The Gazette from York, Pennsylvania (2024)

-S 'r pv V- -in. ar IHIS tl VOilK tCUKSjLn. KUVKiIBEll -i- "ji a. r- ALTO they pay; EAILEOAD THUS TABLH3. i.i-4 a 1 DviMrtsrspUwiMncv Trsiii.

Frans MAY BE POET LAU ft ATE" r. CttMV of Alfred Austin, Who Aspire to t- Succeed Alfred Tcnnysoa. 4 southern pErrrA n. n. OVERDRAW CHECK AND BEARING RElN S.

is iTiTjr Thm Wtnt la 8oaetlmw Good, tlitf Pad v-, Mi? Alexander Jlrjnanagor of; the Indian Neck Horse Oakdale, L. makes plain to the most uninitiated the difference between the effect cf the overdraw checkrein and that cf the hearing rein. Be The object of the overdraw checkrein is to keep tip the head, and there is no donbt that it hot been and still is a great help In the training at trotting horses. Some trotters, I believe, cannot bo driven without it- Still, when we see hoarse checked so high that it is quite impossibly for, himto see where he is going, we are apt to condemn such a device as crueL Moreover, such extreme checking affects tbemusdes of the neck, axel jeven tha shonlders-and the legs, making it dlvScult for. the animal to walk witUany degree of comfort.

The evil arising from the abuse of the check- SSJvC VWtar: Well, Johnny, I suppose your Wtoer thinks tW twine omething wonderful? Johnny. Yen. But (in confidential whisper) I could lick em both, easy. TJT ragjak. St James Budget are -O PENNSYLVANIA BArLUOAD.

sobtuskji cnwut iuu.wi Division. On and after Nov. 17, 16, train will leak Yorks follows; A For BsHlcoore, Express 10:38 a sod (:80 dally. Accoatwiodstioo, stoppio at lntennedlste totioos, Mr Isras and t.zs r. week days.

Sundays 5:25 a. m. 1 or Harrisburg, 10:62 A and week days. Sunday 1:64. 7' 01 A.

1:34 and r. M. oasc IscJflc Express daily at I A arrlve at Altoon at 7 a. ud Pittsbarg a Fast Lias daily at 1:96 srrlTe at Altoona t.7:W. M.

aegf Lituburs at 11:30 -Penusylvsnl Limited Of Puli mss Yesttbule Car dafly at 1:86 r. arrives at Altoona at 6:10 r. M. and Pitttotnr 9:14 M. Plttsbor at :08 Western Express dally at r.

il, arrives at Altoona at 3:36 a. m. and Fltisbar at 7:16 A Me kr re Southwestern Express daily at T. M-, arrives at Altoona at 4:60 a. Pittsburg jy- 1 OBTH wxC ti.r A.

M. daily Northern Express, arrive at Snnbury 6:06 waiiamspott a. at, Elmira Canaadaigua 1:49 r. and Erie 3:40 V. at Ceonects for Boebetter daily and Buffalo and Niagara, Falls dally except fiuodag.

bury a. su, and Lock Haven r. a m. week days Nlssara Express, arrives fiunbury 1:36 WlUlameDort Idt a Lock Haven ilO r. Kane to r.

M-. F.I-mira 6:46 a a ta Connect fur- Rochester, Buffalo aod Niagara FkJli. J' a 1 uVi V. M. week days Fast LIoa arrives Sun-wry 6:86 r.

Williamsport 7:90 v. Mr, Bsnoro '00 -H i a- 6:29 m. daOy Williamsport Express, arrives Banbury and Wlluasosport 10:40 p. 10:33 p. M.

fiafly ex dept fiaturday, Rochester aod Buffalo Express, arrives fiunonry 1:36 a. II Uamsport A. Elmira he A Canandaigua 8:90 a m. Coonecta for Rochester, Buffalo and Niagara Falha FREDERICK DIVISION P. K.

On and after Monday. Nor; 17, 1896, trains will run dally except Sundays, as follows: souTHwano eixovia 0 7:68 A. Mr, too Frederick r. Mr, for Hanover. eoBXHwaanwKiOBisvnxx, 7:08 a.

for Philadelphia aad New York. Vito Mr it, foe Philadelphia and New York. linZS. for Philadelphia and New York. tsUaa, for Philadelphia and New York.

AJS r. M.t (ot Philadelphia aad New York. A through carte York is run on train leav-In; Philadelphia at i4h f. w. -Trains Jeave Hanover for Gettysburg at 9:19 a.

-week days re-ti-nlnr. ar-i never from Gettysburg 9: S3 A. and 4.30 M. week day a For time tobies and farther Inform atiQ General Mausxer. General Pas.

Azeut 'j i. 1 -CBEDITLE OF PASSENGER TRAINS FOB BHKEW8BUBY AAD GLEN KOCK. V-- runmu rnxiss xotnu Zx IS- PA mi JXt Niagara AM 6 6 09 100911016 OliWm Express and Fait Harrisburg F.xprese... P.M r.u 12291217 5 435 49 6 210 28 Sana Cocbeysvllle Accom (Sunday only). York AccommcKiatlinx 4, 8 a a PAdSBB TOAIKB SOCTA 1 Li York Accommodation.

Baltimore Passenger- Way Passenger Dayt Expreas. AM-AM 5 14 6 03 8316a r.w i r.s 1 401 81 6336 94 '3 016 53 CUMBERLAND VALLEY B. XABLRL May 31k 1896. TIME A r1 Cattle, Hogs wad Com, Tbsae Tturee They Go Well Gorn to thd main crop: in loweHOut best farmer generally concede that td dorivu the most profit frcm4hiscrop4 must be converted lute cattle and beg Cattle, hogs and com go wajl together The larger farmers with plenty cf grazing land can prefit ably, bandlecattle. but for tho majority corn converted into pork gives tho best ret Foreuccess-fulcoru raising a rotation of crop must be followed.

The hog raiser needs clover pasture, and as clover Is the best plant to Alternate with corn the two lines of farming go well together. 'One of the greatest hindrances to successful hog raising in the com belt, where this usually cheap and the excessive and continued feeding of oorn; Many will give their animals all the corn they eat from the- time, they are pigs until they are ready far market Cora is very heating, and, if fed im excess, will so affect. the animals system as to make it easily susceptible to disease germs. Several generations of such treatment will so dwindle and dwarf, them as to make hog raieing onproflt Breed good hogs those Which mature early and have large Keep old sows mostly for breeding purposes. Slop tho spring pigs from the time they begin to eat until newoorn is bard enough to feed, when they can be finished on corn.

Far slop, I have fouhd a chop made of equal parts wfceat, corn -hd oats the best, although bran instead oats does well. Shorts and eorn short and wheat mm alsq be used. de-pending open which ia cheapest all means let them have the ruQ cf good pasture. Do not feed the sows any grain after the pigs are a month Old. When 2 months old, wean the pigs and breed the sows for a fall fitter.

Let them run on good pasture for three months With noth ing to eat but grasa Tt will coot theh? systems, brooe up their put them in good condition for rais-; ing their fall pigs, Clover1- makes the best hog posture. Rye and blue grass are good for early and late, have found a mixture of peas, barley, oota and wheat, sowed early and in the spring, a splendid forage crop. It can he pastured or harvested and1 thrashed, the mixed grains, after adding a little earn, mak-; ing a first class chop Fall pigs will have to be slopped all winter if they are to be grown successfully. It costs name in time and. labor, also better buildings are needed, to successfully raise fall pigs than those farrowed in Bpring.

Feed filops warm, but not cooked. Turn shouts out eprly on rye blue gram pasture, and give all the soaked com they will eat up clean. They will then soon be ready fear market. By the time hogs thus treated are 8 or 2 months old they will weigh 250 to 800 pounds. This to not a great or fancy weight, but all good bog raisers can accomplish this much, and a good profit can be realized on the corn crop.

-Iowa Cot. Orange Judd i Grindln Bog Fee4 at Cora and cob ground make very nice feed during the winter and early sitting months, but after tbe cob becomes thoroughly dry it is of little benefit. Last winter I fed my cows crushed feed and Wheat shorts mixed equally, hot 'ja wheat is cheaper than shorts ft present prioes I am feeding one-half crushed feed ground with one-quarter yrheat and one-quarter cats. For my I feed one-half wheat and rats and one-half shelled corn ground together and soaked in skimmilk, which makes the host feed ever fed, especially for shoals ahd'fittla pigs. I believe that it would pay any farmer to have a feed mill who has 1Q or more oows and 2Q or moire hoga, a he can save from cue-quarter to cne-f third of his grain and obtain better re-, suits than when fed whole, because where whole grain to fed it to not properly masticated, consequently it to not properly digested, and.

littkr.benefit to derived, compared with ground feed--Hu also runs no risk of getting the toll hack and leaving his gri8t( afi, pay grinding, as when taken to.a milL' When the farmers have learned the benefits derived from feeding ftheir. stock ground feed and have placed themselyto in position to do their own grinding, they have aJkmgratride steward making farming a success. Con Rural New Ysrkec, Th Two Groat Paoar. Whichever, of the -two great pacers shall finally prove to be thfi best, the defeated one will not be disgraced unless one ot the other shows traits unshown. Two race horses of the caliber of Robert and.

Joe -Patchen have never been shown, and while the future may produce farter horses it will not produce thoee havieg more courage or of higher racing quality. Horse World. 1 Lito Stock Points. r. Approved instructions eay that ensilage must be ket highest at the aides when it is racked and that most of the tramping should he done there.

If when you open your ensilage stores this fall yon find they are moldy on 'the outside remember it may have been due to two canaest First, it may not j.have been packed in closely enough on the outside second, the corn may have been cut and packed too green before it waa mature enough to have dried up some of the water in the plant. A horse with a big, drooping head to one to buy. The head and forelegs of a horse take up considerably more than half his weight. If hia head to so heavy, therefore, that itdroops.ittwHl interfere uerionslywith his movements, If you want a really salable one that will yen -in a good price, be as particular about the horses dam as with hie sire. Breed only.

from shaped, good blooded roares. There aro not hogsenoughin tint country to eat up the com that Will be harvested this yea. A determined effort most he made to ship it abroad at paying prices. tOur consuls at foreign-ports can help grf atly in this work, Alfred A Ostia' is a good Tory poet and this fact, tt is reported, has won foe hlta a place mndo vacant by tax greater Alfred Alfred, Lord Tcmnyscm It Is a far cry from Austin' to burEngland must have a poet laureate and Austin, who is more of courtier than a poet, it to said, will ta fntnra supply the necessary metrical taffy whew anything happens to the royal family. Austin Is In bis sixty-first year and was born at Heading! ey, near Leeds, May 80, fu5.

His parents were Roman Catholic and he Was educated aft Stoneyburst and St. Marys colleges. Ho took his degreo at the University of London in 1858 and four years later was railed to the bar of tbe Inner Temple, The law did not pay and Austin turned hit attention to writing poetry, a proceeding that would seem to most people like jumping from the frying pan Into tbe fire. Austin, however, has made poetry pay He has used it as a stepping stone to a high place in EngHsh jcurnalhnn and to the chair of national poet lauroato, if rumor Is to bo believed. His first poem to reach' print was-called Randolph and was published anonymously.

In 1831 his first acknowledged volume of verse, The Season A Satire, appeared and was very severely criticised. Austin replied to his critics in a poem entitled My Satire and Its Censors, which he has since sui pressed. During tbe past 84 years many fugitive poem, dramas and navels have come from his pen, bathe has taken rank as a great poet, a' great dramatist or a great novelist. In 1869 be wrote AuVIn-dication cf land Byron, in reply to Harriet Beecher Stowes article, The True Story of Lord Byrons Life. On two occasion Austin attempted to eater parliament.

Hewae first defeated in 1865 and made his second vain attempt in 1880. He has been a very successful journalist and editor. During the sittings of the ecumenical council of the Vatican he represented the London Standard at Rome and was that journals oorreepond-ent at the headquarters of the king of Prussia during the Franoo-Gennan war. When Albert Victor, duke of Clarenoe, died, almost on the eve of hia proposed marriage to Prlnoee May, Austin wrote a very touching poem about the tragedy and expressed great sympathy for Princess May, forever doomed to wear tbe mockery of widowhood about her maidenhair. This poem made a great hit with British royalty, but it lost much of its pathos shortly after tike death of the prinoe, when Priooees May married hi brother.

Prince George, the sailor. 1 GRACE, HEALTH ANO BEAUTY. 1 Th Nw Physical altar Extension le etety and Its Proposed Work. Delsarte will soon be on draft, so to speak, in alt tbe cities of the United States If tbe Physical Culture Extension Society For the Promotion of Grace, Health and Beauty carries out its well formulated plans. Tbe object of the society Is to place physical culture on the same financial basis as other university extension work, and with this end is view 12 of toe leading physical culture teachers of America have united' in preparing a systematic eonmo of exercises embodying the very beet features of toe different systems in vogue.

These exercises have been divided into a series of 48 lessons, which. It Is raid, practlned regularly and properly develop beauty of faoe and farm, "give graoe and dignity to tbe earring, Increase ones self possession, cultivate toe voice and keep the vital organs and nervous system In tho best of oondition. Chicago already has 85 classes, and th society expects to open classes wherever there seems to be a good field, to-furnish ptrsiE co*ckorr, competent instructors and to teach the young women-ot tbo country bow to walk, stand, sit and tk with tbe least expenditure ot physical and nervous force necessary. The general editor of the. course is Mrs, Frank Stuart Parker of Chicago, who has had many yoars of experience la toe work, and who is sold to be a reoognlaod authority in advanced work along, too linos of physical culture.

Shu has pro pared the- first subject of the oourv whtoh Is called Expression of Thought Through the Body. Among othot 'phyaioai onlturo. teachers, idon tilled with tod ooi stys work are Mrs. Jonnuss whose subject Is Beauty; Gale Barber, Genevieve Stebbina, Henry. Lawrence Southwlck.

Kiln a Noblo, William James and, W. B. Chamberlain. 1 Tho originator of the societys phut is Miss SusioCwroft of Chicago, a very cloy er young woman, who scorns dustinod to tako a high plpce among tho dovotoos ol! physical cultnrs, Last Year Cotton Crop. tu ISO 4 7,627,211 lwlt of cotton wrrs faised and packed.

Connoetl'-o tot all on alley toiuoad and laauilnt tyatein. H. A. RrDOL, i.t.L Gen'J Pass. Aft 7 i WESTERS lfARYL5D XAI v.

Connections at O-ttysbnrV wt' pbia and Keadhaff and tt i.v and berry Ran litikfiO.E.E-t folk and Western Aali roads. Stbwattl Taking Keet SepXen leave West York State f-i -9: OS A m. for Thom avvi.ic, i if Grove, Men gee. Porters, and t- -u 1 A H. Division, also Bal timer, Ltr 6.

In Branch B. It Gettysburg teet on B. A li. Llvi-ion. al town, Waynesboro, barg, connecting wl- K.

R. at Hagerstown lor the aout west, and connection at -erry Lau. with B.tQ.lta for tbe West. 11 a. tn.

for Porters and taterme-'' tions on Eastern Extemnon, Ao New Oxford aad Gettysburg, riir i 1 i If 4:14 p. m. for Thotr- T' Spring Grove. Manges, Port- Last on B., a'vo over.

Berlin Branch H-, be 1 points west oa B. A H. dlvtaion. uoro Chsmbenburt thlvr towA connecting at Cur Vom, witA B. AO.

14. U. for tbe V. m. for For fere aod Inter-tlon on na ster a extenr 'on and I on U.

A IL Division to I never. -Trains arrive at West York tJcx i and 10:10 a 1.03, and 3:67 P- Trains leave- Ldchiand avenue two lies later than time above riven. 11 trains daily except i Baggage checked and Throngd TltiJ on sale at Weet York Station. J. It.

IIOUD, B. H. Gen. Man, 1 1 H.D.BOOTT, 1f JC Sent. B.

A H. Dlv. O. o. lCBuca iet 17, a.

a exswAKTCTOTrn Connecting wtH tve N.O. dally except nunsv. Hi STATIONS. Ils-kl 3 A.Y 1 5 5 61 6 i 4 I 5 4 ill Arrive- I 4 4 4 Orwii A Bheffer. -u Turnpike New.Freedc 4 New Freedom for fealt 1 Arrive at Balt 8 ia i A 1jfc -v 4 I.v.

New Freedom tor York Arrive at 1 -t JA1 i 4:1. 4 1 FTaTIONS- f- tf N.y JX Leave A.Y 6 3n 63 6 4 4 4 let A New Freedom. Keeney bheffer Anstlne Orwlg Utr Iml4 I 1 i i 3 a I 8 I 1 1 1 6)4 1 1 I I 6, i Zelgler- -tewartetowa. Arrive Arrive at New Lv. York for New (Freodo-u a Arrive at New i Lv, Balk for Sew FreedamL-e 4r 4 jr- tX Trains stop only when signalled er I tice to conductor.

Tickets sold and 1 checked through to and frem all (X R. hetweea BalvUnoveaad kt. SV.UBXtaalUww.. rv 4 2 York: Sostberu Schedule. Trains leave York A follows: Freight and passenger, 4t39 a at.

Passenger, 3:30 )-eDtcr, 4:20 p. ra. 'sf -Trains arrive as follows: Passenger, 6:46 AA--Passenges, 40 a m. -Freight and passenger, 1:15 p. Srktdslt of Mails at York Poetx.

Mans New York- a o-t tf 8 10 1 i A 7 I ti 01 8 10 4- naii Phlladeiphl A Baltimore Washington. tL 0 Pittsbs rg Harrisburg, Lancaster Columbia Gottysbnrg in i 1 1 II IL Way Boats Harris Baltimore Shrewsbury B. Gleu Hock Frederick Lancaster York A Dalta A Way DUlsburg IT. WellsvlUa, Dover, A Davldsburv, Ac Farmers, Thomas 1U aC 6 0 6 6 10 9 1 61 East Logaasrie AJaoobus Spry bentseia AlpinA 0i 111 64 i1 1 1 iJllL- Mail New ork A Pbilai Hal to A WeeVn bFta Pitts A Harrisburg (Columbia Gettysburg Way Mall North Bal tl more A Ihrewthury. B.

Lien 1 0kJ3 Le't-a Dover, eUl-k way Ac. Farmer. Thomsele S. Prospect, on a LravitAJarauus in i Spry, ban tael. AlninALc Office hours.

8 a. m. to T.S A m. 1 Office open on Sunday from id A A to A and 6 p. to 0-tO p.

m. Mails close on Sunday tttCtivn -'All maUedoee pvo 'v -e i V-Kiff*ckU 1 totewveAt ai SPECIAL OFFCn. In mder to Introduce finer work, pnbllc, until further not tbe 1 prices wUl hold goodi-One Celluloid finish, bust or full graphs. $1-00; One docen finer Clue doxen Marcello Panel, extra i for $1.60, former price IktA. 1.1.

graphs. Copying. Enlarging Crsyov i and Framing don neatly, pro- reduced prices. All work money refunded, jR, SukUYFfirAMv PhOtOjcrar No. W.

Market 8b, Yni- t' a -e 1 i i 1 1 SAbK REGISTER. 1 1 1 On BatU'day. November 33. 1895. on tbe premia, a of David Sharp, on the road leading from New Salerolo Rrllihart's station, per sonat property of Howard Lehr.

Clayton Ernst, auctioneer. On Friday, November 29, 1890, In East Man-Chester township, on the road leading from St Wolf to New Holland' live stock, fa rmtng Implements and household furniture of Adam Hooker. On Saturday, November 30, 1895. at Felton station, on the York Southern railroad, live stock, farming Implements and household furniture of Jacob Savior. OiuFrlduy.

February 38. 1836. In Springfield township, York epunty. live stock and farming Implements of Jacob Butcher. Clemens, auctioneer.

Taylor and Myers, clerks. oOn Saturday, February 29. 1SP6, on tbe farm I. W. Naylor, formerly Henry lmn.

on tbe road leading from the canal to the it lisle roads, midway between Welglestown and Dover, about six miles from York, five stock and farming Implements of P. Y. Nsylor. On Tuesday, March 8, 1898, In Manchester township near Foustown, live stock and farming Implements of O. B.

Pfaltxgiaff John Moul. auctioneer. On Tuesday, March 3, 1898, In Hellam township, two miles north of the village of Hel lam. on the road leading to White's Ferry, farm, stock and farming Implements of Harry Forrv. W.

H. Miller, auctioneer. On Wednesday, March 4, 1896, In lower Windsor township, rear the village of York ana. personal nroperty of William Fox. W.

U. Miller, auctioneer. On Thursday. March 6. 1898, on the farm of Dr.

Mifilin, in Hellam township, near the borough of Wrights villa. large farm, stock and farming Implements of Isaac MlnHo W. H. Miller, auctioneer; II. L.

Crumbling and Lehman, clerks. On March 6, 1896, on the farm of Joseph Stoner, hear Stoners station and one-fouri mile east of the village of Hellam. in Hellam township large farm, stock and farming un-plements of Henry Abel. W. H.

Millet, auctioneer. Crnmlfng and Lehman, clerks On Saturday, March 7, N. M. Rntb, at bis residence In North Codorus township, at Sprenkle's mill, near Bears station, liv; stock, household and kitchen furniture. U.

L. Strayer. auctioneer. On Saturday. March 7.

1898, In Chance ford township, York county on the farm of Benjamin Stoner, large sale of live stock and farming implement of Daniel Rider. Samuel Bhenberger, auctioneer. H. M. Smith, clerk.

On Saturday. March 7. 1898, on the farm of Samuel Zinger, in Fast Manchester, i ork countv. about one mile north of Endy mills H. C.

Hoover, auctioneer. On March 9, 1890, in Manchester township, 1 mile north of York and lull east of Mayersvtlle. on first farm west of Louck's Codorus mills, fatm stock and a variety of farming Implements by Alexander W. Loucks W. Miller, anctioneer; John Lehman and Heerge W.

Loucks, clerks. Oa Tuesday. March 10, 1898, In Mayers vllle, along the Harrisburg turnpike, the farm stock and farming Implements of Jacob Mayer. W. H.

MUier, auctioneer. On Wedoesday, March 11, 1898, on tbe farm of Henry Munser. in Hellam town-hip, York county, about mile west of Lfpbarvs mill on the rood leading to Stony Brook, large farm stock and farming implements of Henry Master. V. H.

Miller, auctioneer. On Wednesday. March IL 1896, In Spring-field township, on tbe York and Baltimore turnpike. 2 miles south of Lovan vllle. lvt stock and farming Implements of Lev M.

Kroufc. dement, auctioneer. On March 12, 1895. David Leber. York township.

near Dallastown, live stock and Arming implements. Barney Clemens, auctioneer On Thursday. March IS, 1898, on tbe farm of D. H. Det viler, in Hellam township, adjoining tbe borough of Wrights vllle, farm, stoex ana farming implements of James hheeta W.

H. Miller, auctioneer. On March 13, Christian Stark. Shrewsbury township, near Haloes saw mill, live stock and forming Implements. E.

OrermUler, auctioneer On Tuesday. March 47, 1890, on the farm of B. 8. Detwller. In Hellam township, a boo tone and a half miles north of Wrigbtsville.

farm, stock and farming implement of William Waiiick. W. H. Miller, auctioneer; H. L.

Orumbl ing. clerk. DYSPEPSIA CURE Is guaranteed to cure all forms of in-digesiioo and stoma It troubles. udh as rising of food, distrers after eating, shortness ot oreah and iall affections of the heart caused by wind colic, bad taste, offeosl vh Uvai loss of appetite, headache from Indigestion, overlndulgence In eatlng or drinking, or where the lining of the sonrac! has been impaired by physic or injurious medicines. llomceopathlc Remedy Co.

put up cure for, nearly every disease. Sold by alt druggists, mostly for 25 coots fvlaL Those who are In doubt as to the nature of their disease should addresti Professor Munyonl5QS Aych stredt-Phtiadelphla, Eng Jnll symptomf tbeit disease, fesscy Munyoa will earefuily diagnose ease and give you the benefit ot his free of all char ye The Remedies-wilt besent to any address on receipt of retail price, 4 Mr. Van Alee haa.ertaln aea-tiny symptoms about him. Try as he may beeannot keep Ida name out of the newspapers. Washington Stark, Gold -may be metal to settle do-mestio troubles than lead.

The Van Alen-Colt compromise la perhaps preferable to a traRndy in 'which a great diplomat or the representative of a great gun family might bo sacrificed. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. SOMETHING ON MIND. wal I Wee Ha DU Wot lUk Plate to tptU lata Oa.

Then was evidently something on his mind, for be did not even notice the coffee was cold and that oook and housemaid were quarreling audibly in the kitchen. It cant be the dressmaker's mused his wife, for she has only sent It to me twice as yet it wll only go to bis office as a last resort. Anyhow, 'if it is anything unpleasant hell speak cf it soon enough, and she poured herself another cup of tea, winch was hot. At last bespoke: VBy fhf way, my dear, it seems rather for you alone all day in this large house. How should you like a visitor this winter? Wbateverpnt such an idea into your bead, Henry Im sure I have no time to spend in inventing amusem*nts for a girl who would make me a stranger in my own parlor.

To be sure Amy is engaged, and by coughing every time I come into the room but then Ive made all those lovely new sofa pillows. I cant havo them ruined. Then there is Effie look here, Henry, bad yon any one in particular in yonr mind? Mr. Marshmallow looked alarmed. Hot at all, I assure you that is, I mean er the lady I had in mind is quite middle aged elderly, in fact.

Mrs. Marshmallow stiffened. It is quite impossible. In the first place, the guest chamber is not fit to be seen, and anyhow I dont want anybody to sleep in that lovely bed. It would spoil the set of pillows.

Besides I shall be too busy to take anybody around this winter the bonse takes up all my time. But what I was thinking was that you might be glad of a litfJe help in your housekeeping. That is just where yOu are mistaken, Henry Marshmallow. When I want any interference in my domestic affairs, Ill let you know. Oh, yes, I know just bow much she would enjoy putting a finger into my pie.

You quite surprise me, dear; still, you must know her better than I. is the first time since onr marriage that you have shown any appreciation of my judgment Im glad youve learned its value at last Oh, well, I only thonght to give you pleasure. Great pleasure, Im sure. I only hope yon havent already invited -If you have, I give yon fair warning I shall just expose myself tq smallpox and have the house quarantined, she cant corner Of course I haven asked her. I thought Id jus suggest it, lest you didnt like to, and youd enjoy asking her yourself." And enjoy hearing all winter how she brought up 15 children without ever a sealskin jacket or a pair of bloom- ft not aware that ers.

Really, your Of course you were not aware of anything. -Well, Ill not have any company this winter, thats fiat. Im going to fit up the guest chamber as a private gymnasium, and Ill have no room for any one. Very well, then, -that settles it; well say no more abqut it. -I wasnt overanxious for it myself.

He was struggling into his coat as he spoke. I only thought you would like a nice long visit from your mother, so I My own mother I Why, I I thought all this time you meant your mother. Ob. Henry, I But the. street door hJ closed, and she could hear him whistling joyously aa he went down the street.

Chicago Tribune, 1 1,1 Hew Lovely Is Mm jlnattainablei Nod I dont think Miss Walsingham Is such a particularly' pretty girl, do yon? Well, I dont: know. Shore? jected ate last night. Somerville Jour-- bat -rf-w A XM-covevr. Mamma Why did you give the baby jhatdtum? Paps Because he less noire ffhen be has the, drum. I4fe.

Cm I the Jfortk, lnC going to draff the color line 7b this. muttered the city editor, looking at tbo COW reporters manuscript and Sharpening a blue pencil. Chicago tribune. bearing OVEBDKAW AND BEAEINO REIS. rein coaid be obviated to a great extent if a little more time and patience were given to tbe first lessons toward training the young horse.

There is another form of checkrein, however, which is even more of an evil than the overdraw. This is the bearing rein, or bridoon, so commonly used in large cities on the carriage horses be longing to those who delight to being called tbe elite of tbe laud. So called society is never better pleased than when it is mistaken for something it is not. It has no feeling either for itself or far the lives attached to it, and tbe only purpose tbe bearing rein serves is to give horses the appearance of having lofty crests, thereby adding a little to the stylishness of their turnout, something which is no little consideration to this class, who are ever trying to monopolize public attention. A horse wearing a bearing rein will fa*g more at the end of ten miles than tho same horse without it would at the end of 20 miles.

This device has no earthly use, outside of appearance, and from a common genre view very little then. In spite of this therteare those who believe, or try to believe, that a horse is not correctly harnessed without a bearing rein. Balaton Bed. The steers that bring $100 per head in the Chicago market are not scrubs. They are from well bred bulls out of good grade cows.

You cant make top cattle by any other method. Neither is there any known process for increasing the supply of 2 and 3 year old bullocks in one season. A shortage in hogs, sheep or rabbits can be made good in a comparatively short spacoof time, bat there is no species of rapid transit that can be brought to bear to relieve quickly a situation which has been brought about as a result of a wholesale abandoning of beef cattlo breeding. The breeding stocks of the west have been reduced to a point where every good cow or heifer and ev- ery pure bred bull available ahould now be prized as about- the most, valuable sort of property the farmers of the corn and plue grass regions can own at the preseht time. When beef rises to such prices.

in the face of a badly crippled purchasing power on tbe part of consumers, it seems clear that with tbe gradual revival of our great taring and commercial interests now going on, tbe demand for thia necessary article of consumption must for several years at least more, than keep pace with any possible increase -of tbe Present prices for breeding stock are by no means in line with present and prospective prices for.bntcbers.stco*k. Those who buy good pure bred bulls and cows have therefore as good a chance for profit aa the most conservative could wish, and the are that those who buy earhest buy cheapest. It certainly looks as if we had turned the comer in earnest at last. Southwestern Stock-man. Traumittlac From a short monograph published recently by Herr Wilken, an Austrian professor, we gather that two English thoroughbreds of 'the same color will transmit that color to their descendants in 580 cases in 1,000.

When the Aires are of another color, that of the mere to usually possessed by tbe posterity. In England bays are common, while blacks are not. The Arab horse is generally. White. In 729 cases out of 3,000 Jbq White coat of the mother ia transmitted in 271 it is that of the sire or is mixed.

Two Arabian horses of the same color transmit it to their descendants in 887, rases in 1,000. 5' Additional trains win leave Carlisle for arris burg dally, except Sunday at 6.60 a A bl 13.10 p. p. and 340 tn aod from Mechanics burg at 6.U a nu, 7.80 a 10.00 p. p.

ua, AOtp. p. na, and 10.05 p. stopping at 3nd Train Nos. aad 19 run daily betweeu Harrisburg and Hagerstown.

Through coach froa Hagerstown to Philadelphia on train No. 4. Hagerstown to Philadelphia oa train No lo, leaving Hagamtewn at 19A6 a m. Ooonpants of this enr can remain In car at Philadelphia until 7. 90 A A ually, g- Dally except ianflav Additional local trains win leave Harris burg dally, except tluaday, tor Carlisle and lotermediate stations at 9.55 a p.

dk, 130 At 6.3b tn. and 10.66 p. tn also for Mechanlcshurg and lutertHedlate stations at til a at, 11.19 a a and Aid m. Ail of the above trains will stop at tad street. Harris-burg, totakeoo paasengern.

Nos. and 9 run dally bet-wean Harris bn rg aod Hagerstown. i Through Coach from Philadelphia te Ra sera town on tratu No. 6 and una daily rstown ou a except that na RumUva train No, vfll he uned from Harrisburg to Unger tow a Instead of No. 1 caa take thb car at Phil ri.KSR.YJMf er tDaily except tunday, it i I 'Sr I 'r ii: ,4 V1 jgn-O J- tV i 'J.

The Gazette from York, Pennsylvania (2024)
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