uBlock Origin (uBO): The original uBlock project (2024)

Table of Contents
NewsuBlock Origin (uBO) 1.58.* Announcement Thread || Please follow all the RULES of the subreddit and the Posting Guidelines Changelog: Ongoing | Follow ALL the Instructions 🟦 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 🟦 #️⃣1️⃣ Make sure your uBO version is 1.57 or higher #️⃣2️⃣ Remove your custom uBO config / reset to defaults #️⃣3️⃣ Remove all external interference #️⃣4️⃣ Close all open YouTube tabs and restart the browser #️⃣5️⃣ Keep default lists up to date Do NOT 🟨 I've read and followed EVERYTHING up to this point, but I'm still experiencing issues 🟨 🟨 Experimental filters to help combat issues 🟨 ‼️ REPORTING ISSUES WITHOUT THIS INFO WILL PROMPT A REMOVAL ‼️ 🟩 uBO doesn't accept donations 🟩 🟧 ALL IMPORTANT UPDATES WILL BE PROVIDED IN A STICKY COMMENT 🟧 Solved (custom Firefox ETP setting)Ebay has become unusable for me in the past 2 days AnsweredKimcartoon detects Adblock AnsweredNeed Help Blocking 'More Videos' Bar on YouTube When Paused (2024) InvaliduBO keeps setting itself as organization on firefox? AnsweredIs there a filer to hide the "Translate to English" option in YouTube comments? Need Troubleshooting InfoAny filters for this in Microsoft's Copilot? duplicate (try TwitchAdSolutions)Can uBO block twitch ads? AnsweredBlurred text - How to solve it? Looking for helpJust stopped working on Chrome - and now can't reinstall? AnsweredHelp blocking ad audio SolvedHelp blocking ads without breaking website AnsweredPartially block ads on YouTube AnsweredCan I use custom filterlists on UBO lite to give the same experience as on Firefox? AnsweredHide the "All/Popular" links from reddit pages? I tried element zapper but it re-appears on refresh Need URL + Troubleshooting InfoImages and video loading badly AnsweredDoes anybody know how to hide this element? (crunchyroll.com) AnsweredBrave question AnswereduBO Lite missed some ads TipWikipedia Appearance settings for those of us blocking cookies / storage AnsweredYoutube Homepage Filterlist Solved (new browser profile)Filter keep resetting YouTube: Detection|Ads|Breakages <= use the Pinned Mega ThreadHow will uBO bypass new YouTube ad injection? duplicateIs uBlock Origin block dark mode on google.com?

r/uBlockOriginu/gwarserMay 21 '24

NewsuBlock Origin (uBO) 1.58.* Announcement Thread || Please follow all the RULES of the subreddit and the Posting Guidelines




Visit GitHub releases page for more information.

Extension will be auto-updated after browser restart! (when available for your platform)

If you want to update manually:

  • Do not use links from release page "Assets" section - these are not signed.
  • Use add-on store or links in release description on GitHub releases page when they are available (basically - they will be add-on store links).
  • In some cases, installation may be blocked until browser restart. This is protection against accidental mid-session reloads, Issue #717.

Q: Why no release for Firefox yet?

A: 1.58.0 is available on AMO as of May 24.

uBO is a recommended extension on AMO, and as such it must undergo a formal code review each time a new version is published.

Q: Why Chrome/Chromium/Brave is not updating uBlock Origin?

A: 1.58.0 is available on CWS as of May 23.

Auto update will occur in stages - to spot and react on possible bugs.

Q: When Opera version will be updated?

A: 1.58.0 is available on Opera addons as of May 22.

Usually it's submitted a week after bug-free version is published in AMO.

Q: When Edge Chromium version in the Microsoft Store will be updated?

A: Submission pending.

Microsoft Store submission is controlled by /u/nikrolls.

This is official version and will be kept updated, see Issue #890 (comment) and following comments.

Warning: importing profile from Chrome may cause issues - you may need to reinstall uBO on Edge to fix this. You can transfer settings by saving them to file in uBO Dashboard -> bottom of the Settings tab.

Previous announcement thread https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/1bquaw8/ublock_origin_157_announcement_thread_please/


r/uBlockOriginu/RraaLLFeb 18 '24

Ongoing | Follow ALL the Instructions


The status page no longer functions. Please disregard any mentions of it. Rewriting the thread accordingly might take some time.


View the Wiki copy of this Mega Thread~~ to take advantage of its navigation.~~ (OUTDATED)


Disclaimer: YouTube changes their detection scripts regularly, which means there might be times that you encounter their message. There's no way around this if you want to remain logged in. It should only happen in brief periods of time between them updating their script and and our volunteers finding a new solution.

While this post talks mainly about YouTube detecting the use of "ad blockers" and interrupting or blocking playback, the same instructions apply if you're seeing ads or encounter any unexpected issues (videos not loading, taking a long time to load, and so on).

This post is on a support forum for uBlock Origin (uBO in short). We'll only be discussing/allowing discussions of uBO solutions here.
Comments suggesting other solutions (extensions, userscripts, frontends, apps, etc.) will be removed. We don't want the ensuing spam - find another subreddit for these. Similarly with random filters - all custom filters need to be vetted in a discussion with uBO Team. More info in the FAQ below.

Do NOT comment if you haven't read and followed the entire post. There are specific instructions regarding reporting issues. Comments ignoring these will be removed.

There is a TL;DR below. Scroll to it or use Ctrl+F to locate it if you find all of this too overwhelming to read.

Just be aware that following the post in its entirety (from top to bottom) will likely answer all your questions. Comments asking about things covered in this guide already or reporting issues without including info required in this guide might be met with removal.



  • Image: How the 4 stages of YouTube Detection look like


  • What do these 4 stages of detection warning actually do?
    • Stage 1 is just a simple popup interruption, you can dismiss it and continue on.
    • Stage 2 is the same, but the close button is only available after a time delay.
    • Stage 3 is a type of "last chance warning" - it gives you 3 videos to open (not necessarily watch) before it moves you to the next stage.
    • Stage 4 is the final stage. It's no longer a popup. It replaces your video, making it "impossible" to watch.
  • I don't want my playback blocked! What can I do?
    • Simply follow this guide below. It will help you hide from detection and resume your playback.
  • I heard YouTube is banning accounts if I don't stop - can I prevent that?
    • People just misinterpret the "playback is blocked" message into thinking they're banned.
    • There's no reason to think YouTube is going to ban your entire account. This would accomplish nothing - banned users can't buy premium. And would likely just make a new account to continue on.
  • I've never seen this message. Is this because of my browser being X or Y?
    • No, YouTube didn't roll this out to everybody yet. They are still expanding their reach with this impediment to other regions.
    • The detection is account and cookie based, which means you're less likely to encounter consistent warnings in a private window or just not logged in. Some users report detection occurring without logging in though.
    • We've had reports of this happening on all browsers. The reason people think a new browser resolved this for them is likely due to it not having old YouTube/Google cache and cookies. The same can be accomplished by creating a new browser profile or by:
      • Logging out of all Google services,
      • Closing all YouTube/Google tabs,
      • Clearing cache and cookies (all or just Google/YouTube),
      • Restarting the browser,
      • Logging back in.
  • Is installing/using uBlock Origin enough to never see this message again?
    • Never? Unfortunately, no. As explained the very top of this thread, YouTube changes their detection scripts regularly. This means there can be some windows of time between their new script going live and our filters bypassing it.
    • uBO can't fix issues caused by:
      • Other extensions - they don't even need to be YouTube related. Totally random extensions might cause the message. Most common are other content blockers or privacy extensions.
      • Your browser's own adblocking mechanisms.
      • DNS blocking, which is often included in a VPN.
      • Other outside the browser protections such as: HOSTS file blocking, Antivirus/Internet Security programs and other privacy tools.
    • which is why the instructions below will ask you to test without using your personal config. This is to eliminate conflicts. You can try restoring your config later. If you do it gradually, you'll find out what was causing the issue in the first place.
  • Can I somehow check if uBO's filters are up to date?
    • NOT CURRENTLY. YT has changed their approach so the status page no longer works.

  • I've seen people suggesting I add specific filters, use a userscript or another extension. Is that safe?
    • No, it's not. Most of the suggested filters going around are very outdated, some were taken from our first threads.
    • Even fresh filters go outdated very quickly. If they work today, they might be the exact cause of the problem tomorrow.
    • Userscripts have a lot of power, they can be abused to cause damage. Even "safe" ones may cause conflicts.
    • Same thing for extensions - better not install random ones. And, again, they may easily cause conflicts.
    • Even if a niche solution works for you and lasts a little longer, it's only because it's too small for YT to care. Once you popularize it, they'll take it down too.
  • I was able to hide the popup simply by blocking it with uBO's Picker. Why aren't you doing that?
    • This only works temporarily. For stages 1-3. You'll still reach stage 4 by doing this. And this might cause scrolling issues, not let videos autoplay, prevent you from adding videos to playlists, and so on.
  • I'm a technical user, I've read the latest detection script and I believe I found a way of defeating it. Can I help?
    • Absolutely! Please contact us via modmail. Or head over to github to contact us there.
    • Please don't share filters in the comments - even if they were to work now, they'll likely cause issues later. If you contact us, we'll evaluate and perhaps improve them with your help. In which case, they'll be added to our lists for the benefit of everyone. And this will also allow us to update them later when necessary.

  • How often should I manually update filter lists? Can I somehow automate this?
    • Starting uBO 1.54 default lists get automatic updates every 5 hours. There should be no need for manual updates now.
      • Triggering a manual update will knock you back into a (several days) long cycle (depending on the list).
      • Don't do it unless absolutely necessary.
      • Before forcing a manual update, make sure you've excluded config issues + cleared YT/Google cache/cookies + closed old YT tabs and restarted the browser. If you've done so, but you still get detected - you can try updating the list named uBlock filters - Quick fixes.
      • It's the list containing YouTube solutions. And the only list you might ever need to update.
      • The above mini-steps might need to be repeated after updating.
    • If you're NOT getting detected. DON'T UPDATE!
      • Updating for no reason places burden on the servers hosting uBO's filter lists.
      • uBO's not a company, it's a volunteer project using free services, which have limits that we cannot cross.
      • Here's the estimated bandwidth cost for just ONE of uBO's CDNs. And that's with lists updating every few days.
      • uBO 1.54's differential updates get only changes to the files instead of whole lists when updating. This should help lessen the bandwidth usage while making updates much more frequent than before.
      • Do NOT undermine this effort by forcing manual updates for no reason.

  • The uBlock Origin name is too long - can I shorten it somehow when referring to it?
    • Of course! The correct short name is uBO. Please use this abbreviation freely.
    • I thought I can just use the first word - is that wrong?
      • It is. You can read about the extension history including the name change on our github wiki and on Wikipedia. The links are in the sidebar.

  • First time visitors: Make sure to read the above FAQ, so that the instructions below don't cause any confusion.
  • The best place to start it to make a TEST in a new browser profile:
    • Firefox
      • Open about:profiles in your address bar.
      • Click the [Create a New Profile] button.
      • Proceed through the wizard, naming the profile as you wish. E.g. "test1".
      • Click the [Launch profile in a new browser] button.
      • Skip any config importing/customizations.
      • Open about:addons, search for uBlock Origin and install it.
      • Don't install anything else.
      • Click 🛡️ uBO's icon > the ⚙ Dashboard button > the Filter lists pane > the 🔃 Update now button.
      • Open YouTube, log in and browse.
      • No detection? Great! That means something on your regular profile was causing it. You can proceed to the steps.
      • Still getting detected? It might be some privacy or adblocking tool outside the browser is causing it. More on that in the FAQ above.
  • If testing in your regular browser profile make sure to log out of all Google services, close all YT tabs, clear YT/Google (or all) cache and cookies, and restart the browser before logging back in.

‼️ The points below will ask you to remove custom config and disable other extensions. This is only to make sure they're not what's causing the detection message (or other issues you might be experiencing). It's all explained in the FAQ above. ‼️

#️⃣1️⃣ Make sure your uBO version is 1.57 or higher

  • If it's not - update it. The extension itself. It's for technical improvements.
    • You do this in your browser's addons/extensions page.
  • The biggest benefit of the new version is default lists updating every 5 hours
    • Forcing manual list updates knocks automatic filter updates back to their (several days) long cycles before you can return to the short cycles.

  • This is the only point that should not need repeating. So long as your uBO version matches or exceeds what's mentioned above - you're all set for this point.
  • How to update uBO to latest version - video tutorial

#️⃣2️⃣ Remove your custom uBO config / reset to defaults

  • Remove your custom filters (or disable My filters temporarily).
  • Disable ALL additional lists you've enabled.
  • Make sure you didn't disable any default lists.
  • Remove other customizations.

  • How to disable custom filters and additional lists - video tutorial
  • How to make a backup and reset to defaults - video tutorial

#️⃣3️⃣ Remove all external interference

  • If you disable uBO and still get detected - something else is causing it. You need to figure out what and disable it.
  • If you disable uBO and don't get detected - something else might be interfering with our solutions.

  • Disable ALL extensions except uBO.
    • ALL of them. Really. Do NOT pick and choose what YOU think could be causing this.
      • Seemingly random extensions have been reported as causing detection.
      • The same extensions cause it for some but not for others.
      • Do not listen to other people telling you what extension is safe to keep.
      • At first, you disable everything. Once the issue is gone, you can gradually try enabling them back. This will help you find out what was responsible for detection in the first place.
    • If you're using the Firefox Multi-Account Containers add-on - DO NOT DISABLE IT or you'll wipe all its data.
    • Make sure to disable extensions entirely via the browser's addons/extensions page.
      • Whitelisting YouTube inside specific extensions' settings has been reported as still causing detection many times.

  • Some browsers with built-in blockers to turn off:
    • Opera, Vivaldi, Brave
    • Edge: Click the 🔒 "lock" icon on the left of URL bar -> Turn off Tracking Prevention

  • Disable your outside-the-browser ad or tracking protections
    • DNS blocking/filtering.
      • It's often included in a VPN.
    • Ad/tracking Anti-Virus/Internet Security protections.
    • HOSTS file modifications.
    • Any other system or network-wide ad/tracking protections.

After getting rid of the issue on default settings, you can slowly start restoring your config (if you really need it). Do it gradually, to easier find out what was causing the issue in the first place. Once you find the culprit, simply skip it in your setup.

If you want to use Enhancer for YouTube, you have to disable its adblocking.

  • How to disable other extensions - Video tutorial

#️⃣4️⃣ Close all open YouTube tabs and restart the browser

  • YouTube is a dynamically updated website.
    • Navigating inside it doesn't load new pages.
    • The current page gets updated by adding new content and hiding (not deleting) what's not needed for the link you've clicked.
    • This means any detection, ads or breakages experienced on a previously opened YT tab will follow you regardless the steps you take. Until you close that tab (or at least do a manual refresh).
  • Chromium-based browsers don't wait for extensions to be ready before loading websites. This happens at browser launch e.g.:
    • When starting the browser by clicking an outside link.
    • When Settings > On startup > Continue where you left off is enabled / when restoring a session.
    • When opening a link in an incognito window.
    • When opening a link as a Person/User X (in another profile).
    • All such instances will likely encounter ads. This will last until a page is refreshed or the tab is closed an another one is used.

#️⃣5️⃣ Keep default lists up to date

  • Lists are what determine what's blocked or not. These updates take place within uBO itself.
  • It's an automatic process that shouldn't require your input. If you haven't interfered with default settings (or have reset back to defaults in step 2).
    • Lists update after specific periods of time, which differ depending on a list's purpose.
      • All YouTube solutions are included in a list named uBlock filters – Quick fixes, which fully updates every 12 hours (as opposed to several days for other lists).
      • However...
  • Starting uBO 1.54: the most important default lists update automatically every 5 hours
    • To take advantage of these quicker updates, do NOT update manually unless absolutely necessary.
    • ‼️ Manual updates push back automatic updates ‼️
      • A manually updated list will need to wait its whole long cycle before it can resume getting short cycle updates.


  • Do NOT use or advise the use of:
    • multiple blockers
    • old/random filters or lists not provided by uBO Team in the latest pinned thread/its pinned comment
  • Do NOT remove or advise the removal of default lists
    • If a list causes breakage, try disabling cosmetic filtering to see if this removes the problem (it will show static ads though).
    • Report breakages to us by including all necessary info. (Read "How to properly report issues" below.)

🟨 I've read and followed EVERYTHING up to this point, but I'm still experiencing issues 🟨

  1. Please make sure you've really followed EVERYTHING that's written from the very start of the post.
    1. Please repeat the whole process.
    2. Do NOT assume that an extension which was previously fine doesn't need to be checked anymore.
      1. This logic applies to other things as well.
  2. If all else fails, try making a new browser profile with only uBO installed and on default settings.
  3. Fixing anti-adblock may cause ads or breakages.
    1. On Chromium-engine browsers, uBO might not reliably block ads after you just launched the browser or switched profiles, including "Open link in incognito" and "Open link as User X". This state of unable-to-block will be kept until you do a manual refresh of the page.
    2. If you encounter such issues, please report back the EXACT URL + your country when accessing the URL so that volunteers can investigate. Comment here or in this thread on github. Read below for requirements in "How to report issues".
  4. Last, but not least - please convince others to do this since it's up to everyone to convince YouTube to change their ways.

🟨 Experimental filters to help combat issues 🟨

For users who still see anti adblock occasionally, adding this custom filter might help:

! Warning: This will break push notificationswww.youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.service_worker_enabled, false)

For slowly loading YouTube, TEST these filters:

www.youtube.com##+js(nano-stb, resolve(1), *, 0.001)www.youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.web_enable_ab_rsp_cl, false)www.youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.ab_pl_man, false)||googlevideo.com/videoplayback$xhr,3p,method=get,domain=www.youtube.com

Use them at your own risk. Try them separately or in combination.

If you've followed everything written above and still encounter some issues (detection, ads, breakages), please comment with the required info:

  1. Your Troubleshooting Information from YouTube. Video tutorial below.
  2. A screenshot of about:addons / chrome://extensions / brave://extensions / edge://extensions / opera://extensions. Whichever is your browser's extensions page.
  3. List of every single thing you've tried/step you've taken while troubleshooting.
    1. No, please do not write: "I did steps 1-5" or "I did everything".
      1. List every single sub-step or action you've taken.
      2. We do not trust "Everything". "Everything" has almost always been a lie.
    2. If you think we're requiring too much and you don't want to waste your time like that:
      1. You're free to look for help elsewhere.
      2. If you don't want to put any effort on helping us help you, then we simply won't :)
      3. Keep in mind that we're all just volunteers. Our free time is a very finite resource that we'll happily spend elsewhere.
  4. If you're encountering ads, share the EXACT URL + the country you're accessing from/as.

  • How to grab your troubleshooting information - Video tutorial


If a new solution is pending, you should still be able to watch YouTube when:

  • In a Private Window / Incognito
  • Click on Share button -> Embed
  • Change the URL from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=videoID -> - https://www.youtube.com/embed/videoID
  • Logged out (might not work for some)

Please be patient, we're all volunteers that can't be online 24/7.

  1. You see the warning message, while you're on uBO 1.57+.
    1. Log out of your account.
    2. Clear YouTube Cookies.
    3. Close all YT tabs.
    4. Check Google. If you're logged in, log out.
    5. Clear Google Cookies.
    6. Close all Google tabs.
    7. Restart your browser.
    8. Open YouTube and test.
    9. Not working? Look for other causes.
      1. Open your browser's Addons/Extensions page.
      2. Disable all extensions except uBlock Origin.
      3. Check if your browser has a built-in adblocker. Disable it.
      4. Open uBO's Dashboard. In the Settings tab click "backup", then "reset to defaults".
      5. In the "Filters list" tab. Click "Update now" or wait for it to update on its own. (Green clock icons mean lists just updated.)
      6. Disable ad-blocking/filtering DNS. It might be in your VPN.
      7. Remove any HOSTS file modifications on your system.
      8. Disable any ad/tracking protections in your Anti-Virus or Internet/Total Security Suite.
      9. And any other ad/privacy protections you might have on your device/network.
      10. Still no luck? Make a new browser profile, install only uBO and don't change any settings (other than disabling built-in adblocker). Test there.
  2. Above not working? You might have to wait until we update our filters.
    1. No point of updating uBO's filter lists before they change.
    2. In the meanwhile, you can try a private/incognito window without logging in.
    3. Or watching via the share button > embed > open fullscreen.

🟩 uBO doesn't accept donations 🟩

We appreciate the sentiment many of you have expressed, but it is against uBO's policy to accept donations. What you can do instead, is to support other filter list makers by grabbing their website/donation info at the top of their filter lists (click the eye icon 👁️ next to a list to see its contents) and continuing from there.


If the thread gets locked, it means there's a newer one available. If the link doesn't work (mobile), please turn on desktop mode to reach it. Or simply view the subreddit when sorting by "Hot" to display pinned posts.


r/uBlockOriginu/MickRolley1h ago

Solved (custom Firefox ETP setting)Ebay has become unusable for me in the past 2 days


eBay won't let me click on things anymore. Buy, or add to basket, click to zoom on photos or choose from the drop-down menu to select items. On some other sites nothing happens when I click reviews or comments link. I’ve tried turning the blocker off and deleting my filter list, and the logger makes no sense to me at all, no matter how hard I try to figure it out. Tried reporting the sites, made a github account, whatever that is? Still no clue, any help is appreciated, thank you.


r/uBlockOriginu/Mediahead1312h ago

AnsweredKimcartoon detects Adblock


Kimcartoon seems to have started detecting UBO very recently, making it difficult to watch shows on their site (such as here). Is there a way around this?

Any help you can offer will be greatly appreciated.


r/uBlockOriginu/leonardvnhemert14h ago

AnsweredNeed Help Blocking 'More Videos' Bar on YouTube When Paused (2024)


I've been trying to block the 'More videos' bar that pops up on YouTube when a video is paused. Unfortunately, the filters I found from previous posts no longer work (as of 2024).

Here are some filters I've tried without success:




youtube.com,youtube-nocookie.com##.ytp-expand-pause-overlay .ytp-pause-overlay


I'm looking for any updated or new filters that can effectively block this feature. If anyone has managed to create a working filter or has any suggestions on how to achieve this, your help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance for your assistance!


r/uBlockOriginu/tiudvek9h ago

InvaliduBO keeps setting itself as organization on firefox?


I'm getting worried

I just want to put standard protection, but uBO keeps setting it to strict

I also can't remove or disable the extension, except for the file in the extensions folder, but it automatically reinstalls

This is worrying me and I need it to stop ASAP please can someone help me?

1 comment

r/uBlockOriginu/bluish_purple9h ago

AnsweredIs there a filer to hide the "Translate to English" option in YouTube comments?


What the title says. It's in theory a useful feature but just like automatic translation it is ruined by the fact that YouTube doesn't understand that a lot of people in the world speak multiple languages. It is annoying to be reading the comments of a video in my native language or other non-english language I understand and have the "Translate to English" option show up everytime. I am willing to live without that option even for languages I don't understand, the majority of the videos I watch have comments in languages I understand anyway.

Edit: I meant *filter in the title


r/uBlockOriginu/Valiantay1d ago

Need Troubleshooting InfoAny filters for this in Microsoft's Copilot?


In Copilot, I used to get these ads. Those have since stopped but I still get these ones at the bottom.

Are there any filters or something to get rid of them?


r/uBlockOriginu/xRed_K1d ago

duplicate (try TwitchAdSolutions)Can uBO block twitch ads?


I wanted to ask if ubo can block twitch ads, please thanks!

1 comment

r/uBlockOriginu/FubarXS1d ago

AnsweredBlurred text - How to solve it?


Hello. Can you please advise me how to get rid of the blurred text on this page?


As soon as I send a message to someone, the text becomes blurred and I can't interact with it in any way. However, I know the text is still there. For example, I included a smiley face in the text for testing, and the smiley face is still visible in the blurred version.

This is the part of the HTML code that I think is causing it.

<div _ngcontent-ng-cli-universal-c62="" class="overlay-blur-content ng-tns-c62-6 ng-star-inserted" style=""><div _ngcontent-ng-cli-universal-c62="" fxhide.xs="false" class="box-input ng-tns-c62-6 ng-star-inserted"><div _ngcontent-ng-cli-universal-c62="" class="formgroup-messages ng-tns-c62-6"><div _ngcontent-ng-cli-universal-c62="" class="section-emoji ng-tns-c62-6"><button _ngcontent-ng-cli-universal-c62="" class="btn ng-tns-c62-6"><i _ngcontent-ng-cli-universal-c62="" class="icon-medium-line-smily ng-tns-c62-6"></i></button></div><div _ngcontent-ng-cli-universal-c62="" class="layout-input-box ng-tns-c62-6"><div _ngcontent-ng-cli-universal-c62="" class="input-message ng-tns-c62-6"><textarea _ngcontent-ng-cli-universal-c62="" autocomplete="disabled" placeholder="Type a messsage" disabled="disabled" class="form-control ng-tns-c62-6" style="height: 50px;"></textarea><div _ngcontent-ng-cli-universal-c62="" class="overlay ng-tns-c62-6"></div></div><div _ngcontent-ng-cli-universal-c62="" class="section-button-send ng-tns-c62-6"><button _ngcontent-ng-cli-universal-c62="" class="btn ng-tns-c62-6"><i _ngcontent-ng-cli-universal-c62="" class="icon-small-solid-send ng-tns-c62-6"></i></button></div></div></div></div><!----></div>

Thanks for help.


r/uBlockOriginu/gidklio1d ago

Looking for helpJust stopped working on Chrome - and now can't reinstall?


uBO has worked for me on Chrome for years. Yesterday, noticed an ad or two which is very surprising. Today I noticed a bunch more that I have definiely blocked with custom filters. Looked into the settings and I saw that all my custom filters since who knows when were gone, and the little tracker on the browser said "0 out of 0 blocked" or something like that -- in other words, seemingly a fresh install. The zapper icon was also missing. Decided to uninstall/reinstall and I can't even get past this endlessly circling icon on the install page. Any else experience this?


For what it's worth, uBO did always take a long time to come up and running whenever I would reopen the browser, but it would eventually load. My Chrome says it's up to date - Version 125.0.6422.176 (Official Build)

EDIT after 10 minutes it did finally install, but I have only two of the five bottom icons here:


r/uBlockOriginu/Kohta_TheGheyPleb1d ago

AnsweredHelp blocking ad audio


So on various Scantilation and aggregate sites for manga/manhua/manwha they have this little radio tab in the bottom left that pops up playing ads. It used to just appear there and wait for you to interact with it, but for some reason now they've set it up to play automatically. I can visually block the ad with the element picker, but I have no idea how to block the audio coming from it. Some help with this annoying thing would be greatly appreciated since I would rather not have to pause the damn thing every time I flip to a new chapter of something, especially since almost every scantilation website has it these days.

(Also this is even worse on mobile, since it brings up a pop-up every time to sign into the damn thing.)

Here are some links to relevant websites with this annoying thing.


r/uBlockOriginu/minetenocastelo23h ago

SolvedHelp blocking ads without breaking website


Address: https://www.flatpanelshd.com/Today I started getting top banner, in between text in articles and right side column ads, I started using the zapper tool and the site broke, any help please?


r/uBlockOriginu/Som3141d ago

AnsweredPartially block ads on YouTube


Hello! I was wondering if anybody knows of a method to block the video ads on YouTube. I currently use uBlock Origin on Chrome and it works just fine to block all ads. But I would also like to support the creators I watch.

I was therefore wondering if there is a method where all video ads are removed but it keeps the sidebar ads on the videos because I do not find them annoying at all.

Can this be done with a uBlock Origin setting/filter? Or maybe there is an extension that lets you do this?

Grateful for all information.


r/uBlockOriginu/pastamuente1d ago

AnsweredCan I use custom filterlists on UBO lite to give the same experience as on Firefox?


I am using Chrome for web dev and cloud computing, so I am wondering if I can use the same custom filterlists on UBOL?

1 comment

r/uBlockOriginu/bzbub21d ago

AnsweredHide the "All/Popular" links from reddit pages? I tried element zapper but it re-appears on refresh



r/uBlockOriginu/Beneficial-Flower-821d ago

Need URL + Troubleshooting InfoImages and video loading badly


Hi folks.

I run uBlock Origin on Firefox, recently installed with bookmarks and stuff imported from Chrome ('cuz I'm done with Googles anti-consumer practices). I've noticed that Imgur (and other image-heavy sites load badly. Images are lacking, videos don't start etcetera. If I disable uBO it works fine. It also happens on the main video site, but if I write the name of the site, my thread is assumed to be part of the megathread, but my trouble is mostly with images.

Any tips?



r/uBlockOriginu/Expakun1d ago

AnsweredDoes anybody know how to hide this element? (crunchyroll.com)


I want to hide the Gray Gradient on the player that appears when opening an episode.
When selecting it with the element viewer, I find this:

<div class="css-1dbjc4n r-1awozwy r-1niwhzg r-13awgt0 r-18u37iz r-4rl0ck r-1wtj0ep r-15lccwe r-u8s1d r-1nd9uzx r-1w2ooi2" style="background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(20, 21, 25), rgba(20, 21, 25, 0));"></div>

Does anybody know how I can block this? I can't select it with "Block element" as it won't let me select it,


r/uBlockOriginu/Fresh65452d ago

AnsweredBrave question


What is the specific problems of using brave shield + uBO same time? Other than performance issues and AdBlock detection problems(which i never seen for a long time)I ask because i only see advantages. uBO doesn't block the trackers in Chromium browsers unlike Firefox because extension loading. Brave shield doesn't have that issue when you open a website right click > Open in the private window, Brave shield starts blocking the trackers while uBO is just refreshing the page after the load which blocks the ads at the end but i assume trackers already did there job. So question is what is the problem of using both if you don't have any performance issues.


r/uBlockOriginu/cns0001d ago

AnswereduBO Lite missed some ads


I switched to using uBO Lite in Chrome. I am getting games from a website called www.ovagames.com.

In the beginning uBO Lite blocked all ads from that website and there were no popup pages when I clicked on a game. Today I got https://i.imgur.com/Ws5Sl0e.jpeg and as you can see there is an ad in the lower right and it showed while uBO Lite was running. I clicked on the game Warhammer and I got a popup page which is https://i.imgur.com/oyFjNw6.jpeg. https://i.imgur.com/ql6pw39.jpeg are my settings in uBO Lite.

I want to ask why did uBO Lite allow some ads to slip through? Is it the fault of Google because they are removing manifest v2 and it's messing up the filter lists?


r/uBlockOriginu/HelperNova3d ago

TipWikipedia Appearance settings for those of us blocking cookies / storage


Wikipedia added "appearance" options. I am sure a lot of people like them, but they're super annoying to me because I don't use cookies and my storage gets cleared any time I close the browser, which means I'd have to set them every time I visit.

The settings below get rid of the "Apperance" column and make the article span all the way to the right. It also sets the font size to "small". If you prefer standard font size, you could change it from 0.875rem to 1rem

Just wanted to share in case it was bugging anyone else.

en.wikipedia.org###content > div.vector-column-enden.wikipedia.org###content:style( --font-size-medium: 0.875rem; --line-height-medium: 1.5714285; grid-template-columns: minmax(0,1fr) 0 !important; )


r/uBlockOriginu/GodlyAvenger3d ago

AnsweredYoutube Homepage Filterlist


A while back I found a filterlist for Youtube that filled the missing spots on the homepage that were once ads with actual videos, among other things. I recently had to reinstall the extension and lost my old filterlist and I can't seem to find that setting. Anyone know how I can do this?


r/uBlockOriginu/MrAlumina3d ago

Solved (new browser profile)Filter keep resetting


Hi I'm on Firefox latest build on ROG Ally. (Have not checked my laptop)

My filters keep resetting everytime I restart the browser.

This is very annoying because it keep defaulted to not filtering anything. So I have to tick every box everytime I close my browser.

I also have disabled every other extension and no changes.

I also tried reset to default settings but no changes. I have to manually ticked the filter box everytime.



r/uBlockOriginu/Xgamer91844d ago

YouTube: Detection|Ads|Breakages <= use the Pinned Mega ThreadHow will uBO bypass new YouTube ad injection?


I understand that uBO used to block incoming data which would display an ad but since YouTube has started its new strategy of putting them in the actual video how will uBO be able to prevent that? assuming it is permanent feature and not just a temporary test

1 comment

r/uBlockOriginu/freaky333d ago

duplicateIs uBlock Origin block dark mode on google.com?


I have something strange. When I open FireFox on my mac Google.com don't show up in Dark Mode, but when I refresh my browser Dark Mode works. What's wrong?

1 comment

uBlock Origin (uBO): The original uBlock project (2024)
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