Bibliografia prac o Jerzym Grotowskim i Teatrze Laboratorium (2024)

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  • Bibliografia prac o Jerzym Grotowskim i Teatrze Laboratorium
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W językach obcych

Spis obejmuje najważniejsze prace na temat twórczości Jerzego Grotowskiego i jego współpracowników, opublikowane w językach obcych. Jest to zaledwie szkic do pełnej bibliografii, która zostanie opracowana i opublikowana w najbliższej przyszłości.

Spis podzielony jest na dwie części: pierwsza gromadzi informacje o drukach zwartych, druga – o pozostałych. Układ każdej z części jest alfabetyczny, a w obrębie prac poszczególnych autorek i autorów – chronologiczny.

a) druki zwarte

  1. Adorján Viktor: A Laboratórium, Az opolei–wrocławi színházi Laboratórium tevékenysége és utóélete 1959-től napjainkig, Magyar Műhely Kiadó – Ráció Kiadó, Budapest 2015.
  2. Arhne Marianne: Katharina Horrowitz drömmar, Norstedts, Stockholm 1990.
  3. Attisani Antonio: Un teatro apocrifo. Il potenziale dell'arte teatrale nel Workcenter of Jerzi Grotowski and Thomas Richards, Medusa Edizioni, Milano 2006.
  4. Barba Eugenio: Alla ricerca del teatro perduto. Una proposta dell’avanguardia polacca, Marsilio Editori, Padova 1965.
  5. Barba Eugenio: Land of Ashes and Diamonds: My Apprenticeship in Poland, followed by 26 letters from Jerzy Grotowski to Eugenio Barba, Aberyswyth: Black Mountain Press, 1999.
  6. Brook Peter: With Grotowski: Theatre is Just a Form, translated by Mohammad Reza Aliakbari [w języku irańskim].
  7. Burzyński Tadeusz, Osiński Zbigniew: Grotowski’s Laboratory, trans. Bolesław Taborski, Warsaw: Interpress, 1979.
  8. Cynkutis Zbigniew: Acting with Grotowski: Theatre as a Field for Experiencing Life, translated by Khalid Tyabji, edited by Paul Allain and Khalid Tyabji, Routledge, New York 2015.
  9. Essere un uomo totale. Autori polacchi su Grotowski. L’ultimo decennio, a cura di Janusz Degler e Grzegorz Ziółkowski, Marian Fabbri e Renata M. Molinari, in coedizione con il Centro di Studi sulla Opera di Jerzy Grotowski e di Ricerche Teatrali e Culturali di Wrocław e Il Mutamento Zona Castalia, Assciazione di Cultura Globale di Torino, Pisa, Titivillus Edizioni, 2005.
  10. Flaszen Ludwik: Grotowski & Company, translated by Andrzej Wojtasik and Paul Allain, edited and with an introduction by Paul Allain with the editorial assistance of Monika Blige and with a tribute by Eugenio Barba, Icarus Publishing Enterprise, Holstebro – Malta – Wrocław 2010.
  11. Grotowski’s Empty Room, edited by Paul Allain, Seagull Books, London – New York – Calcutta 2009.
  12. Il Pegaso d’Oro della Regiona Toscana, 1998, Straordinario Jerzy Grotowski, Pontedera 30 May 1998, Firenze: Edizioni Regione Toscana, April 1999.
  13. Il Teatr Laboratorium di Jerzy Grotowski 1959–1969, a cura di L. Flaszen e C. Pollastrelli con la coll. di R. Molinari, Pontedera, Fondazione Pontedera Teatro, 2001.
  14. Intorno a Grotowski, in “Culture Teatrali”, n. 9, autunno 2003.
  15. Jerzy Grotowski e il Teatr Laboratorium, numeto monografico di “Sipario”, Anno XXXV, n. 404, I trimestre 1980.
  16. Jerzy Grotowski, numero monografico, “I Giganti della Montagna”, anno I, n. 0, febbrario 2001.
  17. Kahn François: Le jardin. Récits et réflexions sur le travail para-théâtral de Jerzy Grotowski entre 1973 et 1985, Accademia University Press, Torino 2016.
  18. Kumiega Jennifer: The Theatre of Grotowski, Methuen, London – New York, 1985.
  19. La sacra canoa. Rena Mirecka dal Teatro Laboratorio di Jerzy Grotowski al parateatro a cura di Zbiegniew Jędrychwski, Zbigniew Osiński, Grzegorz Ziółkowski, Edizione italiana a cura di Pier Pietro Brunelli e Luisa Tinti, Bulzoni Editore, Roma 2010.
  20. Molinari, Renata M.: Diario dal Teatro delle Fonti. Polonia 1980, Pontedera, Fondazoione Pontedera Teatro, 2006.
  21. On the Road to Active Culture: The Activities of Grotowski’s Theatre Laboratory Institute in the Years 1970-1977, ed. arrangement and press documentation Leszek Kolankiewicz, trans. Bolesław Taborski, Wrocław: Instytut Aktora – Teatr Laboratorium, 1978 and 1979.
  22. Opere e sentieri / Il workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards, curato da Antonio Attisani e Mario Biagini, Bulzoni Editore, Roma, vol. 1: 2007.
  23. Osiński Zbigniew: Grotowski and His Laboratory, trans. and abridged by Lillian Vallee and Robert Findlay, New York: PAJ Publications, 1986.
  24. Pilátová Jana: Hnízdo Grotowského. Na prahu divadelní antropologie, Institut Umĕní – Divadelní Ústav, Praha 2009.
  25. Richards Thomas: Al lavoro con Grotowski sulle azioni fisiche, Ubulibri, Milano 1993; English version: At Work with Grotowski on Physical Actions, with preface and the essay “From the Theatre Company to Art as Vehicle by Jerzy Grotowski”, London, New York: Routledge, 1995. See Italian: Thomas Richards.
  26. Richards Thomas: The Edge-Point of Performance, interviewer: Lisa Wolford, Pontedera 1997.
  27. Richards Thomas: Heart of Practice. Within the Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards, Routledge, London – New York 2008.
  28. Ryszard Cieślak, acteur-emblème des annès soixante, ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Georges Banu, Actes Sud/Académie Expérimentale des Théâtres, 1992.
  29. Schwerin von Krosigk Barbara: “Der Nackte Schauspieler”: Die Entwicklung der Schauspieerltheorie Jerzy Grotowskis, Publica, Berlin 1986.
  30. Shawn Wallace, Gregory André: My Dinner with André, New York: Grove Press, 1981.
  31. Slowiak James, Cuesta Jairo: Jerzy Grotowski, Routledge, London and New York 2007.
  32. Speciale Grotowski, “Hystrio”, n. 2, anno XII, 1999.
  33. Temkine Raymonde: Grotowski, La Cité, Lausanne, 1968; English version: Grotowski, trans. Alex Szogyi, New York: Discus Books, published by Avon, 1972.
  34. The Grotowski Sourcebook, edited by Richard Schechner and Lisa Wolford, Routledge, London – New York 1997.
  35. Gabriele Vacis: Awarness: dieci giorni con Jerzy Grotowski, BUR, Milano, 2002.
  36. Wang Stephen: An Acrobat of the Heart: A Physical Approach to Acting Inspired by the Work of Jerzy Grotowski, Vintage Books, New York 2000.
  37. Wolford Lisa: Grotowski’s Objective Drama Research, University Press of Mississipi, Jackson 1996.
  38. Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski, Centro per Sperimentazione e la Ricerca Teatrale, Pontedera 1988.

b) artykuły

  1. Alexander Bobby C.: Victor Turner Revisited: Ritual as Social Change, American Academy of Religion series, 74, Scholars Press, Atlanta 1991, pp. 105–148.
  2. Allain Paul: After Grotowski – the Next Generation, “New Theatre Quarterly” 2002, February. 18, 1, pp. 59–65.
  3. Allain Paul: Grotowski’s Ghost, “Contemporary Theatre Review” 2005, February, vol. 15, 1, pp. 46–58.
  4. Auslander Philip: ‘Holy Theatre’ and Catharsis, “Theatre Research International”, 9, 1, Spring 1984, pp. 16–29; also [in:] Auslander Philip: From Acting to Performance: Essays in Modernism and Postmodernism, Routledge, London – New York 1997, pp. 13–27.
  5. Bacci Robert: Un lavoro neccesario, “Teatro e Storia” 1988, no. 2 (anno III, no. 5), pp. 251–253.
  6. Baker-White Robert: Artaud’s Legacy in the Collectivist Avant-Garde: Community and Representation in Works by Grotowski, Chaikin, and Schechner, [in:] Antonin Artaud and the Modern Theater, edited by Gene A. Plunka, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, London – Toronto 1994, pp. 199–221.
  7. Banu Georges: Grotowski a l’academie de Pontedera, “Art-Press 1978 no. 111, pp. 40–41.
  8. Banu Georges: Grotowski – the Absent Presence, [in:] Intercultural Performance Reader, edited by Patrice Pavis, Routledge, London – New York 1996, pp. 247–256.
  9. Barba Eugenio: Theatre Laboratory 13 Rzędów, ed. and trans. Simone Sanzenbach, „Tulane Drama Review” 1965, Spring, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 153–165.
  10. Barba Eugenio, Flaszen Ludwik: A Theatre of Magic and Sacrilege, „Tulane Drama Review” 1965, Spring, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 172–182.
  11. Baumrin, Seth: Ketmanship in Opole. Jerzy Grotowski and the Price of Artistic Freedom, “TDR: The Drama Review” 2009, Fall 53:4 (T204), pp. 49–78.
  12. Ben Chaim Daphna: Psychological Protection from Fiction, [in:] Ben Chaim Daphna: Distance in the Theatre: The Aesthetics of Audience Response, Michigan: UMI Research Press, Ann Arbor 1984, pp. 39–50.
  13. Bentley Eric: Dear Grotowski: An Open Letter, „The New York Times” 1969, 30 November, p. 1, 7; also [in:] Bentley Eric: Theatre of War: Comments of 32 Occasions, New York: Viking Press, 1972, pp. 379–384; 1973; Schevill James: Break Out: In Search of New Theatrical Environments, 1973 and in: The Grotowski Sourcebook…, pp. 165–171.
  14. Bharucha Rustom: Goodbye Grotowski, [in:] Bharucha Rustom: Theatre and the World: Performance and the Politics of Culture, Manohar Publications, London 1990 and Routledge, New York 1993, pp. 42–53.
  15. Biagini Mario: Gli scritti di Grotowski, „Teatro e Storia” 2015 no. 36, s. 187–192.
  16. Birringer Johannes: Theatre of Relations, in: Birringer Johannes: Theatre, Theory, Postmodernism, Indiana University Press, Indianapolis 1991, pp. 153–155.
  17. Braun Kazimierz: Where is Grotowski?, “TDR: A Journal of Performance Studies”, 30, 3 (T111), Fall 1986, pp. 226–240.
  18. Braun Kazimierz: Jerzy Grotowski, [in:] Braun Kazimierz: A History of Polish Theater, 1939–1989: Spheres of Captivity and Freedom, Greenwood Press, London – Westport 1996, pp. 163–165.
  19. Brestoff Richard: Jerzy Grotowski and the Holy Actor, [in:] Brestoff Richard: The Great Acting Teachers and Their Methods, illustrations by Deborah Stevenson, Smith and Kraus, Lyme 1995, pp. 154–162.
  20. Brook Peter: The Holy Theatre, in: Peter Brook: The Empty Space, London, McGibbon & Kee; New York, Atheneum 1968, pp. 59–60.
  21. Brook Peter: Grotowski, Art as a Vehicle, “TDR: A Journal of Performance Studies 1991, Spring, vol. 35, 1 (T129), pp. 92–94; also [in:] The Grotowski Sourcebook…, pp. 381–384.
  22. Brustein Robert: The Century of Directors: Great Directors at Work; Grotowski and His Laboratory, [in:] Brustein Robert: Who Needs Theatre: Dramatic Opinions, Atlantic Monthly Press, New York 1987, pp. 150–155.
  23. Cairns Adrian: The European Gurus: Actors on a String with Brook, Kantor, Grotowski, Strehler, Stein, Planchon, and Mnouchkine, [in:] Cairns Adrian: The Making of the Professional Actor: A History, an Analysis and a Prediction, with a foreword by Jeremy Irons, Peter Owen, London – Chester Springs 1996, pp. 165–171.
  24. Cioffi Katleen: Grotowski: Between Student and Professional Theatre, [in:] Cioffi Kathleen: Alternative Theatre in Poland, Harwood Academic Publishers, Amsterdam 1996, pp. 82–93.
  25. Clurman Harold: Jerzy Grotowski, [in:] Clurman Harold: The Divine Pastime: Theatre Essays, Collier Macmillan, London – New York 1974, pp. 221–226; also [in:] The Grotowski Sourcebook..., pp. 161–164.
  26. Cohen Robert, Introduction and Putting a Tree in a Box, “Slavic and East European Performance” 2000, Summer, 20, 2, pp. 13–15, 17–25.
  27. Croyden Margaret: The Phenomenon of Jerzy Grotowski, in: Margaret Croyden, Lunatics, Lovers and Poets: The Contemporary Experimental Theatre, McGraw-Hill, New York – St. Louis – San Francisco – Toronto, 1974, pp. 135–168.
  28. Croyden Margaret: Jerzy Grotowski: The Experiment Continues, “American Theatre” 1992, September, 9, 5, pp. 42–43.
  29. Cruciani, Fabrizio: Di fronte al testo-testimonianza, “Teatro e Storia” 1988, no. 2 (anno III, no. 5), pp. 281–286.
  30. Cuesta Jairo, On His Way, “Slavic and East European Performance” 2000, Summer, 20, 2, pp. 26–27.
  31. Davy Daniel: Grotowski’s Laboratory: A Speculative Look Back at the Poor Theatre, “Essays in Theatre” 1989, 7, 2, pp.127–138.
  32. Degler Janusz: In Pontedera: After Grotowski and About Grotowski, translated by Jadwiga Kosicka, “Slavic and East European Performance” 2002, Winter, 22, 1, pp. 32–39.
  33. Degler Janusz: Jerzy Grotowski on the Books of His Youth, translated by Jadwiga Kosicka, “Slavic and East European Performance” 2003, Spring, 23, 2, pp. 40–48.
  34. Dossier. Grotowski: l’opera scritta, traduzione e cura di Marina Fabbri, „Teatro e Storia” 2015 no. 36, s. 119–192. [Teksty Maria Biaginiego, Mariny Fabbri, Dariusza Kosińskiego, Teresy Nawrot, Oliviera Ponte di Pino]
  35. Fabbri Marina: Le parole (non) sono importanti, „Teatro e Storia” 2015 no. 36, s. 121–140.
  36. Filipowicz Halina: Where is Gurutowski?, “TDR: A Journal of Performance Studies 1991, Spring, vol. 35, 1 (T129), pp. 181–186; also in: The Grotowski Sourcebook…, pp. 404–408
  37. Filipowicz Halina: Performing Bodies – Performing Mickiewicz: Drama as Problem in Performance Studies, “Slavic and East European Journal” 1999, Spring, 43, 1, pp. 1–18.
  38. Findlay Robert: Grotowski’s ‘Cultural Explorations Bordering on Art, Especially Theatre’, “Theatre Journal” 1980, October, 32, 3, pp. 349–356.
  39. Findlay Robert: Grotowski’s l’homme pur: Towards De-mystification, “Theatre Perspectives” 1982, no. 2, pp. 47–54.
  40. Findlay Robert: Grotowski’s Akropolis: A Retrospective View, “Modern Drama” 1984, March, 27, 1, pp. 1–20.
  41. Findlay Robert: Practice/Theory/Practice/Theory: Excepts from an Extended Interview/Dialogue with Zbigniew Cynkutis (1938–1987), “Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism” 1987, Spring, 1, 2, pp. 145–150.
  42. Findlay Robert: Grotowski at Fifty-Nine: The Ten-Day Conference at Irvine (August 1992) and the Six-Day Mini-Course at NYU (February 1993), “Slavic and East European Performance” 1993, Summer, 12, 2, pp. 23–30.
  43. Findlay Robert, Filipowicz Halina: Grotowski’s Laboratory Theatre: Dissolution and Diaspora, “TDR: A Journal of Performance Studies” 1986, Fall, vol. 30, 3 (T111),: p. 201-225; also in: The Grotowski Sourcebook…, pp. 172–188 (abridged and signed only by Robert Findlay).
  44. Flaszen Ludwik, Leszek Kolankiewicz, Zbigniew Osiński, Teo Spychalski: Grotowski e il silenzio. Due dialoghi, „Teatro e Storia” 2015 no. 36, s. 21–46.
  45. Fortier Mark: Jerzy Grotowski and Herbert Blau, in: Fortier Mark: Theatre/Theory: An Introduction, Routledge, London – New York 1997; second, expanded edition 2002, pp. 74–77.
  46. Fowler Richard: The Four Theatres of Jerzy Grotowski: An Introductory Assessment, “New Theatre Quarterly” 1985, May 1985, vol. 1, no 2, pp. 173–178.
  47. Furlong Gary, Harrison James: In Search of Impulse: Zygmunt Molik and the Polish Theatre Lab, “Theatrum: A Theatre Journal” 1985, Summer, pp. 11–31.
  48. Gerould Daniel C.: Jerzy Grotowski’s Theatrical and Paratheatrical Activities as Cosmic Drama: Roots and Continuities in the Polish Romantic Tradition, “World Literature Today” 1980, Summer, 54, 3, pp. 381–383.
  49. Gilman Richard: Jerzy Grotowski, in: “New American Review” no. 9, ed. Theodore Solotaroff, London, New York, Toronto, New American Library, 1970, pp. 205–220.
  50. Grimes Ronald L.: Route to the Mountain: A Prose Meditation on Grotowski as Pilgrim, “New Directions in the Performing Arts” December 1976; also [in:] The Grotowski Sourcebook…, pp. 248–251.
  51. Grimes Ronald L.: The Theater of Sources, “TDR: A Journal of Performance Studies” 1981, Fall, vol. 25, 3 (T91), p. 67–74; also [in:] Grimes Ronald L.: Beginnings in Ritual Studies, Landham: University Press of America 1982, p. 181–191; second expanded edition: University of South Carolina Press, Columbia 1995, pp. 177–188; and [in:] The Grotowski Sourcebook…, pp. 271–282.
  52. Grimes Ronald L.: Jerzy Grotowski’s Poor Theater, [in:] Grimes Ronald L.: Beginnings in Ritual Studies, Landham: University Press of America 1982, pp. 165–178, second expanded edition: University of South Carolina Press, Columbia 1995, pp. 164–176.
  53. Harrop John, Epstein Sabin R.: Artaud, Grotowski, and the Theatre of Physical Metaphor, [in:] Harrop John, Epstein Sabin R.: Acting With Style, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 1982 pp. 317–339.
  54. Hasiuk Magdalena: Jerzy Grotowski’s Bright Alley, translated by Jadwiga Kosicka, “Slavic and East European Performance” 2003, Winter. 23, 1, pp. 24–33.
  55. Hayman Ronald: Grotowski – A London View, “Drama. The Quaterly Theatre Review” 1969, Winter, no. 95, pp. 59–61.
  56. Hayman Ronald: Meyerhold and Grotowski, „London Magazine” 1970, July, pp. 62–66.
  57. Hayman Ronald: The Director and the Group: Grotowski and Chaikin, [in:] Hayman Ronald: Theatre and Anti-Theatre: New Movements Since Beckett, Oxford University Press, New York 1979, pp. 221–231.
  58. Holsinger Holly: Reaching Back, “Slavic and East European Performance” 2000, Summer, 20, 2, pp. 31–33.
  59. Hořínek Zdĕnek: Druhé setkáni s Grotowským, „Divadlo” 1967 nr 6, s. 7–14; English translation: My second meeting with Grotowski, in: Grotowski’s Empty Room, edited by Paul Allain, Seagull Books, London – New York – Calcutta 2009, pp. 75–90.
  60. Hornby Richard: Grotowski’s Subjective Drama, “Slavic and East European Performance” 2000, Summer, 20, 2, pp. 34–42.
  61. Innes Christopher: Jerzy Grotowski, [in:] Innes Christopher: Holy Theatre: Ritual and the Avant Garde, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge – New York 1981, pp. 159–177.
  62. Innes Christopher: Jerzy Grotowski and Paratheatrical Therapy, [in:] Innes Christopher: Avant Garde Theatre, 1892–1992, Routledge, London – New York 1993, pp. 149–166.
  63. Jędrzejczyk Olgierd: Opolska Siakuntala, „Gazeta Krakowska” 1960 nr 307, z 27 listopada, s. 6. Przedruk: „Performer” 2016 nr 11–12.
  64. Калянкевiч Лешак: Ацаленые праз мастацтва, „pARTisan” 2015 nr 30, s. 24–29.
  65. Kauffmann Stanley: Grotowski’s Theater, [in:] Kauffmann Stanley: Persons of the Drama: Theater Criticism and Comment, Harper & Row, New York – Hagerstown – San Francisco – London 1976, pp. 63–72.
  66. Kerr Walter: Is Grotowski Right – Did the Word Come Last?, „The New York Times”, 30 November, pp. 1, 8; also [in:] The Grotowski Sourcebook…, pp. 152–157.
  67. Kolankiewicz Leszek, Osiński Zbigniew: Jerzy Grotowski and Ludwik Flaszen „Peripeti” 2004, no. 2, pp. 41–42.
  68. Kornaś Tadeusz: La via, „Teatro e Storia” 2015 no. 36, s. 155–162.
  69. Kosiński Dariusz: Phoenix, [in:] Rena Mirecka. Teatr człowieczy. Maciej Stawiński: 30 fotografii z lat 1980–2010, trans. Justyna Rodzińska-Nair, Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego, Wrocław 2011, pp. 9–11.
  70. Kosiński Dariusz: Per una pratica dei testi di Jerzy Grotowski, „Teatro e Storia” 2015 no. 36, s. 141–154.
  71. Kott Jan: After Grotowski: The End of the Impossible Theater, trans. Krystyna Bittenek, “Theatre Quarterly” 1980, Summer, vol. 10 (TQ 38), pp. 27–37.
  72. Kott Jan: Grotowski, or the Limit, translated by Jadwiga Kosicka, “New Theatre Quarterly” 1990, August, no. 6, pp. 203–206; also [in:] The Grotowski Sourcebook…, pp. 306–311.
  73. Kuharski Allen J.: Jerzy Grotowski’s First Lecture at the College de France, “Slavic and East European Performance” 1997, 17, 2, pp. 16–20.
  74. Kumiega Jennifer: Grotowski/The Mountain Project, “Dartington Theatre Papers” 1978, series 2, number 9; also [in:] The Grotowski Sourcebook.
  75. Kumiega Jennifer: Grotowski’s Laboratory Theater, [in:] Braun Edward: The Director and the Stage: from Naturalism to Grotowski, Methuen, London and Holmes & Meyer, New York 1982, pp. 191–200.
  76. Kustow Michael: The Vanishing Vanguard, [in:] Kustow Michael, Theatre@risk, Methuen, London 2000, pp. 149–152.
  77. Kustow Michale: Ludens Mysterium Tremendum et Fascinosum, “Encore” 1963, October, pp. 9–14.
  78. Kwiatkowski Jerzy: Wewnątrz Kordiana, „Współczesność” 1962 nr 13, z 1–15 lipca, s. 4. Przedruk: „Performer” 2016 nr 11–12.
  79. Lamont Rosette C.: Jerzy Grotowski: Towards a Secular Ritual, „Drama & Theatre” 1970–1971, Winter, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 84–89.
  80. Lau Jerzy: Poszukiwacze teatru środka, „Argumenty” 1961 nr 4, z 22 stycznia, s. 8. Przedruk: „Performer” 2016 nr 11–12.
  81. Lavy, Jennifer: Theoretical Foundations of Grotowski's Total Act, Via Negativa, and Conjunctio Oppositorum, “The Journal of Religion and Theatre”2005, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 175–188.
  82. Leiter Samuel L.: Jerzy Grotowski, [in:] Leiter Samuel L.: The Great Stage Directors: 100 Distinguished Careers of the Theater, foreword Simon Callow, Facts on File, New York 1994, pp. 126–129.
  83. Leja Magda: Cudzoziemka w Opolu, „Sztandar Młodych” 1961 nr 5, z 6 stycznia, s. 2. Przedruk: „Performer” 2016 nr 11–12.
  84. Lendra I Wayan, Bali and Grotowski: Some Parallels in the Training Process and Motions: A Detailed Description, “TDR: A Journal of Performance Studies 1991, Spring, vol. 35, 1 (T129), pp. 113–139; also [in:] The Grotowski Sourcebook…, pp. 312–327.
  85. de la Luz Hurtado Maria: Influencia de Grotowski en el teatro latinoamericano (desde Chile), „Apuntes de Teatro” (Santiago) 1989, nr 99, pp. 97–104.
  86. Martin Jacqueline: A ‘Poor Language’ Approach: Jerzy Grotowski, [in:] Martin Jacqueline: Voice in Modern Theatre, Routledge, London – New York 1991, pp. 69–75.
  87. Mennen Richard: Grotowski’s Paratheatrical Projects, “TDR: A Journal of Performance Studies” 1975, December, vol. 19, 4 (T68), pp. 58–69.
  88. Meyer-Dinkgrafe Daniel: Grotowski, [in:] Meyer-Dinkgrafe Daniel: Approaches to Acting: Past and Present, Continuum, London – New York 2001, pp. 74–80.
  89. Milling Jane and Ley Graham: Grotowski and Theoretical Training, [in:] Millg Jane and Ley Graham: Modern Theories of Performance: From Stanislavsky to Boal, Palgrave, Houndsmills – Basingstoke – Hampshire 2001, pp. 117–141.
  90. Mitter Shomit: Let Be: Jerzy Grotowski and Peter Brook, [in:] Mitter Shomit: Systems of Rehearsal: Stanislavsky, Brecht, Grotowski and Brook, Routledge, London – New York 1992, pp. 78–134.
  91. Myers Lars: Postscript in New York: Grotowski after Grotowski, „Slavic and East European Performance” 2000, Summer, 20, 2, pp. 43–47.
  92. Nawrot Teresa: Katharsis ist von uns unabhängig, [w:] Es war Leben, kein Schauspiel. Festschrift aus Anlass des 250. Jubiläums des Őffentlichen Theaters in Polen, Polnisches Institut Wien, 2015, s. 49–56.
  93. Ndukaku Amankulor James: Jerzy Grotowski’s „Divination Consultation”. Objective Drama Seminar at U.C. Irvine, „TDR: A Journal of Performance Studies” 1991, Spring, vol. 35, no. 1 (T 129), pp. 155–164, also [in:] The Grotowski Sourcebook…, pp. 356–367.
  94. Newham Paul: Grotowski – Towards an Archetypal Theatre, [in:] Newham Paul: The Sging Cure: An Introduction to Voice Movement Therapy, foreword by Andrew Samuels, Shambhala, Boston 1994, pp. 101–103.
  95. Notes From the Temple: A Grotowski Seminar, an interview with Margaret Croyden by Erika Munk and Bill Coco, „TDR: A Journal of Performance Studies” 1969, Fall, vol. 14, no. 1 (T45), pp. 178–183.
  96. Núñez Nicolás: Grotowski, [in:] Núñez Nicolás: Anthropocosmic Theatre: Rite in the Dynamics of Theatre, translation Ronan J. Fitzsimons, edited with a foreword by Deborah Middleton, Harwood Academic Publishers, Amsterdam 1996, pp. 51–64.
  97. On Grotowski: A Series of Critiques (Stefan Brecht, Peter L. Feldman, Donald M. Kaplan, Jan Kott, Charles Ludlam, Donald Richie), „TDR: A Journal of Performance Studies” 1970, Winter, vol. 14, no. 2 (T46), s. 178–211, also [in:] The Grotowski Sourcebook…, p. 118–152.
  98. Osiński Zbigniew: Jerzy Grotowski, [in:] Theatrical Directors: A Biographical Dictionary, ed. John Fick and Stephen Vallillo, Greenwood Press, London–Westport 1994, p. 170–172.
  99. Osiński Zbigniew: Grotowski Blazes the Trails, translated by Ann Herron and Halina Filipowicz, edited by Halina Filipowicz, “TDR: A Journal of Performance Studies 1991, Spring, vol. 35, 1 (T129), pp. 95–112; also [in:] The Grotowski Sourcebook…, pp. 385–403.
  100. Panasewicz Jerzy:7 dni w teatrze, „Express Ilustrowany” 1963 nr 52, z 2–3 marca, s. 4. Przedruk: „Performer” 2016 nr 11–12.
  101. Paszula Jerzy: Notes on a Rehearsal of ‘The Gospel’. Using Theatre Laboratory Methods, “Young Cinema and Theatre” (Praga) 1968 no. 3, pp. 42–46.
  102. Pilátová Jana: Dělat jen to, o čem z hloubi duše vim, że to má smysl, „Dramatické uměni” 1990, s. 74–79.
  103. Ponte di Pino Oliviero: Tracce di un romanzo di formazione nella Polonia degli anni Cinquanta. Appunti di un non-Grotowskian, „Teatro e Storia” 2015 nr 36, s. 175–186.
  104. Puzyna Konstanty: A Myth Vivisected: Grotowski’s Apocalypsis, “TDR: A Journal of Performance Studies” 1971, Fall vol. 15, 4 (T52), pp. 36–46; also [in:] The Grotowski Sourcebook…, pp. 83–88.
  105. Puzyna Konstanty: Grotowski and Polish Romantic Drama, trans. Jacob Conrad, “Theatre Three” 1988, Spring, no. 4, pp. 45–50.
  106. Ronen Dan: A Workshop with Ryszard Cieślak, “TDR: A Journal of Performance Studies” 1978, December, vol. 22, 4 (T80), pp. 67–76.
  107. Roose-Evans James: Grotowski and the Poor Theatre, [in:] James Roose-Evans: Experimental Theatre from Stanislavsky to Today, New York, Universe Books, 1970, pp. 62–64, 129–130.
  108. Rudakova Irina: ”Action is Literal”: Ritual Typology and ‘Ritual Arts’ [in:] Theatre and Holy Script, edited by Shimon Levy, Sussex Academic Press, Brighton – Portland 1999, pp. 22–33.
  109. Ruffini, Franco: Tertium datur: il Perfomer e l'attore, “Teatro e Storia” 1988, no. 2 (anno III, no. 5), pp. 273–280.
  110. Ruffini, Franco: La stanza vuota. Uno studio sul libro di Jerzy Grotowski, “Teatro e Storia” 1998–1999, no. 20–21, pp. 455–485.
  111. Ruffini, Franco: Grotowski: memoria e discontuinita, “Teatro e Storia” 2005, no. 26, p. 407–425.
  112. Salata Kris: Towards the Non-(Re)presentational Actor: From Grotowski to Richards, “TDR: The Drama Review. The Journal for Performance Studies”, Summer 2008 52:2 T 198, pp. 107–125.
  113. Schechner Richard: Performer Training Interculturally, [in:] Schechner Richard: Between Theater and Anthropology, foreword by Victor Turner, University of Philadelphia Press, Philadelphia 1985, pp. 213–260.
  114. Schechner Richard: From Ritual to Theater and Back: The Efficiacy-Entertainment Braid, [in:] Schechner Richard: Performance Theory, revised and expanded ed.,: Routledge, London – New York 1988, pp. 106–152.
  115. Schechner Richard: Exoduction: Shape-shifter, shaman, trickster, artist, adept, director, leader, Grotowski, [in:] The Grotowski Sourcebook, edited by Richarda Schechnera and Lisa Wolford, Routledge, London- New York 1997, p. 462–495.
  116. Schevill James: Break Out: In Search of New Theatrical Environments, Chicago: The Swallow Press, 1973, pp. 276–293.
  117. Schwerin von Krosigk Barbara: Rituelle Künste. Zur jüngsten Theaterarbeit von Jerzy Grotowski, „Tanz Aktuell” November 1990, nr 11, pp. 6–10.
  118. Shevtsova, Maria: Universal Theatre/Universal Culture? Brook, Grotowski and Barba, [in:] Shevtsova, Maria:Sociology of Theatre and Performance, QuiEdit, Verona 2009, pp. 113–130.
  119. Simon John: Grotowski’s Grotesqueries, [in:] Simon John: Singularities: Essays on the Theater, 1964–1973, Random House, New York 1975, pp. 148–163.
  120. Sito Jerzy S.: Dialektyka przemian, „Polityka” 1960 nr 42, z 15 października, s. 7. Przedruk: „Performer” 2016 nr 11–12.
  121. Slowiak James: Grotowski: The Teacher, “Slavic and East European Performance” 2000, Summer, 20, 2, pp. 28–30.
  122. Smith Michael: Theatre Trip, Indianapolis, New York, Bobbs-Merril Company 1969, pp. 52–72, 82–88.
  123. Stokfiszewski Igor: Art as Vehicle of Community: The Works of the Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards in Pontedera, Italy, 2009–2012, „Polish Theatre Journal” 2016 nr 2.
  124. Szczawińska Weronika: Grotowski e il suo fantasma. Alcune note sui „Teksty zebrane”, „Teatro e Storia” 2015 no. 36, s. 163–174.
  125. Śnieciński Marek: Maciej Stawiński on Rena Mirecka’s „Human Theatre”, [in:] Rena Mirecka. Teatr człowieczy. Maciej Stawiński: 30 fotografii z lat 1980–2010, trans. Robert Ellis, Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego, Wrocław 2011, pp. 5–7.
  126. Taviani Ferdinando: Commento a il “Performer”, Teatro e Storia” 198, no. 2 (anno III, no. 5), pp. 259–272.
  127. Taviani Ferdinando: Cieślak pro memoria, co L'ultima intervista di Ryszard Cieślak, “Teatro e Storia” 1991, no. 1 (anno VI, no. 10), pp. 179–201; English translation: In Memory of Ryszard Cieślak, “New Theatre Quarterly” 1992, August, 8 (NTQ 31), pp. 249–261; also [in:] The Grotowski Sourcebook…, pp. 189–206.
  128. Taviani Ferdinando: Grotowski posdomani. Ventuno rifflessioni sulla doppia visuale, “Teatro e Storia” 1998–1999, no 20–21, pp. 391–420.
  129. Temkine Raymonde: Le théâtre psycho-dynamique de Jerzy Grotowski. Expérience de théâtre total, „Les Lettres Nouvelles” X 1963, nr 31, s. 121–133.
  130. Turner Victor: From Ritual to Theatre: The Human Seriousness of Play, PAJ Publications, New York 1982, pp. 116–120.
  131. Vinař Josef: Divadlo Jerzyho Grotowského. Prvé, teda divadelné obdobie Teatra Laboratorium 1959-1966. Przełożył i wstęp napisał: Damian Vizár. Okresné osvetové stredisko, Banská Bystrica 1990.
  132. Waldmann Max: The Constant Prince – A Portfolio, „TDR: A Journal of Performance Studies” 1970, Winter, vol. 14, no. 2 (T46), s. 164–177.
  133. Wiles Timothy J.: Toward Catharsis of Actor and Audience in the Theatre of Cruelty and the Poor Theater, [in:] Wiles Timothy J.: The Theater Event: Modern Theories of Performance, University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1980, pp. 111–178.
  134. Winterbottom Jr. Philip: Two Years before the Master, “TDR: A Journal of Performance Studies 1991, Spring, vol. 35, 1 (T129), pp. 140–154.
  135. Wolford Lisa: Subjective Reflections on Objective Work. Grotowski in Irvine, “The Drama Review” Vol. 35, Spring 1991, nr 1 (T 129), pp. 165–180; also [in:] The Grotowski Sourcebook..., p. 326–347.
  136. Wolford Lisa: Grotowski’s Vision of the Actor: the Search for Contact, [in:] Twentieth Century Actor Training, edited by Alison Hodge, Routledge, London – New York 2000, pp. 209–223; second expanded edition: 2010, pp. 199–214.
  137. Wolford Wylam Lisa: Living Tradition: Continuity of Research at the Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards, “TDR: The Journal for Performance Studies”, 52. 2 (T198), Summer 2008, pp. 126–149.
  138. Wolford Lisa: Ambivalent Positionings: Grotowski’s Art as Vehicle and the Paradox of Categorization, [in:] Performer Training: Developments Across Cultures, edited by Ian Watson, Harwood Academic Publishers, Amsterdam 2001, pp. 117–132.
  139. Wolford Lisa: Approaching Grotowski’s Work-Without-Witness, “Slavic and East European Performance” 1995, Fall, 15, 3, pp. 16–25.
  140. Wolford Lisa: Action: The Unrepresentable Origin, “TDR: A Journal of Performance Studies” 1996, Winter, 40, 4 (T152), pp. 134–153; also [in:] The Grotowski Sourcebook…, pp. 409–431 (the abridged version).
  141. Wolford Lisa: The Grotowski Influence: A Reassessment, “Canadian Theatre Review”, 1996, Fall, no. 88, pp. 38–43.
  142. Wolford Lisa: Grotowski’s Art as Vehicle: the Invention of an Esoteric Tradition, “Performance Research” 1998, Winter, 3, 3, pp. 85–95.
  143. Zdanowicz Janina: Uwspółcześniony Majakowski (w opolskim Teatrze 13 Rzędów), „Ekran” 1960 nr 35, z 28 sierpnia, s. 10. Przedruk: „Performer” 2016 nr 11–12.
  144. Zagórski Jerzy: Między heroizmem a zuchwałością, „Kurier Polski” 1960 nr 84, z 8 kwietnia, s. 4. Przedruk: „Performer” 2016 nr 11–12.
  145. Zagórski Jerzy: Zasypane źródło, „Kurier Polski” 1961 nr 276, z 17 listopada, s. 4. Przedruk: „Performer” 2016 nr 11–12.
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Bibliografia prac o Jerzym Grotowskim i Teatrze Laboratorium (2024)


W którym roku zmarł Jerzy Grotowski? ›

25 lat temu, 14 stycznia 1999 roku, zmarł Jerzy Grotowski – reżyser, jeden z największych reformatorów teatru w XX wieku, współzałożyciel wrocławskiego, eksperymentalnego Teatru Laboratorium i twórca koncepcji „teatru ubogiego”.

Jak nazywa się teatr alternatywny założony przez Jerzego Grotowskiego i Ludwika Flaszena? ›

termin stworzony przez Ludwika Flaszena opisujący podstawowe cechy przedstawień Grotowskiego począwszy od Akropolis.

Kto zapoczątkował teatr? ›

Początek rozwoju greckiej tragedii dał Pizystrat, który, ustanawiając Wielkie Dionizje, trwale wprowadził do Aten obrzędy ludowe i podniósł je do rangi święta. Wprowadzenie aktora, który zaczyna podejmować dialog z chórem, przypisuje się tradycyjnie Tespisowi z Ikarii (VI w. p.n.e.).

Kto zalozyl pierwszy teatr w Polsce? ›

W 1765 roku w Warszawie otwarto Teatr Narodowy. Powstał on z inicjatywy króla Stanisława Augusta Poniatowskiego, który zdawał sobie sprawę, że państwo wymaga reform nie tylko politycznych, ale i społecznych.

Kogo nazywano ojcem teatru narodowego? ›

Każdy, kto choć raz odwiedził Teatr Narodowy, musiał przechodzić obok pomnika Wojciecha Bogusławskiego dłuta Jana Szczepkowskiego. Wyfraczony mężczyzna z cylindrem w ręku wydaje się taksować w powadze mijającą go publiczność. Nazywa się go ojcem polskiej sceny narodowej.

Jak nazywa się goleniowski alternatywny teatr? ›

Teatr Brama został założony w Goleniowie, w 1996 r. przez Daniela Jacewicza. Nazwa teatru wzięła się od jego pierwszej siedziby – Bramy Wolińskiej. Dziś Brama jest znanym w Polsce i na świecie niezależnym teatrem alternatywnym, tworzącym w Goleniowie tętniące życiem środowisko kulturalne.

Kto jest twórcą teatru Narodowego? ›

Stanisław August Poniatowski (1732–1798) – król Polski w latach 1764–1795 jako Stanisław II August; ostatni władca Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów. W 1765 z jego woli założono Teatr Narodowy.

Na czym polegał teatr antyczny? ›

Publiczność w antycznym teatrze nosiła właśnie nazwę theatron. Teatry antyczne cechowała doskonała akustyka – najcichszy szept słyszalny był nawet w ostatnich rzędach publiczności. Dodatkowo, funkcję nagłaśniającą pełniły maski, odpowiednio wzmacniające głos aktora.

Gdzie powstał teatr antyczny? ›

Teatr antyczny narodził się w Atenach. Początkowo związany był z obrzędami religijnymi ku czci Dionizosa, boga wina. Święta te odbywały się dwa razy w roku.

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