PAGE 8A ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH ST.L0U1S POST-DISPATCH, MARCH 1, 1938, HRST WIFE ACCUSES Accuser and Husband Hoover Goes to Vienna. Br Us Associated Press. GENEVA, March 1. Former President Herbert Hoover left here today for Vienna.
Alester penitentiary, where cense plates are made. PurchaJ of the bolts and nuts used to the tags on cars was apporved fc contract May 19, 1937, with the lj H. L. McCracken, then Tax CojJ mobile license plates, was sought in District Court here yesterday by the Fortenberry St Louis, owner of a patent on the devices. The firm says Brown refused to approve the claim after the devices had been delivered Jan.
10 at Mc- Seeks Payment for License Bolts. By tbe Associated Press. KLATOMA CITY, March A writ of mandamus to force C. C. Brown, State Tax Commissioner, to apprbve a claim for $50,625 for 675,000 special bolts for 1939 auto- SI-MMEE TO DRAFT NEW MRS.
LENA MCCARTHY. AS BIGAMIST MAN luiasiouer, me company contend TOUR fe'Ssas ihvs I93lh Alexius VV. McCarthy Jr. Arrested After Serving Year for Non-Support THREE YOUTHS WHO BOBBED STORE GET PRISON TERMS East St Loulsans Plead Guilty of Taking Clothing From Maple-wood (I1L) Shop. Three East St, Louis youths were sentenced to terms of one to 10 years each in the Southern Illinois Penitentiary at Menard by Circuit Judge Maurice V.
Joyce at Belleville yesterday when they pleaded guilty of larceny of $45 in clothing from the store of Mike Sussman, Maplewood, 111, Feb. 15. Those sentenced were Rollie Cox, 22 years old, and Willard Scott and Walter Johnson, each 18. They were indicted by the St. Clair County grand jury Friday on charges of burglary and larceny.
The burglary indictment was nolle prossed by the State when they pleaded guilty of larceny. II 7 PillV PHONE US FOR HOME A -J T. Mrs. Norton, House Labor Chairman, Names Rams-peck and Six Others to Tackle the Job. vim MO NST RATION! Cleaned and Pressed MM3 WE LL COME RIGHT 2) OUT IMMEDIATE DELIVERY IF DESIRED APES.
pair. 39c UITC! BYRD DENOUNCES -REORGANIZATION CtocMd Preued Exwpt Valwt or Velonr FREE CALL and DELIVERY Main Office Nwt RI. 6400 4546 Gravels IV. 6800 AMERICAN RECEPTION AND POLICE CALLS 1. ELECTRO DYNAMIC SPEAKER lor Fall Ton 2.
BUY TWO OR THREE So Every Member of the V7 A ft ftlB" W9 fi A I'- I i ''T II uzmii fff Is. life. Sw IS. F-t 1 ti ilt, Is IP if I am ii mtmHmm MT. AUBURN 6128 Easton Ave.
We Ms ton Prices for Wednesday STEAK 'Sri 1 5 Santas Coffee, Lb. 15c chuck u. i3c sa- l7c ROLLED HERRING. fl for I flf tlEGKBOHES 6c Daisy Cream Cheese, lb. 18c HOG snoot! Lb- 7c SHRIMP; Can 15c UJI.I 5 li Family Can Enjoy His Favorite- Program Alexius W.
McCarthy St. Louis automobile salesman, was held today in St. Charles County Jail on a warrant charging bigamy issued on complaint of Mrs. Lena McCarthy, 1419 Chambers street. He was arrested yesterday as he was released from the Workhouse where he had served a one-year term, less a deduction of 10 days for good behavior, for vagrancy and non-support of Mrs.
McCarthy and their son, 5 years old. They also have a daughter 8 months old. It is charged in the warrant that McCarthy, who Is 26 years old, married Miss Viola Mueller, 2615 Rauschenbach avenue, at St. Charles on March 2, 1937. This was eight days before he began his sentence in the Workhouse on the charge of vagrancy and non-support brought by his first wife.
Mrs. Lena McCarthy, who is 22 years old, said to a Post-Dispatch reporter that she learned McCarthy was married for the second time when she saw his name in a newspaper list of licenses issued at St. Charles. They had been married in Belleville early, in 1932 at a church ceremony, she said, but added that McCarthy had never supported her and that she bad worked continuously since then. She is now employed at odd jobs at $13 a week by a cold storage concern.
Mrs. McCarthy No. 2 declined to see a reporter. McCarthy, however, declared he was "under the impression" he had been divorced when he went through the marriage ceremony with Miss Mueller in the office of Justice of the Peace Ed White in St. Charles.
He asserted he had paid a St. Louis County lawyer a fee for obtaining a divorce, and had understood from him that the decree had been granted. McCarthy said that before going to the Workhouse he had resided in the 2500 block of North Twenty-first street. mmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmms i I DON'T SUFFER DISCOMFORT The Xmcrson with the MIRACLE Tone Chamber 2995 alexius w. McCarthy jr.
NEVER BEFORE HAS A WORLD Model ft-147, 5-Tub A.C. Superheterodyne Sttftdard AmeoC Broadcast. Hand-rvb-bed WW and On trrUl Wood Cabinet FAMOUS Emerson Sold et Suck LOW PRICE! by declaring that "utmost economy" should be the object of any reorganization bill. Proponents, admitting that little if any money would be saved, have stressed the claim that reorganization would increase Government efficiency. Byrd charged that various Virginia Democrat Assails Proposal as Unecomical, Declares U.
S. Should Balance Budget. By til Associated Press. WASHINGTON, March 1. Chairman Norton New Jersey, of the House Labor Committee appointed a seven-man subcommittee today to draft a new wage-hour bill.
Representative Ramspeck Georgia, chairman of the subcommittee, said his group would meet tomorrow "without any preconceived "Ideas" to "see whether we can work out a bill that will be satisfactory. A previous wage-hour bill was sent back to the Labor Committee at the special session of Congress last year. Appointment of the subcommittee called back into the forefront another item of President, Roosevelt's program. Reorganization of the executive branch of Government, one phase, is before the Senate. Tax revision is ready for House consideration.
The farm and housing programs have been passed and signed. Members of Sub-Committee. Those who will serve with Ramspeck on the wage-hour sub-committee are Representatives Randolph Virginia- Gildea Pennsylvania; Thomas Texas; Welch California; Smith Maine, and Schneider "Visconsin. Mrs. Norton said she would attend the sub-committee's discussions as an ex-officio member.
"There will not be public hearings because we can't undertake them at this time," Ramspeck said. "We are going to confer informally with any members of Congress who want to talk to us." He said the committee hoped to be ready to report to the full committee within two weeks. "Our sub-committee will not be committed to anything except to try to solve this problem," he added. Byrd Attacks BilL fOKe 9l0r II 4 FRANKLIN FURNITURE TOM ELEVENTH AND FRANKLIN AVENUE I agency heads, under terms of the bill, would be permitted to appoint an "unlimited" number of "experts and assistants," which would increase the number of Government employes. WAKE I 11 1 UP and I i SEE i g'- I mi i linn a TTJiiwi I GLASSES KmJV I ON -1 CREDIT jy I He also predicted that the new Department of Walfare to be created by the bill would expand rap ROSS KIDNAPER TO BE TRIED idly.
"Balance the Budget." "The greatest problem that con fronts our people today," Byrd To)r(2ft0Q said, "is to balance the budget. Some people, even Senators, ridicule that. They say that the budget may never have to be balanced again. "But I say that it is the most vital problem today. We are no closer to a balanced budget than we have been at any time since the BE GOOD TO YOUR EYES NEW LOW PAY A a A FOll EYE PRSCES ONLY WEEK TEST depression began." He read figures showing the Treasury deficit for the current at year was $1,045,000,000 on Feb.
26 MARCH 14; HE PLEADS GUILTY Jury Trial Necessary to Inflict Death Penalty as Demanded by Government. Bjr the Associated Press. CHICAGO, March 1. A jury trial has been ordered for John Henry Seadlund, who pleaded guilty of kidnaping Charles S. Ross, wealthy Chicago retired manufacturer.
The prisoner entered his plea yesterday before Judge John P. Barnes, who set the trial for March 14. Ross was kidnaped near Chicago Sept 25, 1937. His body was found in a cave near Spooner, Jan. 20, after his widow had paid $50,000 ransom.
The body of James Gray, the kidnaper's confederate, also was found in the Seadlund was arrested at Los Angeles. United States Attorney Michael L. Igoe said the Government sought the death penalty and, since only a jury can assess it under the law, demanded a jury trial Attorney Floyd 1 Thompson, appointed by the Court to defend Seadlund, said outside the courtroom the prisoner had expressed a desire to hurry the proceedings and that death was preferable to a long prison term. and predicted it would mount to uefsera est msB HO REASON FOR NEGLECTING YOUR EYES THE ONLY EYES YOU WILL EVER HAVE 1,750,000,000 by June 30, when the Senator Byrd Virginia, charged in the Senate today that passage or the Government reor ganization bill in its present form DR. H.
SSHEAR DR. V. H. WEHMUELLER Optometrists Opticians 2 DOCTORS would "increase the cost of government many millions of dollars." Pounding his desk, Byrd shouted that it was "an astounding thing 314 NORTH to me to hear the President say 6ih STREET I that only 530,000,000 could be saved by this plan of Government reor fiscal year ends. "The outlook for 1939 is even worse," he declared.
"We are spending as much as we have in any previous year, except for payment of the soldiers' bonus. I predict that in the next fiscal year, the deficit will be close to Byrd charged that most of the sixt months' time spent by a special committee, of which he was chairman, on previous reorganization plans had been taken up by consideration of a confidential memorandum from President Roosevelt. Presidential Control. "This confidential memorandum, ganization." He opened the opposition attack tempts to revamp the Federal set-up Wednesday! Every Woman in St. Louis who wears Sizes 14 to 20 and 38 to 60 will be here for this SALE of Brilliant, Sparkling, New Washable Rayon if it had been followed out," he bad failed.
He said that unless such authority is granted to the President "we may as well abandon the idea of Government reorganization for all time." Senator Walsh of Massachusetts cried, "would have given the Presi V. dent control of the regulatory agencies of the -Federal Government." He. listed among such agencies objected that the bill would give the kittee) the Interstate Commerce Commission, Federal Trade Commission, National Labor Relations Board. Power Commission and Communi President power to take employes out of their Civil Service classifications and to exercise general authority heretofore held by Congress. He offered the amendment to exempt the Civi' Cirvice Commission from the President's authority to merga.
and reorganize bureaus. cations Commission, The present bill, Byrd said, made it "impossible to unscramble" the V' SO NEW THAT MONTHS FROM NOW YOU'LL SEE THEM FEATURED AT TWICE THE PRICE! BOLEROS! PLEATS! SWING STYLES! emergency agencies from the regu-' lar departments and other offices I of Government in its authority to ALTERATION MONEY-Use the F.H.A. the President to revamp the executive branch of the Federal setup. It would necessary, Byrd de clared, to obtain a two-thirds ma WINDOWS AND FRAMES ZIPPER FASHIONS! SHIRRING! SASHES! TIE BACKS! OTHERS! Crown tested and ap-' proved for durability, color fastness and general WHAT TO DO: jority in Congress to override any Opening portion of an executive order re vamping departments because Congress would be forced to pass a wearing qualities! "corrective" bill which the Presi DOORS la 2 or 5 Panel; (3 Special Price -P 1 351' i AT the first sign of a cold, take these sensible Xx. steps against it.
Keep the system open restore its alkaline balance. Lemon-ancL soda do both. How tO'Fix It: Squeeze the juice of a Sunkist Lemon into a tall glass of cold or warm water. Into another glass, put a half teaspoonful of ordinary baking soda (bicarbonate). Pour back and forth, and drink when foaming subsides.
Do this morning and evening when exposed to colds. Make It A Rule! If your system is sluggish, make this the first order of every day, and chances are you will never need a harsh laxative This simple drink quickly made with household ingredients is all the corrective many people need. Actually, long-time users tell us, it increases in effectiveness when followed regularly. Try it. See how you benefit-right from the Start.
Copyright. 1938, California FnU Grower. ExMg ANDREW SCHAEFER iMti I Li TN COIfiX 0375-S 4300 NATURAL BRIDGE A tremendous sale of WASHABLE Dresses Sparkling vivid flattering! Clear "rain-drenched" colors Youthful, perfect-fitting styles that LOOK expensive 1 FEEL expensive AH DEFINITELY NEW with a triumphant fashion future! Other styles not pictured in sizes 38 to 60. 1 i FLAT- mmf- ir Grandmother ted it, dent could veto. Byrnes Defends BilL Chairman Byrnes of a special reorganization committee began the fight in behalf of the measure yesterday by declaring it offered the only feasible solution to an old problem.
Asked by Senator Bailey North Carolina, whether the was designed to save money, Byrnes said it was. Bailey, however, declared there was no assurpica that economies would result. Senator Burke Nebraska, ami I wouldn't be without it. Mother ree ommendi ita 3f -JYjlWa zipper. I ETTE! Ml' 'JJI' ucAlA-i FOR FINE FLAVOR AND ECONOMY til i i -r-xm i B'JTTONS.
tsf fill UP! Brown, an opponent, said chances were excellent for eliminating a provision mi mm Black. Sizes 38-48, to replace the present three-member Civil Service Commission with a single administrator. Burke added that "there is about a 50-50 chance" of knocking out a provision substituting an auditor-general for the present Comptroller- 4 in California Sunkist Lemons, General. Senator Glass VKHI 'iofctJHSIc Virginia, said he would support 1 uurice in that maneuver. Chance for Third Amendment.
A third amendment to prevent separation of the forest service from the Agriculture Department "has c. fair chance of adoption," amy. US. uurke said. Senator Wheeler Mon "A Sw0y ByL -s Wi-lSz 12-20.
IV tana, and many other Senators who fought the Roosevelt court reorgan ization bill are expected to speak against provisions of the present i mrnm legislation. Byrnes recalled that numerous at- 4: V- A..