020

    What’s a cat’s favorite color purrrple

  162. Tirrinisha Oct 6, 2020

    What do you call ducks eat for lunch?


  163. Karl Savana Nov 25, 2020

    Q. Why did the elephant had so many wrinkles
    A. Because no one ironed it!

  164. Gavin Kings Dec 3, 2020

    All of your jokes are really funny
    What is a pirate favorite subject

  165. Ariana Dec 10, 2020

    Q Why can't your nose be 12 inches long?
    A Because then it would be a foot.
    Q Where do you find a cow with no legs?
    A Right where you left it.
    Q Why was the white car white?
    A Because they didn't paint it black.
    Q If athletes get athlete's foot, then what do elves get?
    A They get Mistle-toes

  166. ~*Nova*~ Dec 11, 2020

    What did the science book say to the math book?

    You got problems

  167. Laila Jan 19, 2021

    What do you call a box with three ducks in it? A box of Quakers

  168. christian Jan 20, 2021

    knock knock

    whoś there

    cow´s go

    cow´s go who

    no cows go MOO

  169. Dominic Jan 20, 2021

    How did the hamburger introduce his wife Meat Patty

  170. MomMack Jan 21, 2021

    Our absolute favorite:

    What do you get when you pick a pigs nose?


  171. Kate Jan 27, 2021

    Knock Knock

    Who's there?


    Amish who?

    You dont look like a shoe!

  172. Kate Jan 27, 2021

    Knock Knock

    Who's there?


    What who?

    Sorry, only one question at a time.

  173. Kate Jan 27, 2021

    Knock Knock

    Who's there?


    Who who?

    Where did you learn to speak owl?

  174. Roma W Pedneau Feb 7, 2021

    What's the smartest dinosaur?

    The thesaurus

    (I am just a child so)

    1. Zada Coleman Feb 23, 2021

      Q. What did the llama say when he got kicked out of the zoo?
      A. “Alpaca my bags!”

      (I'm a child not a adult)

  175. Yassee Eg Egypt Feb 14, 2021

    Knock Knock (Who 's there) Hoo (Hoo who)Are you an owl?

  176. Pratyush Uzumaki Feb 23, 2021

    Q Why was Six scared of seven
    A Because Seven Eight Nine

  177. Noelle Feb 27, 2021

    Why are fish bad at basketball?
    A: They are afraid of the net!

  178. Anne Mar 4, 2021

    Q: How to you measure a snake?
    A: In inches, they don't have feet

  179. mya Mar 11, 2021

    Q: Have you heard the joke about the banana peel?!

    A: never mind it slipped out of my mind!

  180. Olivia Mar 12, 2021

    have you heard the joke about pizza

    oh never mind its to cheesy

    I am 11 years old

  181. Nico Mar 16, 2021

    Where do spiders look stuff up?
    The spider web!

  182. Nico Mar 16, 2021

    Do you want to hear a construction joke?
    Sorry I’m still working on it

  183. Nico Mar 16, 2021

    What do you call a duck that gets all A’s
    A wise quacker

  184. Gavin Mar 18, 2021

    hi my name is Gavin i'm a kid but i got a good one i thought up

    Why Was Pikachu in someones belly? Because he got Pika-Chewed

  185. Gavin Mar 22, 2021

    these are gooooood jokes

  186. Tristan Mar 22, 2021

    Q:what kin of bagel can fly
    A:a plain bagel

  187. Christopher Van Nikerek Mar 24, 2021

    What do you call a giraffe stuck in his car

    A giraffik jam

  188. Adalee Mar 25, 2021

    Q-What did one bat say to the other bat?

    A-You wanna hang out together?

  189. meloddy Mar 26, 2021

    what did the dad tomato say to the baby tomato come on you're going to lose the race just catch up

  190. isabella Mar 26, 2021

    why did the teacher need sunglasses.because her students were so bright

  191. Alice Mar 30, 2021

    Why was cinderella not able to play soccer?
    Because she kept running away from the ball.
    Get it,as in 'ball'.

  192. Sarah Mar 30, 2021

    What did the buffalo say to his son when he left for college?
    HA HA HA.

  193. Lollipop Layla Mar 30, 2021

    Why shouldnt you write with a broken pencil?

    Because it is pointless!

  194. julia Apr 1, 2021

    Q why do fish live in salt water?
    A because pepper makes them sneeze! ACHOOO

  195. Ella Apr 6, 2021

    what do you call an avocado that goes to church?

    holy guacamole!

  196. Brooke Perry Apr 12, 2021

    Why did the M&M go to school?
    it wanted to be Smartie. lol

  197. Syncere Apr 18, 2021

    joke idea: why couldn't the pony sing a lullaby because it was a little horse lolol

  198. chloe Apr 19, 2021

    why did the banana go to the docter ?

    becuse he was not pealling well

  199. Brooke Kohlieber Apr 28, 2021

    what has a head a tail and know body

    if you said coin you are right

  200. helen alvarado May 7, 2021

    My 6 year old daughter: What did the eyebrow say to the other eyebrow? You’re hairy.

    My 8 year old: why did the student eat his homework? Because she said it was a piece of cake.

  201. issabelle May 13, 2021

    why did the student eat his homework

    because his teacher said it was a piece of cake

  202. Matt jenkins May 24, 2021

    “Why do fish live in saltwater?”
    Because pepper makes them sneeze!

  203. Kesav Satyavolu May 25, 2021

    Q:Why did the student eat his homework?
    A:Because the teacher said it was a piece of cake

  204. Austen May 27, 2021

    Q Why can’t a person’s nose be 12 inches long?
    A Because then it would be a foot!

  205. Lilian Jun 5, 2021

    I'm just a nine year old girl now. So....

    Knock knock!

    Who's there?


    Oswald who?

    Oswald my bubblegum :(

    (Swallowed my bubblegum)


  206. Virginia McAllister Jul 16, 2021

    How does oseans say hi to eachother THEY WAVE!

  207. Kallie Nov 17, 2021

    Q: What do penguins eat?
    A: Ice burg-ers

  208. connor Dec 1, 2021

    Q: Why don't pirates take a shower before they walk the plank?
    A: They just wash up on the shore

  209. Kenzie Wacadoodle Jan 11, 2022

    What is tall when it is young and short when it is old?

    A candle!

  210. Linda See Feb 14, 2022

    These are fabulous and so are the ones in the comments. Have a blessed day

  211. Seanna Mar 14, 2022

    A few jokes my kids made up:

    Q: What does a bear fight with?
    A; His bear hands (bare hands)

    Q: What did the fungi say to each other when they moved into their new mansion?
    A: There’s so mushroom (much room)

    Q: why did McDonalds go to the race
    A: Because it was fast food

    Q: What did the mommy hair say to the baby hair?
    A: Don’t be knotty! (Naughty)

    1. Hanna Oct 26, 2022

      I really LOVE the jokes that your kids made up!

  212. Rylea Jun 12, 2022

    Why couldn't the horse sing a lullaby cuz she was a little horse

  213. Nuray Jul 16, 2022

    Knock knock.
    Who is it?
    Ice who?
    Ice see you.

  214. Axel Aug 12, 2022

    What is a ninja's favourite shoe?
    - Sneakers!

  215. Carina Oct 4, 2022

    What is the ninja favourite shoe

  216. ibrahim Nov 2, 2022

    what did they say the fish without eyes . fsh

    i am 9

  217. James age 7 Feb 5, 2023

    Why did the grandpa put wheels on his rocking chair ?

    He wanted to rock ‘n’ roll.

  218. Sasha Apr 7, 2023

    Why did a robber clean himself before he broke out of prison?
    Because he wanted a clean getaway.

  219. Timmy May 3, 2023

    Why did the student eat his homework 📄? Because the teacher said it was a piece of cake

  220. David Smith May 9, 2023

    Question :Where do you get blue cheese? Answer: From a sad cow.

  221. Tes May 10, 2023

    Why was the broom late for school because it over swept

  222. Pablo Jan 25, 2024

    What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef!


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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.